


4 years, 10 months ago





Species Pelipper

Nature Quirky
Area Met Route 1

Ability Drizzle

Elain is a bookish, friendly Pelipper with a quirky streak. She’s a bit chaotic and loves to battle, but she isn’t afraid to help out her teammates either!

Early Days

Elain was one of the first members to join the team, and she stood out as being a keen battler and a chipper conversationalist–provided she didn’t have her beak shoved in a book, anyways. She began staying away from the team more when Woody evolved and his advances began making her uncomfortable, but she soon found friends in some of the other girls on the team.

Current Days

Elain has become a powerhouse of the team, but battling strong opponents isn’t the only thing she does. She also helps Catalyst and Samantha with their training, making sure the fire-types don’t burn down the whole region in their quests to get stronger. She’s also proven to be surprisingly perceptive, picking up on the inner struggles of several teammates and attempting to help–in her own way, that is. Although Elain is a bit of an odd bird, she’s largely liked by her teammates, and even gets along with Woody these days.


Elain was one of Catalyst’s only friends on the team before Catalyst withdrew from them following Bug’s death. She’s been sure to support Catalyst as much as she can, but sometimes Elain has to speak up when she feels Catalyst is going too far.

GIRL SQUAD! Elain and Violet don’t hang out together super often, but they enjoy each others’ company when they do! They’ve bonded over their shared efforts to teach Samantha some basic manners, and the two occasionally work together in order to further this aim.

Although Woody originally made Elain uncomfortable with his open advances, ever since she told him to back off and he properly apologized, the two have been friends. Woody occasionally confides in Elain, much to her amusement, and she reminds Woody to perhaps not declare his love before the first date. Needless to say, she’s a great influence on him.