


9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


the Trickster


Dark (chaotic/integral)

Elemental Affinities

nighttime, the moon, thieves, space, entertainers, etc.


4th month (Serpenam)

Legendary Creature


Weapon of Choice



short and wide


male (he/him)




chaotic, annoying, prankster


general chaos, his trusty scythe, chumps


Sonata, stuck-up people, conversations that open with "we need to talk"


sly, great sense of humor, powers give him amazing sneaking ability


sometimes takes "jokes" too far, can act bratty, deliberately gets on others' nerves


nocsym.pngOn the planet of Rixile, there exist ten gods.

The deity of the Dark element, Nocturne is seen as a legendary force of chaos and mirth by his people, and an annoyance to everyone else.  He's said to be able to look into parallel dimensions, and quite enjoys getting on the other deities' nerves.  He's certainly not all bark, however; like his own people, he should never be underestimated.  

Once upon a time, in a war that laid waste to his territory, Nocturne was "killed," causing calamity throughout the world.  As a deity, he simply slowly reincarnated, but the stories vary from there.  Magna Pyra teaches that Nocturne had never been the same afterwards, but more hostile territories like Statica state that he died for real.

Nocturne's main allyship lies with Ignus, but this alliance of two controversial gods has made even more of the pantheon irritated with them.  Sonata might as well be his mortal enemy.

He hasn't shown himself for centuries, but his people can feel him in the calming glow of the moon, and in the shelter every shadow provides.  His symbol represents a crescent moon.

  • In Rixile lore, the element of Dark is considered chaotic and integral--chaotic in that it is transient and mutable, as shadows constantly change in step with the light, and integral in that the cycles of the planet cannot flow forward without it.
  • The other chaotic elements are Thunder, FireAir, and Water, while the only other integral element is Light, thus considered Nocturne's opposite.

Additional Worldbuilding Information:

Race: DarklingsDarkling_clothes.png

Darklings are of average build, being slightly tall with mild bulk; their immediate feature being the fact they appear to be entirely black and white.  They possess pigments under their skin which they can bring to the surface as camouflage, not unlike a chameleon.  They've even developed clothing that works with this ability.  They have a keen eye for color and can even notice minute differences in hue--a darkling fooling another darkling is an impressive feat.  Even their "black and white" appearance is a deception; their skin and hair colors are actually colored in ways that are simply hard for non-darklings to see.

umbrosen1.pngTerritory: Umbrosen

Umbrosen has a cooler temperate climate, though pollution is a threat.  Out of all the territories, Nocturne’s has suffered the hardest in terms of losing ground.  Without the large landmass in a place like Quartanto or Shim-Dewrias, Umbrosen feels downright cramped with the other races slowly encroaching on the darklings, both friendly and hostile, with the soli being the biggest offenders.

Sanctuary: The Gatewayumbrosen.png

The Gateway used to be a large door/arch-type structure leading into a gigantic portal said to be Nocturne’s hideaway, and the “gateway” to spacetime…but the door structure was destroyed during a great war by blitzers and meks, symbolically erasing Nocturne's presence in the world.  Its ruins still stand in Umbrosen today, mostly as a tourist attraction.