πŸ”ͺ The Spy πŸ‡



3 years, 9 months ago



πŸ‡ The Spy (Elias Aphelion) πŸ”ͺ

Competetive β€’ Dedicated β€’ Ambitious


Spy, Ellie




May 27th
















history (TW NEGLECT)

Spy was raised on Congeria, a organization made to raise elite workers for Omne, and rival Armonia. Rejected and usually ignored or forgotten about by Anya and the other people meant to help care for the children there, Spy began feeling like there was something wrong with him that made him unable to be loved by those around him. In comparision to Armonia, Congeria was a lot more cut-throat and competetive than Armonia could ever dream to be, showing any kind of weakness (including things like crying) was forbidden and resulted in punishment. the people there being told their whole lives that all that mattered was what they achieved for Omne, this mindset especially went to spy's head, as he started to believe that the only way to be noticed or be loved is to achieve as much as possible, and that all weakness had to be hidden at all costs.

He began working harder and trained as hard as he could, working his way to the top. But even after his best attempts to be the best, he was constantly ignored and looked over by his peers and the people who were supposed to be his guardians. This is when he stumbled upon the idea for his plan.

After finding old information on an ancient power, he began a plan to make a machine that could bring it back, and make him the most powerful being in the galaxy. He thought if this went right, he could finally get the recognition and love he deserved, so he took up the new alias "The Spy" and became a new person overnight. He started playing the persona of a cunning mastermind that could take on anyone, and could achieve anything, but sadly for him, nobody could buy it, as everyone could see the emotional, resentful, and overachieving child underneath it all.

He tried to pitch his idea to the board at Omne, but to his dismay was denied and told that his idea was silly and outlandish, but he didn't let that stop him. After a certain stunt Anya witnessed involving his machine, he was paired with his new Captor team, known as "The league of Chaos", but again sadly for him his teammates were less than willing to co-operate.

On a fateful mission that would change his life forever, he met the warriors of peace, lead by Lia (who he calls Cross) and after being defeated for what would be the first time in his life, he swore that Lia and the warriors were his new enemies, and the only things standing in the way of getting what he wanted. So he venged to make them pay for what they had done, he wasn't going to give up no matter what, and he wasn't going to let anyone take this from him.

Β "One track mind, One track heart, if I fail I'll fall apart. Maybe it is all a test, cause I feel like I'm the worst so I always act like I'm the best."Β 






Light Purple

design notes

  • Β You can draw him with or without the mask! There's a ref for him without his mask if you need it.Β 
  • Β His mask can make different expressions so have fun with thatΒ 
  • Β His hair is LONG and NOT PIGTAILSΒ 

WORTH: forever homed


Spy is a very flamboyant, intelligent and INCREDIBLY competitive boy. He puts his all into everything he does, striving to be the best and to get what he wants no matter what. Taking great pride into what he can achieve, he shows off a sense of bravado like no other when around others, though of course, this is just an act, as underneath his extravagant persona is someone reeking of insecurity and self hatred.

Although he is quite outgoing and definitely tries to make his mark the second he steps into the room, he tends to spend a lot of his time alone either working on his machine or planning to take down the warriors of peace. He finds comfort in isolation, but ends up being lonely as it is hard for him to make intimate bonds with people due to his own fear of vulnerability and generally β€œweird” personality.

On the topic of the warriors, he has quite the vendetta against them (not only for the reason being them standing in the way of his plans). He feels strong hatred for Lia mainly stemming from his jealousy of her. Lia seemed perfect to Spy, a person who was the complete opposite of what he was, she was kind, a leader, open, and most of all, loved. Lia being given all this attention and love for a β€œprophecy” based on nothing but pure luck is something Spy envies as Lia gets to be adored for doing nothing at all while he has to work himself to death just to get a chance at being under the spotlight.

Craving validation from his peers (especially from his role models like those at Omne) he does nearly anything to catch peoples attention, whether it be his appearance or his achievements he will go out of his way to make himself seem appealing, even if most of those attempts end up nearly never working. This need for outside validation makes him incredibly easy to manipulate, as even the slightest bit of flattery can convince him to place his trust into the wrong people.

He believes that the path he's on is destiny, that his machine will prove everyone wrong in what they thought about him, and that he will come out on top no matter what. Spy needs to feel recognized to feel secure, so he will go out of his way to throw himself into danger if it’ll means a chance to be seen by those he admires. This mindset leads him to being VERY impulsive to the point of near self sabotage just to feel like he’s ahead even for a moment, constantly treating things as if they were a competition.

Spy is also, to put it simply, a huge fucking bastard, and likes putting on the "evil mastermind" persona and flaunting about how awesome and cool he is, thinking that if he plays this up enough he'll actually start believing it, but unfortunately this band aid fix won’t repair his crippling self esteem issues (sorry grape man).

The concept of being vulnerable shakes Spy to his core, any β€œweak” emotion just feels like a free ticket into him getting hurt again, so he represses his pain and pretends that nothing could ever break him like it did before. It doesn’t help he’s very sensitive (which isn’t a bad thing of course!) making him prone to crying or flaming up easily, which just makes him hate himself even more than before.

All of this is listing his personality before his development in story! I can't really talk abt much beyond that because Spoilers but hey!!! you know a little bit about him now yaaaay BUT I will say his life and view on himself gets better with time I swear


Guardian/Parental Figure

β€’ β€’

Anya often ignored or never paid attention to Spy growing up, and passed him off as just another child. This lead to Spy both resenting and desperately wanting to be loved by her for most of his life, leaving him with quite complicated feelings about her.


β€’ β€’

Spy resents Lia because of his jealousy for her. He envies and despises her for living the life he wants and for constantly getting in his way to obtain it. He takes their rivalry very seriously and acts like some dumbass super villian all the time whenever they meet.






robot friend..

Oh No! - Marina and the Diamonds
