(WIP) Russell Ritchi



3 years, 9 months ago


Russell Ritchi

20 / trans man(he/him) / bisexual / 5'7

-Works as a black market smuggler of various illegal goods, occasionally for the rebels (same as Georgia, they're good friends in fact. They do lots of dumb chaotic shit together). He’s been working for the smugglers ever since he was a young teenager, after running away from home. He knows a fair bit about breaking magic seals and locks, and also knows a lot of useful people.

-Cheerful and rowdy. Very jock-ish, works out a lot and calls everyone dude and bro. He's a pretty nice guy actually? He is a petty criminal and a bit of an airhead, but he’s friendly and has a good heart. He’s quite loyal to his friends, and is surprisingly dependable.

- Not very book smart, but has a lot of street smarts. He's very strong physically(magically, not so much) but tends to rely more on charisma than anything else.