


7 years, 14 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name



Tähtis, in some cases Polaris


Dog (Mixed herding dog)


Young adult




Afuel (part of the hunting group)





Pohjantähti is talkative, approachable, friendly, lazy and a bit vain. She gets easily excited but loses interest just as fast. She is also pretty worried about not being special enough to have any kind of impact on matters she sees as important. That's why she has developed herself a "superhero persona" Polaris, who is a mysterious dog with supernatural powers of foreseeing and distinguishing good from evil (these are actually just based on her keen herding instincts) as well as some amusingly named diversion tactics as Tähtis is actually very afraid of fighting.


Tähtis is an average sized herding dog with fluffy fur, half drooping ears, slightly sloping back and a little bit too much weight. She is mainly white, but she has seven black dots on her face and her nose and claws are black as well. Her eyes have two different shades of brown in them. She has a leathery collar around her neck. She is 55 cm high and weights 30 kg.


Pohjantähti was born into a sheep farm in New Zealand. She never showed too much promise as a working dog as she was somewhat lazy and even showed signs of having interest in hunting. That's why she was sold to an Asian businessman who was visiting the farm and talked about his wife's search of White Swiss Shepherd. Thanks to the language barrier he was a bit misunderstood and got himself a dog that was white and shepherd but not an actual pure breed dog he would've wanted. He realized the confusion only after leaving the country with a luxurious ship, so in order to cover his mistake he dropped the puppy into the ocean with a life ring and hoped she would sail back to the shore. The white dog did find land after a while, but instead of New Zealand it was the shore of Andriaana.

As Pohjantähti didn't know anything about living in wild she was still in trouble after landing, but fortunately two friends Ardante and Othello soon crossed paths with her. The young puppy latched into the company of two older males and by them she was introduced to her new environment and what she needed to learn in order to survive in it. She wasn't all that hard-working student, but hunting was one thing she learned to love. That's why she was taken into the hunting group of Afuel as soon as she had grown enough to join the pack and start living mostly on her own.

In Afuel Tähtis made new friends and felt mostly good about herself whenever she could help the pack with her hunting skills. Though something did still bother her: she didn't have a clear goal in life. She had grown in a place where herding was the whole purpose of life for most dogs and even her foster father Ardante was destined to fight an evil organization of Lahko among his family. Compared to all of that Pohjantähti started to grow afraid of not getting anything important done in her life, no matter how young she still was. That's why she decided to develop herself a heroic persona Polaris, who was much cooler and more suited to change the world than plain old Pohjantähti. It all started more as a harmless play than anything, but eventually Tähtis wasn't always sure anymore who was more real, she or Polaris.

What was behind Pohjantähti's mind getting so badly shaken up and confused was the poor state Andriaana was currently slipping into. Lahko was constantly gaining more power and before Tähtis completely realized how bad the situation was, her pack Afuel was already the last pack Lahko hadn't either taken over or eradicated. Finally even Afuel was surrounded and isolated into a cold snowy field with no food or shelter and they were given two choices: either surrender or freeze to death. Pohjantähti was one of the canines who gave in and left her more loyal pack mates behind in order to survive. Though as soon as she could she slipped away from her captors, sought out her old life ring and swam away from Andriaana. Where she went after that is so far not known.


  • Pohjantähti means Northern star in Finnish.
  • As well as hunting Tähtis is generally pretty interested in nature.
  • Uses spoken language (puhekieli) while speaking and repeats the word "niinku" quite often.

About the character

  • Created in 2011. (Precisely 20.11.2011 at 20.11 o'clock.)
  • The last official character I created for Andriaana.
  • Original character info can be found here.