
Avarris Character Directory

The Avarris Pantheon

The gods are the ones who created Avivir and the Avarris. They are responsible for keeping the balance and helping their children develop. What a specific god does differs from one another, but they all work together in the end, even if they can not stand certain other gods.



Ageless . Female . The Mother Dragon

Ankarresh is one of the most known of the Avarris gods. In folklore she deals with the life cycle of everything on Arivir. She is commonly referred to as either the White Lady, or Mother Dragon.

Some Avarris believe the sun to be an incarnation of Ankarresh, that she became the sun after her first children were murdered. Others believe it to be a symbol she made, to show her love for her children.

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Ageless . Male . God of Order and time

A'vock is the one who created the Skarrid to show his love for his wife, Ankarresh. He is the only god, to his council's knowledge, that still roams Arivir. He felt responsible for the world after Ankarresh left to rejoin the stars.

A'vock is locked in a heated argument with his sibling, Naenarvas. He beleives that they are the reason the first Skarrid was murdered, and that they drove his love away.

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Ageless . Whatever . God of Chaos

Naenarvas is commonly very misunderstood. According to most Avarris they are jealous of A'vock and Ankarresh, and wish to destroy Arivir by spreading curses to the Avarris. Most Avarris have forgotten that this god used to rule over the night sky, and simply wished to bless the young race so they could see and admire their creation.

They are unwillingly locked into a fight with their brother, A'vock. He refuses to hear their apology for making a mistake, and in turn grew to despise him. Naenarvas handed Arivir primal magic, and sat back to see what would unfold. While they didn't wish any ill will upon them, they saw their brother reflected in them.

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Ageless . Female . God of Justice

Jaserr'ra is the godess of Justice and a very popular godess among Avarris that work in law. She is commonly seen in statues in front of large court houses, originally believed to condemn wrongdoers and let the innocent go free.

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The council of A'vock

The Skarrid that make up this council are the first Avarris A'vock and Ankarresh created, working together with A'vock to keep Arivir safe and the Avarris happy. They act both as guardians and as a governing body, instating laws trough vote and keeping balance in the public.



5000+ . Male . Libra

Estriis is the oldest Skarrid still alive, however not many outside of the council know him as such. In fact, there are few who know him outside of the council, as he only involves himself with Skarrid matters. He acts as sort of a guardian figure to the other council members, making sure they're safe.

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3000+ . Non-Binary . Virgo

Tesei is often assumed to be the oldest of the Skarrid, as they are by far the most responsible of the bunch, and the oldest still alive. They are usually the deciding vote in the council, but also do a lot of damage control when some less... favorable things happen.

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Unknown . Female . Aquarius

Nephthys is never seen and is more myth than Skarrid. A fountain stands before the great spire the council conducts business in, that's supposedly made in her name. On a specific day the fountain's water turns a blood-red. For what reason is unknown, but most Avarris assume it cursed.

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Unknown . Female . Saggitarius

Nicayteh, like some of her other siblings, is more myth than Skarrid. She lives in a forest, but aside from that, little is known about her. Some argue that when you step into her part of the forest, she will track your every move and hunt you down if you disrespect her home.

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Unknown . Male . Leo

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260 . Male . Cancer

Camberis genuinely has no idea what's going on half of the time. He tries his best in the council but his decision making skills leave something to be desired. He's not that afraid of the modern Avarris, as the other council members might be. Although it might also be due to him being the only blind Skarrid, that he can see past their old actions and see an individual for who they are.

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Looks 26 . Male . Aries

Ezikiel lives to be in the spotlight, using his Skarrid abilities to reach even greater hights in his acting career. He is the only Skarrid that's openly in the public's eye and actually enjoys being there. He may not know a whole lot about the old times, but he won't let that hold him back.

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Unknown . Female . Scorpio

Igor is just here to shred and leave everyone in her dust.

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63 . Male . Gemini

Cassius is the childish and optimistic half of Gemini, usually not seeing the wrong in people. He doesn't understand crime and why there is a need for laws, can't everyone just get along?

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63 . Female . Gemini

Calixis is the pessimist and more mature half of Gemini. She's wary of people and has issues trusting them.

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62 . Female . Taurus

Ma'rani is unbelivably self-absorbed. She only really seems to think about herself and the things that could benefit her. She rarely ever takes the benefit of the other Avarris in mind, even going so far to avoid them alltogehter, and if they do see her, she will give them the cold shoulder and throw her drink their way.

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Unknown . Male . Capricorn

We don't speak about Capricorn or his antics.

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Story Important

Characters here have major plot points in the story of Arivir, but aren't part of the Council. These are characters that either have a large opposition to the Council, or are supporting of them and against the criminals that try to overthow them.


Giovanni Sarorn

86 . Male . Leader of the Hound's Head

Giovanni is the most notorious criminal of Arivir. The Vamarris is a constant thorn in the Council of A'vock's side and is actively trying to overthrow them. He is one of the few Avarris that is foolish enough to think that he can kill and capture a Skarrid and rear them for his own benefit.
He is a very paranoid in nature, and cares for little aside from himself and his wealth, as meaningless as it may be to an immortal.

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Diabourus Sarorn

86 . Male . Giovanni's left hand

Diabourus is Giovanni's right hand, and twin brother. He handles the more physical side of running a gang and solves problems the runners might run into, usually by breaking things. While he might work for his brother, he is by far not as evil as him. He genuinely only does the things he does because he wants to help Giovanni, feeling like family should help one another.

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Eydika Sarorn

135 . Female . Chief of Sa'vel's police department

It can be argued that Eydika is bad at her job, for not actively going after the leader of the hounds despite knowing exactly where he is. She claims she has different priotiries to focus on, like rooting out the cult that's popping up all over Manorra, but her co-workers suspect she simply refuses to arrest her children.

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Alrenil Ildarryn

2525 . Male . Medical Examiner

Alrenil is a strange one, having both ties to the hound as Giovanni's impromptu lawyer, but also working for the Sa'vel police as a medical examiner. He was originally suspected to be the source of the Vamarris epidemic that's popping up, primarily because of his ties to Giovanni, but that has since proven to be false. He is currently sent off to investigate the cult that seeks to dip the world into darkness, purely because he is a vampire and would ''fit in better'' according to Eydika.

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Unknown . Male . More important than he looks

Most Avarris know Avi'rii simply as a life coach, trying to make a better place for the others and help them better their lives. What most Avarris do not know about is that Avi'rii has a secret life of his own.

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