Strong Enough


[Fantasy/Action] | [Young Adult]


Strong Enough is a hardcore Nuzlocke of the game Pokemon Omega Ruby.

Maple is an adolescent Mudkip who grew up in the lab of Littleroot Town. After being stuck inside for so long, she makes a move to take life her own hands, and assemble her own team to be the first Pokemon to be a trainer. Though over time, things start building up to take her down, and she might find she's in over her head.

Trigger Warning

This comic contains or mentions the following



Major Character Death




Start reading the comic here!


made by Krisantyne




Maple is the protagonist of this story, a plucky little Marshtomp with dreams to take over the world! Or at least, to conquer the Hoenn Region as a trainer.

Maple has a lot of knowledge about pokemon battling, and about pokemon themselves, though as more and more challenges come up for her, she starts to notice her confidence waiver. Though she still tries to hold it together for the group.



Alli is the was the third member of the team. She was met on the way to Rustboro, where Maple was told to go for her first badge. Alli is the oldest of the group, and through that feels like a bit of a second leader, just under Maple herself.

Alli is gentle and tends to be understanding towards others. Despite being a good fighter, she tends to want to solve things with words rather than fighting. She tries to help out others when she can, though she doesn't always know what to do to help someone, and can make it worse before it's better.



Sean is a sassy cat met in Rustboro City. He has his doubts about the team, thinking the whole thing is just going to fall apart, yet for some reason he still sticks around.

This cat is a little hard to get along with, as he tends to argue with whoever tends to talk to them, and kind of just acts like he's better than them. Though maybe this could just be a front for something deeper about him. Who knows though

img here


Charcoal is an older pokemon, but she's still got all kinds of fight left in her!

She seems to act like the teams advisor, always seeming to know the right thing to say to everyone. Yet she still seems to tease the group a lot. Seeming to have a little fun messing with them a little.



A mysterious thief that Maple encountered in Petalburg Woods. He seems to be a part of a bigger group calling themselves Team Magma. Though what could that group and this man be up to really?

This guy tends to be a bit more cowardly, though he shows a lot of love and care towards his pokemon, which is surprising for someone who seems to be a part of some sort of crime group. But maybe he can have a change of heart one day, if shown kindness by the right person.



Ace is the first member that Maple added to the team. While he didn't really know what a team was or much about trainers, he was happy to join in and see the world.

He seems to be a friendly guy, and if you manage to make friends with him, you will have a loyal team member who will swear to protect you at all costs. Though he doesn't shy away from showing his distaste for someone, especially if they upset or hurt someone he cares about.



The youngest member of the group, they met Cabbage in Petalburg Woods, who wish to fight rather than talk. Though after spending a little time with Maple, decided to come along and fight the gyms with the group.

Cabbage is Fiery, and tends to get emotional quickly. Despite this he does engage with the others, and can tend to get along with them, as long as they don't take his outbursts to heart really. He also has a tendency to charge into battles, and rush things without thinking first, which has gotten him hurt on more than one occasion.



Mitzi was met in Slateport City, She was fascinated in watching after Maple and Ace chased away some team magma grunts out of the oceanic museum. She had always wanted a trainer to fight with, and decided to go and join maple's team after.

While she's still new on the team, she immediately took charge on the team, going to show her sassy personality, and teasing of others on the team. Though she does seem to genuinely want to help the others on the team, still often showing friendliness and kindness to them even despite her teasing.



The uh...Rival? Yeah let's go with rival, of our story! Xander isn't really sure why he's needed to chase after Maple and bring her back to his dad's lab, but he knows better than to argue against him.

Xander tends to be more chilled out and relaxed, not taking things too seriously. Though he does have a big heart for pokemon, especially for his Treecko, Chestnut. He can tend to get along better with pokemon, seeming to be more awkward talking with people.

Female Male Human Pokemon Wings Winged Monster male Ice Cat Electric female Alien Fox Water human Fish Pokmon trainer Psychic Mermaid