😇 The Overkings

😇 The Overkings

Among some of the most powerful beings in Entirety are the Overkings: the overseers of Heaven College and examplars of their virtue. Or, that's the way it should be. With how Heaven College has changed over the years, some of the Overking positions have been cycled through quite a bit, with those who disagree with the Holy Chancellor's new policies forced to stay quiet if they'd like to continue existing.

Only my Overkings are listed here. The Chastity and Kindness Overkings belong to memeduchess while the Diligence and Patience Overkings belong to Exuro.

humanoid female adopted my design hell college incomplete bio LF art male heaven college monster people human favs Student profile v1 profile v2 non-binary fav designs no nsfw art priorities october