Abyssal Colony

Abyssal Colony, Sea of Song & Devotion


Deep underneath the seas of Myrme lies the elusive Abyssal Colony, an underwater haven. The Ants here have been blessed with water-breathing by Beytte, granting them asylum from the warring land-dwellers. 

With their main population nestled deep into the Beytstable Trench, they make their home among bioluminescent fungi and fishes, keeping warm near hydrothermal vents and resting underneath barnacle-encrusted rooftops.

Though their seclusion safeguards them from many threats, Shell Colony's seafaring ways have enabled them to be a constant threat - especially as Abyssal attempts to claim epipelagic waters. In turn, Abyssal considers Shell their only true rivals.

Main Members

Leader: Sires
Director of Internal Affairs: Ataraxia
Commander of the Army: Elpida

 In general, Abyssals are isolationist, dedicated, stalwart, self-assured, private, and somber.

Their closest allies are Clover Colony, with whom they have had a peaceful armistice for many years. The two trade Clover's textiles and unrefined goods in return for Abyssal's gemstones and spellscrolls.

Their fiercest rivals are Shell Colony, who has continually raided and destroyed many of Abyssal's attempts at colonization outside their abyss. Distaste for them is boundless.

Areas & Territories

Capital: Atlantis
Other Cities: Whirlh Hollow

Abyssal lays claim to most of the eastern ocean, Beyt Ocean, and sections of the southwestern Palorme Ocean. Any water below 4000m is considered their territory, though they only patrol the Beytstable Abyssal Zone, near their capital.

Attempts to colonize other abyssopelagic waters are underways. Whirlh Hollow is currently in the midst of being established as a proper secondary city, in secret.

A minor outpost had been established in Laceria Crater, just northeast of Ink Colony's territories. An attack by Shell Colony decimated it completely in year 501,109.

coding by   kolo

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme a flame c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile immortal t lacraya v i