Main Stories: PPU

Folder containing characters from my main story universe, the Post-Panic Universe (PPU). 

The Post-Panic Universe is my main story universe. In it, all myths are true, and magic comes from belief. Mortals don't know that their world is inhabited by gods, pantheons and ghosts. To prevent mass conflict, all gods have submitted to organization in something called the Goddity System, which doles out power to gods by how much they are discussed, mentioned or actually worshiped.

At the top of the Goddity System are the Offsprings, eight gods in charge of maintaining reality. Helene of the Linean gods, while not one of the Offsprings, is a close collaborator who plays an important role in managing the ghosts that fall under the Offsprings' power.

Another key player in the Post-Panic Universe is Calpurnia Vinki, former mortal girl turned immortal servant to the Offsprings. As the Muse of Memory, Cal holds the true story of how the Post-Panic Universe came to be. Her closest friend is Veld, a snarky ghost with unusual abilities.

Visit the folders above to learn more about the characters and stories of the PPU. Cal and Veld will reside in this overarching folder, as well as the Traveler, who is the protagonist of his own story with its larger cast found in other folders.

heroesofthantopolis panicstories projectbuddi Progeny Offsprings anthro ghost homesteadghosts wolf god emotion webcomic avatar the fear itself being mons fox spirit demon cat