

We are the most unexpected mix of fucking freaks the world has ever seen.

Slice of Life

Many people live in the unassuming Staffordshire town of Denman, England, and they all have a variety of stories to tell.
There's Snake Bitez, the local rock band starting to make it big, the strange family of spirit channelers on the edge of town, that weirdo who you can sometimes spot sitting in the forest sharpening a knife...

The oddest story by a mile, though, pertains to a certain trio who woke up one morning in the spring of 2015, and were never the same.

Many characters suffer from poor mental health and cover themes such as depression, PTSD, anxiety, substance abuse, religious abuse, homophobia/transphobia, and suicide. Everyone has specifics on their own profiles.
Some of my profiles aren't finished yet, I have soooooo so so many things to say about these guys whomst i love

the vivacious

Martha Anderson The closest thing I have to a protagonist and a sweet, outgoing young woman who's seen sights and lived through trials no-one would believe. She's emotional, passionate, and determined - she never, ever gives up.
Best friends with Addison, who, despite their obvious differences, she seems to be tied to by fate. Martha has been dating Sylvi, who she lives with, for nearly 10 years. She's close with most of her family, and especially her grandma, Jude.

the rational

Addison Ellis The groups resident logical decision-maker. Addison is an enigma to a lot of people, strange, reclusive - and very private. They like it that way. Addison has a past just as dark as you might assume, and a confrontational streak. They can be extremely unfriendly and difficult, but they're very loyal to those they trust.
Best friends with Martha, who is their complete polar opposite. Dating Kai, who they live with. Addison is estranged from their family, which suits them perfectly.

the reckless

Matthew Navarro A troubled young man struggling to cope with his past and the pressures of playing in his semi-famous rock band. Matthew has a reputation as someone who is cocky, arrogant, and constantly trying to crack inappropriate jokes. He's a compulsive liar, and everything he says is filtered through 70 layers of irony.
Kai is his best friend, and a fellow bandmate. He has a problematic long-distance relationship with Dakota, and Charlie is his brother. He lives in a flat by himself.

the support

Kai London The unofficial mother of the group, Kai is responsible, kind, and sensible, but consistently fails to look after himself, allowing other people to take advantage of him, and winding up in bad situations. His rock band and especially their frontwoman, Iona, means that he's usually in a state of substantial stress.
Dating Addison, who he lives with. He's Matthew's best friend. Kai is very close with both his parents, Dominic and Indira.

the ambitious

Sylvi Dee Stubborn, outspoken, and principled, Sylvi has a lot to say and she's going to make sure people hear it. She's known for meddling in others affairs and offering unwanted advice, but most of this comes from a very genuine desire to help. Sylvi is also a spirit channeler from a renowned family of mediums.
Sylvi lives with Martha, who she's been dating for the past 10 years. She has a complicated relationship with her parents.

the oddball

Charlie Navarro A true eccentric with his head in the clouds most of the time, Charlie really is one of a kind, and makes an impact the moment you meet him. He's a conspiracy theory enthusiast and a genuine optimist who sees wonder in the small things and the best in people.
Charlie lives between his parents house and his maybe-boyfriend, Scoot's flat. He's Matthew's brother, and is close with his parents.

the dreamer

Dakota Laney A troublingly depressed young woman who copes with her difficult life via her creative outlets, such as her writing, and her own OCs. Dakota is dramatic, emotional, and often, very lonely. She has problems controlling her jealousy and is often unintentionally manipulative to others.
Dakota is in a problematic long-distance relationship with Matthew. Unlike the rest of the characters here, she does not live in Denman. She is American and lives in Ohio.

the rockstar

Iona Jacobs Unhinged, dangerous, and most of the time, straight-up evil, Iona is the vocalist and frontwoman for the band Snake Bitez. Iona doesn't care who she has to step on to achieve her goals, and in fact, she often goes out of her way to fuck up the lives of other people for no reason at all. She's also charismatic and an excellent liar. She's controlling, a puppet master, a manipulator, a blackmailer - and a violent criminal. The only people she even remotely cares about are Kai and her father.

the mellow

Scoot Palmer Radiating undeniably good vibes and bringing serenity to everyone around him, Scoot is a selectively mute DJ who is in a relationship with Charlie. Scoot is a little difficult to read, introverted, and not very emotionally expressive, but everyone likes him, finding his presence soothing. Scoot is close with his sister, Clover. He lives in flat, sometimes with Charlie.

the cool guy

Jules Bailey Taking each day as it comes and not worrying too much about the future, Jules is a laid-back young man who is very nonchalant, usually paying little attention to others and living his own way, a true lone wolf. Jules plays in semi-famous band, Snake Bitez, but he doesn't let his bands success phase him.
The one thing that does phase Jules is Iona, his bands frontwoman. Jules lives in a flat with his cat, Quinn. Aside from Iona, he's close with his bandmates.

the tease

Lana Paul Snarky, sassy, and undeniably damaged, Lana is a young woman riddled with issues due to a difficult past. Lana is either endearing to people or very difficult to digest, with very little space inbetween. She often has an inconsistent living situation, frequently sleeping on mate's sofas and not completely unfamiliar with spending the night in a shop doorway.
She's good friends with Matthew, with whom she feels a real connection.

the solace

Jude Fisher Martha's grandmother is sweet, gentle, and wouldn't say boo to a goose. She's easy-going, open minded, and loving - but she will never stand for injustice.
Jude is fond of religion, tradition, and her family, especially her two grandchildren, and one of her two daughters. Jude is so quiet and serene that it's easy to forget that if pushed, she's not afraid to put her foot down. Jude lives in a picturesque home with her dog, Toffee.

the pathetic

Samuel Ellis A miserable, bitter, and lonely retired politician who lives alone in a extravagant house, distrustful of the world and wasting his days mowing his garden. Samuel is Addison's father, but never acted as one, felt like one, or wanted to be one. Since they moved out, the pair have not spoken a word - and even beforehand, they'd often go weeks or even months without speaking a word. Samuel is profoundly unhappy, fearful, and clinging onto his conservative views like they're everything he's got.

the departed

Katherine Ellis Addison's mother, who passed away when Addison was 10. She was 37. Katherine was a caring, doting mother to Addison, encouraging them to pursue their interests and embrace their individuality. Her relationship with her husband was always tumultuous, but they did love each other. Katherine was a primary school teacher who loved children, loved animals, and had a zest for life which was tragically taken away from her when she became ill. Her death massively impacted Addison.

the motorcyclist

Lisa Navarro A no-nonsense butch who is one of two mothers of Matthew and Charlie. Lisa loves her wife, Jodie, dearly. Undoubtably very cool, Lisa has a lot of interesting stories to tell. She isn't especially emotionally expressive, leading a lot of people to believe that she's a lot more serious than she is. Lisa's straightforward approach to life means that some people find her intimidating, and whilst her family don't agree with this, they do agree that she has an unintentional air of mystery. She is obsessed with motorbikes.

the optimist

Jodie Navarro A sweet woman who is one of two mothers of Matthew and Charlie. A little ditzy at times, Jodie has what could be described as a 'chaotic energy', scatterbrained and disorganised, but very bubbly, fun-loving, and playful. She's an opposite to her wife in a lot of ways.
Jodie adores her family, but despite her positive attitude, she second-guesses her abilities as a mother far more than she should, blaming herself when her sons struggle. She can be a little emotional and overdramatic.

the musician

Dominic London Kai's father is an eager, easygoing, and pleasant man, who has always followed his heart and marched to the beat of his own drum. He has two children, Kai and Clara, and he is happily married to Indira. In the 70's and early 80's, Dominic was in a rock band called Starstruck Ape. He's still friends with many of his ex-bandmates today. Dominic is a little lazy and lackadaisical, with his head off in the clouds a lot of the time. He's optimistic, and even in times of strife, he firmly believes that everything will be okay.

the responsible

Indira London Indira is Kai's mother, Clara's stepmother, and, on the surface, she seems to be very serious, smart, and efficient woman. Indira is a busy lawyer who always seems to have a lot on her plate, but appears to manage very well. In reality, she may be hanging on by the skin of her teeth, but nobody needs to know that. Indira is happily married to Dominic, and though the two of them are very different people, they make it work. She's a more caring person than a lot of people realise.

the enigma

Lena Dee Sylvi's mother is an unusual woman. Lena is a spirit channeler and medium whose work is important to her, but even disregarding this, Lena can be difficult to read and make sense of. She comes across as distant and dreamlike, as though she's on a different wavelength to everyone else. Though Lena tries, she isn't always the best mother. Sometimes she neglects to consider other people's feelings. Lena is married to Kristian. She's been trying to repair her marriage with him since she came home.

the architect

Kristian Dee Kristian is Sylvi's father, Lena's husband, and a sensible, hardworking man, who, despite his stoicism and emotional unavailability, cares for his family deeply. He is an architect who likes to play darts on the weekends - when he's not at home, watching old horror films next to a pint of beer. Kris is more normal than most of Sylvi's family, but he does have his own, subtle sort of mystery. He's trying to repair his relationship with Lena after her extended absence from his life.

the electrician

Clara Bell-London Clara is Dominic's daughter, and Kai's half-sister. She's a loud, spontaneous, competitive person, strong-willed and headstrong. Clara is married to Thomas and they have a son, Joe.

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