Odd Storys


an odd collection of storys

"All winters turn to spring, but even then the stars shine during the night."

 slice of life  coming of age  mental health  grief  working since 2019

Set in a familliar blue dot from space, An Odd Collection of Storys is nothing more than a library of stories about people and their lives in our world. It’s a mix of shorter and longer tales, coming from different folks. We’ve got stories about companions who formed their found family, kids finding a home, misadventures of friendship, going through adversary and loss, and learning to heal and love [again]. We hope you'll enjoy what they have to share :]

This is a project I’ve worked on since I was 11, and hopefully it could keep going! This does include themes of mental health, trauma, and grief. But I’m working on making this content as audience-friendly as possible, atleast PG-13, since I originally made this for younger readers. 

Fun facts!
- I’m currently focused on the first 4 major stories, but there’s a lot more! Hopefully I could get to them hehe.
- For the current stories, it takes place in 2015-2016.

- However there would be other time periods depending on the story.
- This folder isn’t sorted by story or main characters, but by places and families! There’s no one “main character”, but rather a mix of characters. Some could be the “main” in one and then the “side” in the next.

- Planning to make this a webcomic series!

- The acronym is “aocos”, but I prefer calling it “odd storys” lol. Misspelled on purpose!
- Yes the places are fictional.
- This was originally gonna be sci-fi, untill I said screw world-building.

- Look closely... you may find secrets.

design finished || bio finished || wip || all characters 

journey to wherever we may go - grand commander

wip fan character artfight oddworld mlp would love art main eo bios finished resources horses art also okay rebelverse sunny day crew animals silly group the sims sale non-character hybrid