Kingdoms Story

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The Kingdom of Silva The Kingdom of Profundom The Kingdom of Ferae The Kingdom of Flumen La Beaute du Printemps Other

The Kingdom of Silva

The Kingdom of Silva is located deep in the forest. They live in houses made of wood and stone that were constructed with magic. These cats are fierce warriors and powerful magic wielders, although since Queen Lightning has taken over, magic has been fading out. Plus, there is a lot of tension between the cats of the kingdom and anxiety over who will be the heir after the Queen disowned the strongest of her daughters and refuses to let her other daugther or her sister attempt the Trial of Strength.

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The Kingdom of Profundom

The Kingdom of Profundom resides in a large open cave that is connected to numerous other caves and tunnels. The only way to access the home of these cats is to squeeze down a small hole located someone nearby. At least, that's what outsiders have said. These cats are naturally inquisitive and are very aware of other cats. Since the Kingdom had been to war, however, they have been forced to stay underground, resulting in tension between the cats. Along with that, there's the question of what will happen to Princesses Rabbit and Short, who are the kits of Queen Lizard and King Sweet, the monarch of the kingdom they are at war with.


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The Kingdom of Ferae

The Kingdom of Ferae is found in a meadow filled with flowers. They live in burrows under the ground with the occasional wooden hut for those who need to cool off during the summer months. These cats are very friendly and tend to lean more towards peace. However, after they declared war on the Kingdom of Profundom, tensions are high. Especially now that they are close to losing. Not only that, but they have lost their ally, The Kingdom of Silva, and have since been struggling to care for their cats.

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The Kingdom of Flumen

The Kingdom of Flumen is located near a waterfall. They live in a cave behind the waterfall for winter and parts of the spring where floods are common. Otherwise, they live on the bank of the river so they have easy access to food. These cats are creative and reclusive. They do not feel welcome by the other kingdoms, so when they are in need of help, they suffer alone. They also have a challenging time just surviving with the floods during spring and early summer.



La Beaute du Printemps

The four kingdoms believe that La Beaute du Printemps died out many years ago. However, they have survived and now live in a system of caves and tunnels in the mountains. They are rather different than the kingdoms seeing as they are a democracy and speak a different language than English. These cats are friendly and don't seem to be very fond of rules. La Beaute du Printemps are plagued by dogs and danger seems to be constant. That wasn't the only danger however. A tom by the name Bramble, after falsely believing he is a prophet of Les Etoiles, slaughtered the previous leader and took over. The previous leader, Flurry, is brought back to life by Les Etoiles and declares herself queen. The once happy carefree group is now ruled by an overly religious monarch who will ensure her claim is not threatened, whatever the cost..




These are the cats who do not live in any of the kingdoms.

Code by AviCode

No story Cat Human Main character Villain Traitor and the Liar Colors Anthro dog Dog Wolf Main Character Lynx Rabbit Sugar Imp UFS Furry mlp Firbolg Tiger dog