restoring divinity


Godly disappearances. Resurging threats. A mystery to return the divine to the world.

Gods have been suddenly vanishing in all regions of the world, especially in Shanjin -- but the Shanjinese pantheon doesn't seem to be acting upon it at all. Pressured by the increasing stakes and tension, the Shanjin God of Earth descended to the mortal realm and decided to live as a mortal. Until one day, he realized his old friend is also missing...

Why did the old Shanjin Earthkeeper become corrupted? Was this the first mass extinction event, or has this happened before? Is there a way to get the pantheon to actually listen? Join Feng'An, Huilin, Kejian, and other charaters on their journey to restore Shanjin's divinity!

religious themes

The ex-God of Earth, now disguised as a human. He never intended to engage in godly troubles again, but these are desperate times...


A young bounty hunter searching for his missing patron. He has no regard for the other gods.


An amnesiac who is strangely knowledgeable about the Goddess of Waterfalls. She's just happy to help.


A MarenĂ²s historian who traveled to Shanjin in search of their missing patron. They join the party to help the hunt.

The First Gods Appear

  • Humans begin to evolve into larger societies and begin to devote themselves to various aspects of the world. The first gods pertained to domains of hunting, gathering, homes, weather, et cetera.

Civilizations Form

  • As humans continued to develop, so did their gods. Humans living in different regions had their own gods for their different values. Different regions had different gods for the same domain. The first gods either evolved into modern domains or faded away.

The First Calamity Occurs

  • Civilized society served to develop festering negative feelings towards other humans and gods. These negative emotions took physical form as a dangerous Calamity, sweeping across the lands and eliminating minor gods. The gods and humans work together to seal the Calamity, though it remained alive, as it always will.

The Calamity Resurges

  • Thousands of years pass, and many of the older minor gods faded away and are replaced with new gods with time. Only the major pantheon gods remembered the events of the first Calamity. The Calamity resurged during an era of prosperity and peace, and it began by corrupting Shirang, the Earthkeeper, chipping down her resolve until she fell. It used her body as a vessel to attack the other gods, where Yanzhi, the God of Stone, led the fight to seal her away. He was subsequently promoted to become the new Earthkeeper to take her place.

Pre-Restoring Divinity

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    A priest in Shanjin named Xian Qizhen became angry from the gods never listening to his prayers for personal gain. He decided to find a way for them to actually listen to him, and he seeked out the Goddess of Death Mingwu to assist him in eliminating minor gods to grab the pantheon's attention. Mingwu, also fed up by the gods and mortals always regarding her as evil, told Qizhen about where the Calamity was last defeated and left him to use that information however he wanted. Qizhen absorbed the power of the Calamity, becoming its new vessel, even though he was the one truly in control.

Start of Restoring Divinity

  • Mortals begin to realize the disappearance of minor gods watching over domains in their life and plead the pantheon to act. However, the pantheon of oldest gods were terrified at the possibility of the Calamity's resurgence and don't know how to act. Pressure for the pantheon to solve the problem fall on the Earthkeeper's shoulders, where he finally cracks from pressure and escapes into the mortal world.

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