TH Live Code Editor v1.10.3 beta is here!
Mood: on 4 hours of sleep ♦ Currently: doing 5 different things

It's way easier for me to do beta announcements as regular bulletins instead of World bulletins, so I'm gonna do that instead. Plus it lets more people know about them. As always, you can comment below to be added or removed from the beta pinglist!

Version 1.10.3: Check it out here (gives you a fresh local storage to play with, so it won't impact your existing projects)

What's new:

  • This update focuses on the code import feature! Specifically, I had a brainwave and finally fixed it. It can now accept & bypass profile warnings to see the code underneath. So now, as long as the character is public, it should be importable.
  • As before, you need to add something like (the important part is the "allow-thcj-import") to the relevant profile in order to import it (this is a measure to prevent theft of original code). 
  • I also added the ability to mark all public character profiles on your account as importable - by adding   to your user profile.
  • On top of bug reports on this freshly-updated code import feature, I would love feedback on the response speed, and whether you like the new stuff I added! The global import feature has slowed it down considerably, so it's a bit of a tradeoff.

On that note, I'd love some beta testers on my brand new (and very WIP) mass profile HTML downloader too! It's a response to a recent slew of site bugs + inspired by erayalkis' TH gallery downloader. The main thing it doesn't do right now is CSS download, but if there's enough interest in that, I can add it.

(I actually figured out how to bypass profile warnings for this project and then imported the findings to the code editor.)



Okay i FINALLY got around to trying this out, so thoughts!

1) this idea is going to save my life. i love you

2) I tried the catchall permission on the user profile + authing your bot account, and it seemed to work just fine! I did have to move the code snippet from the very bottom of the profile (after the other coding) to inside a </div> line but that was easy enough to figure out. I just slapped it after my profile text lol

3) I imagine it probably wouldn't be a huge issue for people with few characters, or only downloading a handle but from a larger perspective, adding an ability to download everything at once into a zip file would be great! It'd be a bigger, slower download, buuut on the plus side you wouldn't have to hit "save" on hundreds of little popup boxes. On that note, being able to choose a path to save all to would be awesome, since I had to navigate to the folder each time for each download orz. I also couldn't get around to hitting the "stop queue" button because the popups wouldn't cease LOL. my fault for downloading them all in one go

as always, you are doing good work and I salute you. Hope this helped!

Thanks, this is the perfect timing because I'll be making the big code editor update very soon.

Also thanks for the feedback on the downloader! I forget that other browsers do the dialogue box for every single download, I am thinking about doing a zip as well ever since I got it to work on my Art Fight downloader. Shouldn't be too hard.

And, I'm glad you're finding this stuff useful!

Oh also, kind of intriguing that the importer didn't detect the snippet when it was outside a div, I might have to look into that because it's meant to work no matter where you put it, hmmm. What happens when you move it out to the back of your profile again? (Feel free to put it back where it is if it still doesn't work)

Now that I'm home, confirmed it still didn't work. But putting it back in the div made it work again. :O

Hmmmm ok that's really strange because I just did the same thing on my profile (put the "allow-thcj-import-all" at the end) and it's working just fine. Could I bother you to put the string at the top of your profile instead and see if it still works? If it works more consistently at the top then I might change the instructions' wording to tell users to put it there.

It works at the very top of the profile code :O Weird! I even tried turning maturity block off + keeping the code at the bottom, just in case there was a conflict there, but it still didn't work. Who knows...

That is weird indeed 🤔 it's possible your profile code has an extra div tag somewhere that's making the TH editor think the code snippet is outside the profile area, but I would've thought Toyhouse was way better with cleaning up input. I'll change the instructions' wording for now and tell people to put it at the top, that seems foolproof.

1 Replies

I haven't had any luck getting the import all permission to work... when copy/pasting in mobile, which I will admit is a bit insane! Going to give it a try on PC and see what that does.

edit: yep that doesn't appear to be working on PC, nor can it actually bypass character warnings :') This ( is the character, I've turned the warning off but seem to be unable to import her profile into your editor now?

That's interesting, would you be fine leaving the thcj import line in your profile (and feel free to put the warning on) while I try to debug this? It's possible I have missed something because I only tested it with my own account.

Yep! I'll put the warning back on :)

Thank you so much - I believe I've fixed it now, let me know if it's working for you?

I'm still getting the 'I couldn't find anything to import' message when trying to use the importer with her profile - I did a 'Please reset!' and a cache/cookie clear, in case that would have affected it in some weird way 8); but am still not having any luck.

(What a persnickety bug!)

Oh, huh, it definitely seems to be retrieving Cortana's profile on my side - 


could I check what you've typed into the text box? And also whether you're on the build_20231026 version specifically.

3 Replies

I can't test it rn but your HTML profile downloader sounds soo cool omg. Combined with the gallery downloader, it motivates me to backup my stuff for real 😭 I love Toyhouse but what if....

Aw I'm so glad...many of these projects start from me wanting them to exist personally, and I'm so happy when others find them useful too. I'm excited to refine it and make it more usable :>

Pinglist: Endercoil uniuniverse Waltz Yuzuriha lonelymutt @House-of-Hemingway dogstarlite Highlanderro KizunaYui purrdri CCynical Fainthed

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id like to be added to the pinglist please!

Added you - thank you!

Hey, friend! My username has changed from House-of-Hemingway to C-a-l-y-p-s-o and I didn't know Toyhouse didn't automatically change it, I want to apologize about that! But I still am here for your pinglist and beta testing~! <3

No problem, I'll update it!