RP Comfort Meme

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago by Isoprene

no one tagged me but i can't resist the hottest meme on the block, mostly bc i've seen very few people who match up with my preferences so here's an effort to find people who like forum rps and group stuff!!


RP Comfort Meme - Created by ElfSama
A valuable meme for any role-player!
Come display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time!
While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!
Role Play Basics
I am comfortable doing:
- Comment (I'm ok with like IC interactions in profiles but not like... full-on RPing bc of stacking making things hard to read)
- Chats
- Notes
- Forum (also counts Worlds which is probably what I'd use)
- Skype
- Google Docs
- Other 

(lots of options there huh... also I'm fine with chats (aka chatango or tumblr messaging or twitter dms bc that's all I got) and PMs for talking about headcanons or just chatting but otherwise I'm not comfortable using chat programs for RP. mayyyybe PMs or notes but idk)
I am comfortable with:
- One on one role plays. (generally only if we're mutuals or friends or something though... idk I'm kind of iffy on them, the only one on one RPs I've done were only 1x1 because no one else joined the thread, I've only intentionally done a 1x1 thread maybe once or twice... I'm willing to try tho)
- Up to three people.
- Up to four people.
- Five or more people!
- As big as possible!

(The more, the merrier! I LOVE group RPs with all of my being and almost all of the RP threads I make are open to infinite members!!)
Post Length
I usually write about:
- One or two sentences.
- One or two paragraphs.
- Two to five paragraphs.
- More than five paragraphs.
- A few pages worth.

(My post length really depends a lot on the context... sometimes all you can really do is be like "And then my OC followed along. Yeah." but sometimes for intros or exposition or emotional moments I might write like an essay. Depends on how serious, comedic, plotty, casual, etc. the thread is.)
I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:
- One or two sentences.
- One or two paragraphs.
- Two to five paragraphs.
- More than five paragraphs.
- A few pages worth.  (though I can't really promise I'll be able to consistently do that back)
Role-play Requests
I like getting requests from:
- Anyone and everyone at any time! (maybe??? I might be more hesitant than I think... and I always gotta check to make sure the person asking is someone I'd feel safe being friends with)
- When I ask for role-plays.
- From friends and acquaintances.
- From friends only. 
Romantic Relationships
** Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!
I am comfortable shipping my characters:
- Never. 
- Our character know each other deeply.
- Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.
- At the first sign of flirting!
- Only if the role-player and I plan it.
- It depends on the character.

(I'm pretty relaxed about OC shipping!! But it depends on the other person... I won't usually ship my OCs with a total stranger or someone I've never RPed with; we don't have to RP those two characters together first or anything like that it's just kind of an "ah you've reached this friendship level with me... donut time" but again it depends.)
If you want to ship with my characters:
- Talk to me about it from the start.
- Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
- Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
- Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.

(See above! Might vary here and there, I dunno!)
When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:
- Swift as lightening! 
- Fast, but not super fast.
- Happens in about three months.
- Slow and steady wins the race.
- Slugs know what's up!
- My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.

(Just like in real life!)

When my characters gets intimate, I prefer:
- To skip the act entirely. 
- To write the build up, but skip the act. (i lov fluff and romance and sensuality)
- To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it. (maybe someday... but I'm not that powerful yet. not out of the question tho...)
- To write the act all the way through.
Romantic Artwork
When it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please:
- Do not post it at all without talking to me.
- Post it if it is cuddles and hugs.
- Post it if it is kisses.
- Post it if it is much more.
- Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!
- Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!

(If you plan on getting a commission, I'd prefer to be asked beforehand! Mostly just because I've got an artist I'd rather avoid and I'd rather not have any art of my OCs by them... though idk that they're someone people go to for couple art but ANYWAY)
** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
- No violence at all!
- I'm fine with verbal arguments!
- Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.
- Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.
- Violence, such as stabbings.
- Beyond violence, such as torture and more.
If you are going to do something violent, please:
- Don't do it at all.
- Talk to me about it first.
- Surprise me!

(idc either way really but if it's totally out of left field that might be kind of weird??)
Dramatic Artwork
- Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
- Talk to me about it before posting!
- Post what you like!  
- I only do novel/paragraph-style RPing! I don't mind other people using chat/script RPing as long as I don't have to also... I'm not really used to it anymore.
- Pretty much all of my OCs are polyamorous and are already in relationships with other OCs of mine and/or with my friends' OCs, so if you're not okay with any given OC of mine being in multiple relationships then don't ship with me!! Even if they aren't in an established relationship before meeting your OC I can't (and wouldn't be willing to) promise that I'd never get them involved in any other relationships.
- Please don't RP with me with any OCs that you might trade away or sell!
- I often RP with more than one character at once and am totally cool with others doing the same! It helps people bounce off of each other. I don't have any problems with just playing one character either, though. Not really used to RPing outside of casual multiverse RP settings where you just post a setting and then you run around with people doing whatever So idk how anything works honestly?? I never really realized how uncommon the kind of RPing I've been doing for the past 10 years is...
- I'm cool with OCs, FCs, and canon characters! I only use OCs and rarely a fan-character myself these days, but I love interacting and RPing with characters from all sorts of universes!

Here are some recent examples of my RPing in no particular order:

...why did i link so many

Now tag a few individuals, if you like, so you can better understand your partners!
i tag............... whoever wants to do this but hasn't been tagged yet!!! hooray


rp with the tayl, she is very cool!!!

source: i rp regularly with her, her ocs are Good Shit, and also, dicro. just, dicro in general.
