the worldening..... Begins

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by Isoprene

Which holiday would you most like to celebrate?

2 Votes Former Equinox Festival
1 Votes Former Solstice Festival
0 Votes Latter Equinox Festival
2 Votes Week of Stupor
2 Votes Latter Solstice Festival
1 Votes Day of Reflection
1 Votes going to hell on the day of reflection and living in fear for the rest of your days
0 Votes Time of Rebirth

SO I wanted to wait until I finished that one demon worldbuilding post I mentioned in my last bulletin, but I've just been kinda working on it on and off so I'm not really sure when I'll finish it! But I do still have two worldbuilding posts complete, so I decided I might as well point out their existence instead of just mentioning them next to a much larger post! Both of these posts are fairly short, so give 'em a skim!:

1)  The first one is an overview of the holidays in the world of Asthenopia! These were a lot of fun to come up with! Thinking about holidays is one of my favorite worldbuilding things, because you gotta think about why they would even have holidays at all... and also find ways to squeeze in equivalents of our own holidays so you can still totally have a Christmas special. Thinking of things for Asthenopia was particularly interesting since the place is openly ruled over by angels, so I had to think about how most holidays have something of a religious slant and how things have changed in the years since one particular bad egg has been seeking more power.

2)  The second one is a general setting overview of RPG Hell! It doesn't really seem like it since I have so few characters from the universe uploaded here, but RPG Hell is one of my favorite settings/stories and the one I've been putting the most thought into lately! It's just super fun to think about and flesh out, and it's increasingly becoming most of my fleshed-out settings, especially in relation to its size! My other most fleshed-out world is only the size of a city with a sub-100 population, so y'know... Also, if you haven't checked out the story I wrote recently that takes place in the setting you totally should!!

Both of the forums those threads are posted in have a question/comments board that's open to posts if you ever have any questions, comments, or requests for info that you'd rather ask there than in an announcement bulletin or PM!

Apologies in advance for any weird spacing... copypasting things into the WYSIWYG editor adds a bunch of random spaces for reasons I can't comprehend, but using the normal editor means I have to add in a bunch of coding and it's so much faster to just format things with WYSIWYG... it doesn't make things too weird-looking, though, just some random spaces here and there!

Also any Charahub links in those are super ancient and haven't been touched since like 2015 at latest, but I still linked them when needed since those link to my OC blog tags anyway and still have Some relevant information even though they're all just WIPs!


with the extra spaces stuff, i've found the same thing happens when i copy+paste words from tumblr into tweets on twitter, and what i've done to fix that is paste without formatting (CTRL+Shift+V). i can't say for sure if that'd mess up anything with your text, but i know pasting without formatting doesn't delete line breaks or anything. might help!

omf the week of stupor sounds INTENSE. i wonder how many people would list it as their fav holiday in-universe? i kinda got the vibe that everyone looks forward to being able to just let everything loose for an entire week (or, well, first few days 'til they're too sick to do more, lol). 

oohhhh day of reflection is probably my favorite, bc i love sneaky dictators doing sneaky dictator-esque things. it sounds like originally it was a nice day to relax, chill out w the sensations of heaven, and just reflect (as the name suggests), but quenael kinda bastardized the entire purpose. and the tidbit about nudity is super interesting! what are the social ramifications for being caught nude - like, is it severe enough that quenael would hear about it, or do your neighbors just kinda lowkey shun you?

also i like the fact we both used equinox/solstices!! i have my calendar here... coming up with holidays is way harder then i thought when i first started, so kudos to you for making up really cool ones!!

also my favorite race from rpghell is probably the fae! specifically high fae, i'd love to hear more about em when you get to it!!