Protect Your Cuties

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Keryth

Hey there everyone! There's news of people stealing art and characters off of to use and sell as NFTs. 

Please take the steps below to protect your Cuties and other characters:

1. Watermark your images, including thumbnails. The bigger and uglier the watermark, the more unlikely it is for someone to steal the images.

2. Set all un-watermarked images to authorized viewers only. These images will still be visible through the artist's art tab. 

3. Do not report stolen art used for NFTs by sending a DCMA claim. These can be used to doxx you. 

It is possible to mass-watermark images. Go through your account drop down, and under manage, select "images". Unfortunately, you can only manage 60 or so images at a time, but this much faster than doing everything by hand. 

You can find more information on stolen art being used for NFTs here, and more information on proper watermarking here.


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