
OK the people have spoken

i'm holding a raffle for a low-poly model of your oc made from scratch!! ^_^ (the example oc pictured above isnt mine its from art fight. heres another one i did for art fight [respecting the designer's permissions by not posting it here! go look at it on art fight]). the winner will earn a free 3d model from me, including a model turnaround and the model files, and a preview video like this one for the model above, if you'd like !!

EDIT: I ALMOST FORGOT TO ADD AN END DATE SORRY. a winner will be picked on october 9th THANK U

here are some things to keep in mind:

  • it will be made in blender
  • it will be low-poly. think early DS/DSi/3DS/playstation/nin64 game models
  • i will sculpt it to your preferences (flat/smooth/no shading, stylized proportions, etc.), otherwise ill default to my own style
  • i'm comfortable working with any kinds of character, although i have the most experience with humanoids
  • i will not give you a half-assed result, but please keep in mind i don't know the optimized way of doing things in blender yet, i am still learning!
  • i'm up for the challenge of learning something new such as complex rigging, or the process of exporting for vrchat or vtubing, if the winner is interested
  • basically just be prepared to be a little patient with me LMAO. keep in mind also that i will be working on the winner's model inbetween my current commissions
  • winner should be comfy giving me their discord so i can communicate details easier than TH dms
how to enter the raffle (required):
  • comment on this bulletin saying you'd like to enter! [+1 ticket]
  • make a bulletin sharing this one!
  • thats it :)
you can earn extra (optional) tickets by:
  • following me, or already be following me [+10 tickets]
  • tag a friend who might be interested? [+10 tickets]
  • including your old or current favorite video game in your comment, and why you like it (optional), for Fun [+3 tickets]
  • favorite any character of mine (if you want), up to 3 different times for [+3 tickets] each, and let me know in your comment which one(s) you chose!
thanks for reading!!

also, unrelated to the raffle: i have a pinglist for when i re-open commissions now (both for art, and for 3d model commissions in the future)! let me know if you'd like to be added to it :) just dont comment here unless youre also entering the raffle!! you can dm me or comment anywhere else, i dont mind


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thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2775-2797!!

bulletin, followed, tagging salted_oranges 

 faved tbn, jack, and peppy!

im back on my pmd explorers of t/d/s bullshit and i just. well pokemon is my SpIn and the game is just so good. i get to play as a pokemon and the guild is so good and cool, the characters are so diverse and fun and compelling, and the story is just amazing! and lets not even get in to the music, my god, the music. obsessed

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2742-2774!!

(YEAH!!! honestly when i first played a PMD game i wasnt expecting much but they immediately blew me away with how good they are @.@ i still listen the OST for gates to infinity for a nostalgia boost now and then! the sprites and artwork for t/d/s are SO charming too)

(i played the originals and i was pretty young when they came out, and i was obsessed with pokemon (special interest lol), so Being a pokemon was so cool! and the story captivated me. and then tds came out and hoooo boy hit me like a truck! not As Big of a fan of gti tho i can't remember exactly why? story wasn't as good but i think it was fine since i don't remember it and would if it was bad lmao. oh i think a big part of the reason i didn't like it as much was because i didn't like how recruitment worked, if i remember correctly?? or something with the friend areas. also didn't like the art change from pixel rifp pixel games u guys were the real ones. but i enjoyed it, i mean, i Did beat it sjdjfjfj. i should go finish super, i never got far into it)

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2709-2741!!

i would like to enter!!!

  • bulletin
  • already following you!!!
  • i love a lot of video games but lately ive moslty been playing pokemon black. one of my friends had it when i was little and ive always wanted it too im so glad i can finally play ittt
  • favorited: nameless nevermind the favourite button wont work

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2692-2708!!

(YESSSS i'm so glad you can finally play it!! i still remember when i first played pokemon white as a kid [through a rom lmao] and being blown away by the pseudo-3D effects in the sprites and backgrounds <3 its still such a fun game)

I'd love to enter! This is so cool :]


☆ Followed you

☆ Faved these characters [ 1 - 2 - 3 ]

thank u! and thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2672-2691!!

Id like to enter :D I faved, subbed, and made a bulletin here!
My favorite games are probably Cuphead and Minecraft. The animation in cuphead and the music are just top tier and I really enjoy the amount of creative freedom you have in minecraft

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2655-2671!!

I'd love to enter! I'd also love to be put on the ping list when you re-open commissions!

My favorite video game of all time continues to be fromsoft's Bloodborne! From the aesthetics, to how the world is built, the music, sound design, story, and lore are just SO good. Its the only fromsoft game that feels so rewarding to play. The balance between frustration and satisfaction is done SO well in my opinion. It's a game that I replay at least once a year! I reccomend it to anyone who can handle the body horror and trypophobia-inducing designs!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/961216.awesome-raffle-

sure thing, i'll go add you onto the pinglist rn - and thanks so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2641-2654!!

(GOD i havent been able to play the game yet but i have a friend whos super into bloodborne and everything ive heard about it from a storywise perspective is so cool. im such a fan of unapologetically dark and messed up games [bonus points if theyre in some way difficult in gameplay] so ive been dying to get my hands on it someday SKDHKSFLKJS)

I'd like to join!!! Currently I've been playing splatoon 3, I didn't think I'd like it but I really do!! (I just bought it thinking id treat it as like... squid dress up game...) Tagging Cookiecat138 cause didnt u want a model of powder rose?

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2627-2640!!

saw this thru a mutual and like in gen would be potentially interested in a com in the future for a 3d model 😔

gave a follow because your art is cool and i love monsters ive been staring at reverend mother she's so detailed 😭😭😭😭
here is my bulletin

sent a fav to reverend mother, nebula, and matilda their vibes they speak to me. inspires me to maybe make a slasher/horror oc of my own one day. i just need to find the inspo tbh. i also really like matilda's and nebula's color schemes. the teal and red we love contrasting colors. can never really go wrong with purple/pink either.

also my fav video game series of all time (as of rn) is yokai watch. aka the best 3ds games ever to exist (ever). the 3rd game really pushed the boundaries of what an average 3ds game had to offer. minigames every chapter, literally including a whole other game series (yokai watch busters) into the main game, two protags who's stories are separate until they actually meet each other for the first time, a lot of fun parodies (the ghoulfather, deadcool, the y files, etc etc etc, the final fantasy crossovers), cute cutscenes, the music, it's amazing. it couldve revolutionized the monster befriending game franchise if it came out a few years later with a better less whitewashed english dub. the series was a legit breath of fresh air to a very saturated pokemon market. all i can do is hope that it has a digimon-esque revival in the next decade or so.

someone also mentioned twewy which is a very solid choice im like halfway through twewy: neo and it's amazing. 

thank u so much!!! ;_; <3 also totally, i can go ahead and add you onto the pinglist for 3d models only, if you'd like? and thank u for entering!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 2604-2626!!

(ALSO THATS SO INSANE ???? i do remember there was a yokai watch crossover event in ffxiv a while back but i had no idea the series was this in-depth and packed with content @_@ i might have to check it out myself soon cuz it sounds so fun especially for a 3ds game [my beloved] and as much as i love pokemon to death any kind of monster-catching/befriending series is my favorite DHKJSK)

i was on vacation by the time i saw this but ojhghjjo yeah you can add me to a 3d model ping list 😤

im ride or die for yokai watch because it couldve been gr8 but it came out too soon. if it came out like 2015-16 with a better translation it couldve been the next it girl 😔 it delivers so much for no goddamn reason for a silly kid game about befriending dead people 😭

Entering, thanks for the chance :D

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/959372.low-poly-model-raffle-not-mine-

Tagging Kelss and Adopt-From-Frog !!

My fav games are Sims 4 and Minecraft.

np, thank u so much for entering!!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2590-2603!!

I'd like to enter! Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/958884.low-poly-model-raffle-nm-

I'm following you and I faved Andric, Ryso, and Matilda!

My favorite video game is Portal (though the sequel is good, the original is my true fav) and The World Ends With You is a close second! (I haven't played the sequel to TWEWY yet tho and am trying to avoid spoilers). Portal, as a game, is perfect and the aesthetic and world was really well done, and of course GLaDOS is best villain (despite what they did to her in Portal 2 :/ ). TWEWY has awesome gameplay mechanics(though it has been updated/modified from the original DS version to the newer phone and Switch versions, I think they've made it easier but the dual screen gameplay in the original fit the plot more and was pretty unique) and the storyline made me feel so much!!

I tag MWINS and 91cats come get a chance to put your dw characters in low poly if you want I guess /pos

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2557-2589!!

(ive heard so many good things about twewy, its on my to-play list but all i know about it is the OST is really good and the character designs are so cool HDJSKFSJLGL... also if u dont mind me askin, what did they do to glados in portal 2? i played 2 first a while ago and havent gotten around to playing 1 yet but im assuming you mean dev-wise rather than what they did to her in-game? :O)

Ah, mostly they changed her (GLaDOS)'s character around in Portal 2 to make her more sympathetic, which annoyed me but it was an ok story in itself I guess. I liked her as a villain and as a snarky AI, in general I preferred the first game's aesthetic but don't get me wrong, the sequel was definitely really well done and a dream come true in many ways. The first game was just... perfect imo, so it's hard to compete with that. But I know I'm biased about it lol. Portal 1 was also a lot simpler in a way (and much shorter; it was initially shovelware before it got its, at the time, niche following), yet still amazing, so it's hard to match that level with a sequel when you have to come up with more detail for it, potentially adding stuff that changes the tone etc. I still highly recommend the original tho!!

Also TWEWY does have an amazing OST, and the character designs are awesome, but its story is really what got me hooked- there's some really good writing. I also have Opinions about the anime version where they dropped a lot of detail, but I know that tends to be a thing for adaptations.

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thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2534-2556!!

Entering! 💖

I followed and tagging my friend MistiesCollectors

current fav game is hades, I just think it's pretty fun to play + like the story and greek mythology 

thanks so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2510-2533!!

(HADES IS SO GOOD... i havent been able to get my hands on it personally so ive avoided as many spoilers as i can until then [oTL] but gameplay of it makes me drool <3 i love the music too!)

Yuuuss! I was actually just playing it this morning XD
Been making a lot of progress recently and hopefully, ya can get it soon.

i'd like to enter! bulletin --> https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/956405.low-poly-raffle-
- followed
- tagging horrorsim
- favorite game(s) are spyro the dragon 1-3, tomb raider (mainly 2, these are the og ones btw), the sims 2, basically any pokemon game past + present
- fav'd nameless, tachyk, and blaze

pls add me to pinglist!

np, i've now added you to the pinglist - thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2477-2509!!

i'd like to enter!! 

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/956396.whoa-cool-raffle-nm-

followed you! ( i love urp rofile theme btw )


one of my favorite video games is Okage: The Shadow King, maybe not my ULT fav but i want to share it because not enough people know about it and it's so unique and funky and has such a fun and good story!!!!!!! i watn more ppl to like it!!!!!!! it's so cool!!!!

i faved peter, marasmius, and doumael!!

id also be interested in joining ur pinglist :3c

thank u! and ofc, i've gone ahead and added you to the pinglist - thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2444-2476!!

(omg i had never heard of this game before but im looking at it now and??? this is SUCH a cool art style??? it reminds me a bit of inu curry's work /pos @.@ <3 i dont know a thing about the story but i'm gonna find a rom for this somewhere to give it a try later today JHDJKSKJDKJEF im so in love with these character designs......)

awesome tysm!!! :D i cant wait to see who wins :>

and HELL YEAH!!!! it's so cool i love it sm, and it's so strange like?? all the concept art looks like it was drawn on p much Tissues and then the guy has never made another game. i adore it. i totally see what u mean abt the inu curry stuff, which i didn't know had a name and actually has art that i love because it reminded me so much of okage!! i hope you have fun if you can find a good rom of it!

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thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2430-2443!!

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Hi aril I'd like to enter! Here's my bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/955818.friend-s-3d-model-raffle-an-myo-event

Already subscribed lol & I favorited Paradox, Kosmo, and Magdalene! one of my favorite games is pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness, ive replayed it multiple times & the story still makes me emotional :') 

jolte0n look!! raffle for a 3d model of ur character :o

HIHIHIHI thank u so much for entering abbey!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 2397-2429!!

(POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON IS SO FUN YESSS!!!! i have so much nostalgia for that series but i never had the guts to replay any of em LOL they destroyed me emotionally as a kid)

Yeehaw! Gotta enter this bad boy ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧


Following ^^

My fav video game on the ye ol DS was probably the goated Pokemon Ranger, something about drawing circles probably gave young me carpal tunnel and I didn't even know it 💀 now my bones r crispy like an empty chip bag.

Faved Cosmo / Zeke / Zach b/ pokemon ginks r incredible!!

Tyvm for the opp and for hosting this rad give away 😎😎😎

no problem, thank u so much for entering!! and thank u!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2374-2396!!

I'd love to enter!! I adore the look of low poly models.


equasia24 confusedphillip

gosh, both my old and current favorite video game has to be the sims 2 lol. I love it, even for how buggy it is. It got me through hard times for around 10 years and it's very special to me.

also faved Kosmo (so cute wtf), Diamond, and Andric <333 and followed!!!

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2341-2373!!

(bro i feel you, the early sims games were SO good, 2 especially!!! tbh i prefer it to 4 even if i play 4 the most nowadays, its hard to put into words why but it def feels more like, alive? with so much hidden lore and fun features and such - and the comfort/nostalgia factor is so real too <3)

i'd like to enter!

here's my bulletin, and I've subscribed!

MechaMars would probably drool all over this

bro I used to love among us because i like doing meaningless tasks and walking around as a little tiny creature. Plus, whenever I got impostor i would just vent in front of everyone at the beginning of the game and see how long it took for others to notice.

i faved Vlad the Impaler, Paradise, and Bo. Gahhdamn I am respectfully looking       

thank u sm for joining!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2308-2340!!

(ALSO HJKDHSKFLG TJHANK YOU.... and i love among us too! i know its become kind of a meme now but i used to be so fond of it for the same reasons oTL esp since it took a bit for me to figure out how to actually play it. i always lost LMAO)

Entering!! Also subbing for more bc your stuff already got me going like 👀

Here’s my Bulletin!

Sketchs_Scribbles grabs you like a plushie look at this rn 👁👁

I haven’t played in a few months, but! My favorite game has to be Shovel Knight! It’s so fun to play bc I’m honestly a sucker for platformer games and I’m obsessed with the colors and designs 😭

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2284-2307!!

I really love your work, that's so cool. I honestly love the old low poly look, like from an old video game. So fun to see it make a come back.


Definitely gave you a follow and would love to go on your pinglist for commissions.
DM_MartyDuff PonyboyDraws Ocean_Raven kylejamison

My favorite video game is the Dragon Age series and Legend of the Dragoon. A special mention is the Shadowheart series for PS1, it's what got me into horror and world building and other creative stuff. It has not aged well though. lol Oh well, still adore it.

Looking, I think my favorite of your characters are Doctor, Ryso, and adore Lanrick. (Despite him not actually being adorable. XD I love him.)
The Reverend Mother's design and concept is super interesting though and I loved reading about her.

thank u so much for entering!! and of course, i've now added you to the pinglist ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2251-2283!!

(also thank u so much, i'm so glad you like them! i rly appreciate it <3)

I’d love to enter! Followed already, faved Andric, Paradise, and Tachyk. my fave game is fallout new Vegas, besides it being a great game, it put me On a super weird life trajectory and introduced me to my best friend of nearly a decade now. 

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2228-2250!!

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of course, thank u!! i've now added you to the pinglist - and thank u so much for entering as well!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2195-2227!!

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np, thank u so much for entering - and thank you!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2181-2194!!

(GOD i love spore so much!!! i remember playing it years and years ago but i played it again recently and tbh it holds up so well still, its so fun and charming <3)

Did all the required! Thank you for the chance!


no problem, thank you so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket number is: 2180!!

Hi! Bats my eyelashes at you

Here's my funny bulletin and uhh I am following you and I also took the time to favourite some more of your characters because I always forget to do that shit you don't have to count that LOL

I've been playing Dark Souls again!!! It's so crunchy I forgot, love this game it hurts me.

Umm tagging my friend arilphys get a load of this guy I think they also like Vash (you also don't have to count this hsdfjsdf)

omg okay fine i'll include you in the raffle 🙄 thank you so much or whatever /srs.... dark souls is really cool.... your ticket numbers are 2147-2179

i like vash too i should reach ou t to them. ill count your ping just bc i have so much in common with them

 Id like to enter! (Also thank you for the the chance ~)

- Bulletin: Link
- I am following!
- Tagging DizzyPossum ~
- Silent Hill 2
- I faved these lovely lads: Pepper, Knox, Klemens

np, thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 2114-2146!!

- id like to enter please!! heres my bulletin :) https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/954398.-nm-cool-raffle

- i followed you!

- id like to tag gastlyclown (bc i think u might wanna enter too)

- my all-time favorite videogame is breath of the wild, but ive been loving splatoon 3 and sky: children of the light recently :D

Would love to favorite some of your characters but toyhouse is locking me out < /3 thanks for the opportunity! the models you make look really cool!

thank you so much!!! also it's np, thanks for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2090-2113!!

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THANK U SM and thank u also for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 2067-2089!!

i'd like to enter! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/954296.3d-model-raffle-nm-

i'm following you now! Lynari uwu you might like this

I really like pixel petz, it's stupid but fun.

I can't favorite any of your characters bc u have matureblock on

thanks so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2043-2066!!

Hi I'd like to enter!

I follow you!


My favorite old video game is legend of Zelda Twilight princess, it was the first game I really remember playing and enjoying!! It means a lot to me! 


thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 2019-2042!!

(omg i feel you!!! twilight princess was my beloved childhood game too oTL i havent been able to replay it cuz i dont have the console it came with anymore but im still so in love with it....)

Oh my God??!! Really!!! That's awesome!!!! I hope you'll get a Wii to play it. Or I think it can be on the switch? I don't know. But I hope you get to play it again!!!!

i think they are actually developing a switch port for it atm!! or at least theyve been TALKING about developing a switch port for a while? ive been waiting for it to come out but theres no defined date afaik :P clenches fist... BUT YES thank u, i hope you get to as well! :D

Man I seriously hope they port it . It would be a dream come true. One day, one day

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THANK U SO MUCH..... and thank u also for entering!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 1986-2018!!

(thats no problem btw, i've added you onto the pinglist anyway! ^^ also ive only heard of AI the somnium files and hadnt checked it out myself - but omg this genuinely seems so fun??? the models + artwork look fantastic)

Entering! Here's the bulletin

- Followed!
- Tagging sietemasks
- My favorite video game is Oblivion.
- Favorited Jack, Grimoire, and Maxine!

thanks so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1953-1985!!

(elder scrolls my beloved... clenches fist)

      entering ^^

  - https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/954008.wowowowowo-low-poly-3d-model-oc bulletin

  - followed

  - tagging PeacePeachWolf and ColoredDragon2

  - both deltrunes (I'm replaying em)

  - faved diamond862, b'rhutu tia, and SPC-13015

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1920-1952!!

You have such lovely art I couldn’t pass up a chance like this 😭

omg youre so kind??? thank u so much TwT   i appreciate it!!

entering :]

thank u so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 1887-1919!!

Entering <3

Shared: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/953983.awesome-low-poly-raffle-

Subscribed x3


Fav Game(series) is Shadow Hearts 1+2, jrpg with horror elements,cool story and characters and monsters. >3 (cant wait for the spiritual successor penny blood, which runs on kickstarter atm)

Fav OC of yours are Bo, zecke and zack x3

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1854-1886!!

(i havent heard of shadow hearts before but omg i might have to pick up penny blood when it comes out and/or play the first few games while i wait??? theres so much here thats up my alley LMAO the art n gameplay looks so good!!)

Thanks <3

( and awesome! tbh im always happy to show ppl so underrated gems <3 also koudelka is like the prequel, for ps1. also if u like monster catching games...try shin megami tensei games, its adult pokemon with demons&angels and so so good! also persona games for awesome jrpgs x3)

oooooh ill definitely note that down, thank you! also shin megami tensei is a series i have on my to-play list someday - i know next to nothing about it but everything ive heard about it is so cool JKDHKSFKLEKF an adult pokemon with religious themes might as well have my name on it

Yee thats about it xD Just BETTER! :D If you ever wanna chat about games feel free to hmu, Im always happy to talk about games, especially the obscure ones >3


Tagging Yuna_Uchiha


Favorite game series is Megaman X,specially X5 rn..the series as a whole is how I was able to make so many of my friends and meet my soon to be husband. The music has also shaped my own music

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1840-1853!!

(also omg that's so sweet, i'm so glad to hear it's brought u so much joy!! <3 ive always loved the music of the megaman series personally - also the character designs, even if i dont know much about the lore/story behind them)

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1829-1839!!

I'd like to enter!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/953340.low-poly-model-raffle


Busby was my favorite video game growing up. I'm not sure why as it wasn't the greatest game but I remember absolutely loving it as a kid and humming the music every time I started it up

Faved Poe, Knox and Peter

Thank you for the chance!

np, and thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 1806-1828!!

Bulletin, and Followed.
Journey and Shadow of the Colossus are both of my old favorites, they both have good stories without telling you too much. My current favorite would have to be Stray just because of the setting and the story behind it and cat.

Characters I faved: Ryso, Magdalene, and Tachyk

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1783-1805!!

(ive heard so many good things about stray!! all the gameplay ive seen of it is soooo sweet.... i heard a while back there was this trend of ppl modding the main cat to look like their IRL pets and ive wanted it personally ever since LMAO. the post-apocalyptic environment it has looks so cool too!)

thank u sm for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1772-1782!!

THIS IS SUPER COOL!!! Your modeling is really good :D I would love to join this raffle

I bet my dear cavityclown would also love to join :)

I also posted a raffle and followed u ^^

THANK U SO MUCH.... i really appreciate it ;w; and thank u for entering!! <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 1751-1771!!


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thank u sm for joining!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1740-1750!!

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thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1716-1739!!

(YESS danganronpa is so fun! i still remember being blown away the first time i played it cuz of the fact its like a visual novel but with an interactive 3d environment to walk around in <3 so many fun character designs and development too! ive always loved celestia personally)

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thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1683-1715!!

(ive heard so many good things abt splatoon 3!! havent been able to get my hands on it [yet 😈] but frye is my favorite so far <3)

I'm definitely entering    [if thats ok~]

- Followed~!

- Bulletin

- I think DearBubu would love this [idk if i did the @ correctly]

- Sadly my favorite game is league of legends currently. idk i find it fun and i like the lore and character designs for alot of the champs i like  

- Favorited Ryso, Lanrick, Jack, and Poe <3 love their designs

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <33 your ticket numbers are: 1650-1682!!

(omg ive never played league of legends cuz ive been told the playerbase is scary but i honestly LOVE the characters to death!! all the art ive seen is so gorgeous and tbh the fact different skins have new voice lines to match them sometimes is such a fun concept to me too.. if it werent for my fear of being yelled at i'd be playing it too DHJKSFHKF)

Honestly it is fun! And psshhh you can mute things like text chat and pings and stuff so you wouldnt even know lol i personally aint affected but id be sooo down to play with you some time even lol ill teach you the fun side of league also ty for entry! 

np!! and omg i would actually really appreciate that 😭 ive wanted to get into it but it scares me LMAO feel free to shoot me a dm if youre down/have a discord!

this are so cute omggg!!! 

um made a buleltin and followed you (your page is a vibe/pos)!!

i am taggin KPShy and i faved Zeke, Knox and Mystique!!

Also my current fave game is Digimon Cyber Sleuth, after being really dissapointed with recent pokemon games i am having a blast with this one!!! I am also trying to complete the dex cus they are all so skrungly shaped!!

thank u sm for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1617-1649!!

(thank u btw @ my page, i really appreciate it!! ;w; also i totally feel u abt the pokemon games - while i still love em a lot the recent ones have left me itching to check out other "collectable monster" series like digimon n monster rancher so im glad to hear its so fun, i always found the digimon evo system rly cool!! mayhaps i will pick up dcs first in that case... 🤔)

i would absolutely love to enter!
here is the bulletin : yuraestial's proof.

  • following already.
  • i will tag seokga.
  • my favorite game is one called parasite eve, it's a unique game and the main character
    aya brea is a true inspiration to me. the combat system was also incredibly fun.
  • i also sent a favorite to this character, doumael. i have always love the angel / divine
    type designs and this one just really stands out to me.

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1590-1616!!

(OHHH ive heard of parasite eve!! it + the sequel are on my wishlist to play rn cuz of the concept art/character designs alone oTL it looks SUCH a charming series!)

this is so cool i love low poly models sm!
bulletin and followed!  I really love silent hill and BioShock! Both really had a huge impact on me as a kid, the designs and environments are like... whoa... 

i also favorited Tachyk and Cedar! 

thank u! and thanks so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1570-1589!!

(oh my god i LOVED bioshock... i cant remember which title it was atm - ik it was either 1 or 2 - but i spent sooo many hours on it years ago!! definitely helped shape my taste in media genres LOL)

This user's account has been closed.

thank u sm!! and thank u for joining!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 1556-1569!!

(god same same same!!! i love the silent hill games so much)

Entering! I LOVE this sm the model looks great :0

thank you so much, i rly appreciate it! and thanks also for entering!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket number is: 1555!!

Entering!! And i did all the extras :D The characs i faved are Knox, Abrielle and Buzzard!!! The first luigi mansion outta be my all time fave i have sooo many nostalgic memories and i adored played it while my siblings watched me play :D also i would love to be added to your ping list

thank u so much for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 1532-1554!!

(also ofc!! i've now added you to the pinglist ^w^ AND LUIGI'S MANSION IS SO FUN!! i always loved how atmospheric it was for a mario game <3)

AHHH OMG thank you for the opportunity best of luck to everyone :-]

JuIian maybe you might be interested? sorry for the ping lol
I don't play video games anymore but I've always loved Battleblock Theater, it has a very special place in my heart. also the liar liar VN. and higurashi



thanks so much for joining!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1518-1531!! 


thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket number is: 1517!!

Woah! These are so dope, you did an amazing job on them! Thanks for the amazing opportunity! 

Here's my bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952503.rad-raffle-nm-

My fave game series will always be Zelda and I know it isn't everyone's fave, but Windwaker has a special place in my heart because it helped me get through some really rough times in my life and made me super happy every time I played it!

+ subbed, faved 3 characters (Knox, Nebula, and Kosmo), and tagging my partner Patrick 

And I'd love to be pinged as well. <3

thank you so much!! <3 and thank you for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 1484-1516!!

(youve been added to the pinglist btw! also zelda is such a nostalgic series to me, i totally get u <3 <3 i havent had the chance to play windwaker myself yet, but twilight princess is my comfort game!! ive always loved windwaker from a stylistic perspective tho - its so unique from the other games in that regard ^^)

Followed, favorited tbn plague doc, Kouwa and Nebula

My current favorite games are the entire splatoon series, I basically grew up with the games and I enjoy playing all 3 of them a lot 

I also shared this bulletin ^^ here 

Thank you so much for this opportunity!


np, thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1461-1483!!

(I LOVE SPLATOON YESS one of these days i will get my hands on 3. clenches fist)

Would like to enter ^^
i subbed !

thanks so much for entering!! ^w^ your ticket numbers are: 1450-1460!!

i wanna enter!!!
bulettin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952459.low-poly-model-raffle-nm-
faved https://toyhou.se/972761.vlad-the-impaler https://toyhou.se/7676212.diamond- and https://toyhou.se/6205962.poe-
and for fav video game, i'd say is the binding of isaac and it's been for the last 10 years since the game came out :0 it introduced me to rogue likes and i love the darkness abt the game, edmund its one of my fav game developers

thank u sm for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 1427-1449!!

(OOOOOO binding of isaac is so fun!! i had the same experience with isaac being the first game to introduce me to roguelikes ^^ still not super experienced with the genre but i love how fast-paced isaac can be sometimes!)

I would love to enter- 

-Here’s my bulletin ^^’ : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952444.hella-cool-raffle-
-Tag a friend: Loki9112 I think you’d be interested in this too- ^^
-Favourite characters: i faved Knox, Zeke, and Kosmo <3
-I subbed/followed,,
-and favourite video game? Well, my old favourite was probably Spyro, enter the dragonfly,, I couldn’t tell you why I loved it so much now, but I spent hours just collecting things in that game, I really enjoyed it ^^
A current favourite would probably be raft, where I’ve been having fun with my friends lately and just peacefully building a home with them (:

uhh,,, I hope that’s everything- 

Btw, unrelated to the raffle,, your art is gorgeous, and all your characters I saw looked so unique and interesting,, I’m a pokefanatic half the time, so seeing such cool characters there was amazing! <3

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ your ticket numbers are: 1394-1426!!

(thank u btw, i'm glad u like my ocs - i really appreciate it!!! ;__; that means so much)

id love to enter! and subbed

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1383-1393!!

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thank u so much for entering!! <3 your ticket numbers are: 1350-1382!!

(also it is the right place to comment, no worries! i've now added you to the pinglist ^w^)

This user is not visible to guests.

thank u sm! and thank you for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1336-1349!!

(i havent played valhalla yet [wishlisted though... soon] but i'm SO GLAD to hear it lives up to the hype!!! ac in general is such a fun series but valhalla had me so gripped as an elder scrolls fan oTL)

Entering! Here’s bulletin. I subbed to you. My favorite game currently is cookie run kingdom, I just like those collection games. I was also super into dragonvale. Also I faved three characters, specifically Buzzard, Percival, and Pepper. Ty for the chance!

np, thank u for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1303-1335!!

(YESSS i love cookie run kingdom!! cookie run in general is fun but i find myself enjoying kingdom more for the story + "settlement" mechanics. dark choco and pumpkin pie are my personal favorites ^^)

Entering! Bulletin here.
Tagging a friend: CeruleanWake - think you'd love this!
Followed you on th, love your art. ^^
Favorite video game: Resident evil 4! Love the stupid cheesy dialog and just the overall look of it. Hard to explain just what makes it my favorite but its just GOOD. I LIKE it.
Fav'd Reverend Mother and tbn

thank u! and thanks so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1273-1302!!

(RESIDENT EVIL IS SO GOOD.... OTL leon my beloved)

I'd love to enter! <3

id also would love to be added to the pinglist if possible!

sure thing, i've added you to the pinglist! and thank you sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1240-1272!!

(welcome to ffxiv btw!!! :D lmk if you ever want tips or anything! i'm so obsessed with that game HFJKSDJF)

>><< omg if possible id love to keep in touch cuz ive been wanting more friendos to play with sdfsad (if u have a discord feel free to dm asdfsfd)

This user is not visible to guests.

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ your ticket numbers are: 1207-1239!!


This user is not visible to guests.

TBH.... i used to take exclusively steam games as payment for a while before i got used to paypal so i might genuinely take u up on this offer sometime SJKDHKEFKELF

This user is not visible to guests.
This user is not visible to guests.

np, and thanks so much for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 1183-1206!!

(also ive never heard of aura kingdom before but oh my god i love how this looks????? the models and artwork are absolutely gorgeous???? my soul is already sold to another mmo at the moment but honestly just looking at the screenshots is making me itch to give it a try.... such nice animations too!!)

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952376.raffle-nm- 

also followed!!

corpsecake (hi <3)

fav video game: the wolf among us because oh my god the aesthetic, the mystery, the fact all the characters are fables?? Peak fiction and bigby is one of my all time fav characters my beloved fr

fav of ur characters: tachyk, buzzard, & peppy,,,,, scrinkles

thank u so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 <3 your ticket numbers are: 1150-1182!!

(YESS GOOD CHOICE!!! ive only seen playthroughs [so far] but the wolf among us is so fun.... im absolutely in love with the art style oTL also any media that bases its characters off of folklore/mythology is an instant favorite LMAO)

This user is not visible to guests.

thank you sm for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 1117-1149!!

(YESSS ive never been able to get my hands on spyro myself but ive always loved watching playthroughs of it! the music is so nostalgic to revisit now and then <3)

Hi! This is soooo cool, I'd love to enter!

ouughhh it's really hard to pick a favorite video game- But when I was younger i was OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts 2, and still consider it in my all time faves just for nostalgia and beating it over and over and over. Rn, though, I struggle between Nier Replicant and Okami for fave of all time, both having moved me deeply during the course of the stories, and sticking with me as something incredible- If that makes sense!

Jaymis FrootJoos get on in here you two >:)

Also; I'd love to be pinged if you open up comms again! I'll def purchase a low poly model if the raffle doesn't work out, absolutely in love with the idea. <3

forgot the bulletin LMAO : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/edit/961217

thank u so much!! youre on the pinglist for 3d models now ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1103-1116!!

(UGH ive always loved okami!!! the style and character design is so pretty and inspiring to me - ive always been a fan of the OST too <3 <3)

subbed to you, faved peppy nameless and blaze and shared in bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952352.raffle-nm 

also i would like to be added to the pinglist

of course, i've now added you to the pinglist! thank you so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1083-1102!!

I LOVE LOW POLY MODELS I do a lil dance
bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952348.low-poly-model-raffle

One of my favourite games was fossil fighters for the nintendy DS and boy howdy looking back the models are so crusty but they hold so much charm :-D

thank u sm for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 1069-1082!!

(OOOO i definitely see what you mean, i love the look of these models sm!! what fun character designs too)

This user's account has been closed.
This user's account has been closed.

THANK U SM!!! and thank you for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 1036-1068!!

(UGH i have such fond memories of the first red dead!!! i spent so many hours on the base game + the zombie DLC.... oTL.... i havent finished red dead 2 yet but im sooo in love and excited with what i HAVE played so far! its such a fun and pretty world <3)



BULLETIN AAAAAA https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952202.buddy-doin-a-neato-raffle-

i follow you ohohohoho Biins come get yall juice

I am such a fan of the original .hack// games it's not even funny i bought the last one complete with manual for like $140 or something dumb cause i just wanted it so dang bad but i havent even gotten to it yet. the music is great and the models are crunchy and great and i love the random dungeons!


starts shrieking as i sink into the floor, never to be seen again


YOUR TICKET NUMEBRS AREGUSNUMBERS.gifalso i think i told you this already but i literally picked up that one dot hack bundle on steam bc of you rambling about the games to me GFHJKHKGRLG i havent had the time to play it yet and also im pretty sure its the remakes rather than the originals but i cant WAIT to dig my fingers into this franchise-- AH..... WATCHES YOU MELT INTO THE FLOOR.... STARTS CRYINFG


bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/952138.3d-model-raffle-nm-


tagging dedsec !

one of my favorite video games has been lollipop chainsaw! i really like the character design and soundtrack for it.

favorited marasmius, tachyk, and magdalene!

tysm for the chance!!!

thank you sm for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 969-1001!!

(YEAHH LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW IS SO COOL ive always loved watching gameplays of it for the style + music <3 and the dialogue is rly funny in some parts too LOL)

This user is not visible to guests.

no problem, i've now added you to the pinglist! ^w^ <3 and thank u so much for entering!! your ticket numbers are: 942-968!!

(thank you so much btw, i rly appreciate it!! <3)

bulletin is here!
also i'm already following you lmao
current favorite video game is Tales of The Abyss! i love it bc the main character gets such a nice arc (he starts out as a huge asshole but he gets better. he gets so much better) and like all of the supporting characters are a Riot. 10/10 please play it
favoriting: vlad (how tf did i not fave him already), doumael, and tabitha!

also i'd love to be added to the comm pinglist waugh

of course! i've now added you to the pinglist ^w^ <3 <3 and thank you so much for entering!! your ticket numbers are: 919-941!!

(BRO?? id heard of the title before but only in passing, i never actually looked into it @_@ im definitely gonna have to check this out sometime though, im absolutely in love with this style and character design???)

oh my god please play tales of the abyss i am begging. its so good. i almost cried (which is high praise coming from me lmao). blease

(also if you dont have a 3ds or ps2 to play it on then shhhh i can get you access to it, dw)

WELL..... I HAVE A 3DS BUT.... (<_<) (>_>) i would Potentially still be interested in this access to it JHDJSHDKJLKGS

dont worry i gotchu lmao. say the word and i can Send you the link to obtain it :3c

This user is not visible to guests.

no problem, thank u so much for joining!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 889-918!!

entering! bulletin here

subbed + tagging: blackdogz + mappy! i love the character designs, level designs, and the music is ultra catchy <3 + fav'd nameless, ryso, and knox !

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 856-888!!

(OMG mappy looks so cute and nostalgic??? the music is so upbeat too, i could easily put the main theme on loop for hours <3)

entering :)!!! bulletin here , already following u, tagging Lelith , my fav video game is uum currently ffxiv :] 

thanks for the chance!! 

thank u so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 832-855!!


This user is not visible to guests.

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 and of course, ive now added you to the pinglist for 3d models specifically ^w^! your ticket numbers are: 799-831!!

(bro i just checked out katana zero cuz i'd never heard of it before but this promo art and level design is so sick???? @.@ i legitimately might have to see about getting this some time, this is INCREDIBLY cool to watch)

This user is not visible to guests.



my favourite video game atm is Oblivion because it has always been a comfort game for me

thank u so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 ur ticket numbers are: 785-798!!

(YESSS oblivion is so good!!! the elder scrolls series in general is one of my lifelong favorites <3)

Count me in >:)

- liked, subscribed, and hit the bell icon! (following u)
- omg nullpunkts look 😳
- my favourite videogame is Silent Hill 2 ... I have a very fond memory of playing it for the first time, and I especially liked all the lore in it, especially the way the themes of the enemies have meanings relating to the main character.... :)
- I really like ur characters (https://toyhou.se/HeySoph/favorites)

- omg a bulletin (https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/951716.raffle-someone-else-s-)

Also I love your th theme 🥺 it looks like u put a lot of work in to it !! I admire that!

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <33 your ticket numbers are: 752-784!!

(thank you so much btw, that means a lot to me!!! ;__; also i havent played silent hill 2 yet so my knowledge of the game extends solely to its BANGER soundtrack but GOOD CHOICE. i'm not even the biggest fan of horror games with lots of jumpscares but ive been itching to find a nice emulator for it after i finish silent hill 1 one of these days for what i've heard of the story/music/atmosphere alone <3 psychological horror my beloved)

bulletin, subbed, wazzup I feel like u would like this :]

One of my favourite games growing up was Mii party, a lot of memories playing it on my Wii 

thank u sm for joining!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 728-751!!

(AGH same!!! i loooved wii party growing up, or anything to do with the miis really - its such a nostalgia bomb to look back on it now, especially the music @_@ <3)


thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 717-727!!

no problem :D

i was the one who got tagged 

here's the bulletin

one of my all time favorites is Yume Nikki because of its visuals and concept, as well as being one of the og popular rpgmaker games

i also faved Knox, Paradise and Pepper

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 694-716!!

(GOOD CHOICE yume nikki is so good!!! i havent played it yet so my knowledge of it extends solely to its cool as hell soundtrack and some various playthrough clips ive seen KJAHSKJFJKS but it looks so atmospheric and i definitely wanna give it a go someday. such a cool story idea)

Thanks so much for the chance!
followed, and the bulletin is here! efaura you might be interested... i've faved ryso, peter and buzzard!

i think my favourite video game is probably hotel dusk: room 215 for the DS. I like it because its a fun mystery puzzle game with cool rotoscoped character sprites as well as nice 3d environments...and the soundtrack is fun, i like this track a lot. oh and you also hold your ds sideways like a notebook to play it.

i'd love to be added to the pinglist for your comms! (im sort of hovering between 2 toyhouse accounts at the moment, do you think you'd be able to add my other account mearis too?)

thank u sm for joining!! and yes, i'd totally be able to do that - youve now been added to the pinglist on both accounts ^w^ <33 your ticket numbers are: 661-693!!

(i hadn't heard of hd:r215 before but i looked it up just now and OH MY GOD this looks cool as hell???? i love the monochromatic sketchy style paired with the 3d background so much, it gives me so much nostalgia to watch @_@ <3 also the fact you have to hold the DS like a little book is so cool, it gives the gameplay such an immersive edge to it!! i'm definitely gonna check the rest of the OST out later too, im in love with the track you linked + maybe i can find a good emulator for it somewhere as well..... HMMM much to think about)

thanks lots for the chance!!! just subbed and here’s my bulletin post! ^_^ and im gonna tag my pal Averyfunnypun for this heehoo https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/951448.3d-model-raffle-nm-

my current favorite game is splatoon 3! ive been playing splatoon ever since the first game came out and i love the new features on this one! as for your characters, ive favorited diamond, zeke, and poe! pokemon ocs my beloved

thank u so much for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 628-660!!

(OOOO ive heard so many good things about splatoon 3, its making me itch to buy it SO bad... ive played splatoon 2 + octo expansion but havent looked into 3 much aside from seeing the customization options and ofc the idols - im so glad to hear its actually as fun as it looks!!)

I would love to enter; this is so cool! Gives me feelings of nostalgia. As for my favorite video game, Hmmm, that's a tough one, I'm not sure I can choose. I mean I love Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. I don't know if I have a reason why, I just think it's a very pretty game, and I loved how they did wolf link. But I also love Perfect Dark, I used to play it with my brother, and that was a lot of fun to be able to just hang out with him. Gosh, there's so many good games, I'll leave it at that, but yeah, I'm not sure if I could choose just one favorite game. Also following you now!

thank you so much!! and thank you for entering :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 614-627!!

(I LOOOVE TWILIGHT PRINCESS... definitely agree with you on it being a gorgeous game, im positive that the aesthetics of it shaped what i love to see in media to this day <3)

Posted the bulletin, subbed and faved Magdalene, Knox and Mystique, and tagging tenjiku seraphiim 

Thanks for the chance! These look so cool!!

np, and thank u sm for entering!! i appreciate it ^w^ <33 your ticket numbers are: 584-613!!

i would like to enter, heres my bulletin!!
i also subbed to u

my current fav game is mgs1, the voice actors gave the characters so much charm u_u and i love davids complete lack of eyes lol
hal and dave going 2 jupiter to get more stupider..

thank u sm for joining!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 570-583!!

(tbh ive always loved the models in mgs1 for their lack of facial features in general HJSKDKAFLKFL theyre so nostalgic... hal's little orb lenses are so funny also)

good gos this looks so cool wishing you luck w the raffle ! heres my bulletin since im entering

ive followed and rn i think my fave game has to be steins gate but i have many faves 😭 there r so many reasons why its up there but my god its so amazing the narrative just hits so hard n the buildup to it is long but so well worth it because it just HITS YOU w everything at once after hours of leaving subtle cues

thank you so much! <3 and thank you for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 556-569!!

(OOOH i love slowburn games like that!!! ive had steins gate on my wishlist for a while just cuz ive heard such good things about it, but i havent actually checked out any gameplay or anything yet, it sounds so intense though! 8) for someone completely new to the series would you recommend playing the game or watching the anime first?)

definitely play the game first, the anime skips a LOT of characterisation to save time so you miss content that eould have been in the game . the game hqs like 6 endings which arent reflected in the anime, i think the anime only does the true or mayuri ending (??) i havent seen the anime in a while so honestly im not sure if its even good 3 theres jst somethin abt the game thats hard to replicate when you dont have that much time to properly pace it . but take w a grain of salt ofc ! all i know is thst you should DEFINITELY play the game first, it is so much more impactful despite the initially slow pacing . and after steins gate im p sure youre supposed to play steins gate 0 coz its a sequel and ive heard its rlly good :] i think it focuses more on ai than time travel but i could b wrong coz i still need to play it ! regardless its such a high recommend

i think my fave aspect of it is literlwly the protag himself coz hes meant to be unreliable and unlikeable at first until the story starts to throw PUNCHES at you with its intensity and it literlaly blew my fucking mind how good it was

OUGH thank you so much for such a detailed reply!!! i absolutely LOVE unreliable narrators in games/shows and such... this has me so hype to pick it up when i have the spare cash to do so!!! @u@ <3 thats unfortunate about the anime cutting things out too but i cant say im too surprised... ill at least for sure put steins gate 0 as the next one to check out after i finish the first game though! thank u so much for the rec, i appreciate it a ton ^w^


There's my bulletin ^^^^ entering >:D !! And I'm a follower ofc.

I have a really hard time picking a fav anything but I think for a combo of sentimental reason and loving the vibe, loz twilight princess is my fav?? BUT I've been deep deep deep in the monster hunter trenches for a while now since picking up one of the games on a whim last year so I guess mh world is my current favorite lol...

Thanks for running the raffle!! But please add me to the ping list so I can give you $$$ when the time comes >:D

thank u so much for entering!!! ^w^<33 and of course, thank u!! 8_8 i've now added you to the pinglist. your ticket numbers are: 542-555!!

(AHHHH TWILIGHT PRINCESS!! that game shaped so much of what i like to see in games and characters oTL i'm still waiting on them to port it to the switch so i can relive my memory of it outside of a laggy emulator... monster hunter is so cool also, i've never played a game yet but i've seen streams, ive been keeping an eye on steam for when i can pick one up on sale and afford it GSJKHKSFKL)

YES FELLOW TP ENJOYER..... i also want it on the switch so bad... killing meeeeee i dont want to play at my work desk....

also monster hunter rise (the current one) is on sale for 50% off right now on steam! [link] so is the DLC (which is good and worth it imo)but dlc doesnt kick in until youre well into the base game so its not necessary to enjoy it :] its a fun game and a good intro to the series for sure. faster and more arcade-y than prior entries but im enjoying it a lot!

OMG THANK YOU FOR THIS LINK WHAT. this is an insane sale im gonna bookmark this for when i can snatch it in a little bit TwT thank u SO much!!

entering! Bulletin here

just followed! 

tagging Lib-FluffyMoss 

current favorite video game is Don't Starve (Together), just really like the art style and game mechanics. The DLC in DS is rly unique imo (Hamlets my fav), and there's so many pretty skins for items in DST (and I enjoy playing with friends). 

thx for the opportunity! 

np! and thank u sm for entering!! :DD your ticket numbers are: 518-541!!

(YESSS dont starve together is so fun... me and my friends are kinda cringe and fail (/pos) so we never get to finish a playthrough GJSHKSFLKJEF ive always loved playing wendy though!! even if she kinda sucks healthwise :') )

I'm entering! Heres the bulletin 
I have been already subscribed to you >:) And tagging my friend Hio B) already made a rant to em abt this on dms lol

Also allow me to rant abt yakuza >:) I REALLY love the yakuza franchise and i finished yakuza 5 not so long, i really like games about mystery and murder and stuff like that, plus i love fighting games. I never thought id be liking to see things in the point of view of an outlaw but here we are
my favorite at this moment is yakuza 4 because we get 4 protags to play with and I'm a huge fan of groups of 4 people who fight for justice, really love it DAKSK
anyways idk if you have played these but u shoul d its really worth it

thank u so much for joining!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 494-517!!

(DUDE!!! IVE NEVER PLAYED YAKUZA BUT i bought yakuza 0 a few months ago which im planning to play when im not as busy - i was also hoping it was the first game in the series but apparently not oTL but ANYWAY LOL ive been SO interested in the series based on what ive seen from fanart + discussions n whatnot... do you perhaps have a recommendation of which order/game is best to start with for someone just getting into the series?)


the order i recommend is starting with 0, then follow with Kiwami & Kiwami 2, after with the remastered version of 3, 4, and 5 And well after u got Yakuza 6 and 7 to finish up the canon lore, it's basically going in chronological order 😎 because that's the order I'm following lol 

If you can also u should definitely play Yakuza Judgement and Lost Judgement, I think it's a spin off in the same universe (coughs there's actually a hell lot of spin offs 😭 but judgement and it's sequel got a pc release just a couple of days ago 👍)

HFHJKSHDJKKJF I NOTICED THE AMOUNT OF SPINOFFS ACTUALLY hence why i was a little intimidated by what order i should play them in LMAO but THANK YOU SO MUCH.... i will for sure save this to pick at after im done with 0. im so relieved the first one i bought was in fact the one i should start with KJHFKJLKG also ill for sure check out both of the judgements especially with the pc releases.... thank you sm for the recs i appreciate it so much!!! so excited to finally dip my toes into this franchise 🙏

GOD YEA, I'm trying to play all the canon games before diving into the spin offs since these use characters from different games (the one I'm interested to play the most is Dead Souls but iT STILL DOESN'T HAVE A PC RELEASE ☹️) but anyways I don't think the spin offs got an order 🤔 aside of Judgement & Lost Judgement, bc they're individual games 😎 so that's a relief

Anyways yes!! Have a good time playing, there's a lot of content ahead waiting for ya B) ! 

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thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <33 your ticket numbers are: 470-493!!

(SKYRIM IS SO GOOD ARGH it was something i played a bit as a kid, but i recently started playing it again and its so much more fun than i remember 😭 i LOVE the dragons so much)

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Entering!!! Here's the bulletin [:<<


  • Followed
  • SCP-3999 I think you'll be interested in this 😳
  • Favorite game is LISA: The Painful and LISA: The Joyful [I ADORE the world building and the story, I'm a huge sucker for post-apocalyptic settings and also the mutants. Not to mention the dark themes in the game and how the game really punishes you for the choices that you make. It is BRUTAL.]
  • Favorited Pepper, Doctor and Poe

thank u so much for entering!! :DD <3 your ticket numbers are: 437-469!!

(GOD!!!!!! THE LISA GAMES ARE SO GOOD. the mutants and worldbuilding alone are why the lisa series is one of my favorite indie game RPGs to recommend to people if they can stomach it oTL im immediately in love with any kind of story that goes "these monsters used to be people")

I would love to enter! Here's my bulliten xxxx

I'm following you now! Also i'm gonna tag miqote cause i know he would think this is cool too :3

I really like ff7! dats pretty obvious tho cause my username X3

I favorited Bo, Snapdragon, and B'rhutu cause ffxiv makes me go brrrrrr

thank u so much for joining!! ^w^ <33 your ticket numbers are: 404-436!!

(FFXIV MY BELOVED... ive been so obsessed with ffxiv lately endwalker has been crushing me physically and emotionally HSFKJEFL)

I would like to enter, also shared! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/951336.low-poly-model-raffle-

Was already a follower of ours, also tagging angorea (sorry for the ping, thought you might be interested!), faved 3 characters of yours (https://toyhou.se/1402556.abrielle , https://toyhou.se/13176723.buzzard , https://toyhou.se/894019.knox)

Also one of my favorite games of all time is the Shin Megami Tensei series! I played it on my Nintendo DSi (which I still have) as a kid. The series incorporates lots of mythologies like the christian and buddhist ones (though not only limited to that!) and is a RPG. Fun fact, the Persona series is also part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, technically, since it is an spin-off. :]

thank u sm for entering!! ^w^ <3 your ticket numbers are: 371-403!!

(THATS SO COOL??? man ive heard of shin megami tensei but i had no idea it was related to persona!! i looove any kinds of series that build mythologies/religion into their lore/characters <333 ive thought about giving it a try in the past but this has convinced me... 🤔)