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June 2022 Story Prompt:

After the Ravenous Beast in the jungle and the Decahedron menacing the bay were both soundly defeated by Ivras's mage protectors, celebrations begin to take place across the kingdom. Bolstered by coin from the Order's treasury, parades and festivals honoring the monster hunters seem to crop up in every city in Ivras.

To some, the celebration of mages seems a strange contrast to the rising Witchfinder tide. Archon Miriam's supporters believe that the astonishing victory over the monsters is due to the Archon's firm grip on the Order, and that non-mage control of the mages was the secret to the hunters' success. 

Your character finds their town overtaken by a parade celebrating the monsters' defeat. For the first time in a long time, mages are the heroes of songs being sung, and of plays performed on impromptu stage in the square. Hiro Valhalla and Harrow, the slayers of the monsters, are being hailed as champions, but with Witchfinders organizing the festivities, it's hard to tell who is really being celebrated.

what does your character do?

  1. Are you kidding? Celebrate! Who cares who organized the party; the monsters are dead, the day is saved, and the wine is flowing! Your character may have even been one of the ones who brought the monster down, and they've earned their 15 minutes of fame, damn it.  Your character receives +1 Corruption.
  2. Soak it in, but keep a watchful eye. Everyone loves a festival, but with mage relations being what they are, this seems like a recipe for trouble. Your character receives +1 Discipline.
  3. Protest the parade. It's grotesque to see the monsters' deaths being reenacted like this. Those were people once. Your character receives +1 Power.
  4. Abstain from the festivities entirely. Mages created the monsters in the first place, why should the kingdom call them heroes for it just because no one died this time? Your character receives -1 Cost. If your character already has 0 Cost, you may choose to take +1 Corruption instead.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. Responses to this prompt should be done individually, one character per response.