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April 2023 Story Prompt:

The stormy season in the Southern Sea has been unusually severe this year, battering the Ivratian archipelago and the ocean beyond. Pirate activity in the area seems to have increased as well—but they, too, have to obey the whims of the weather.

Trade routes from the south have been disrupted, leaving shelves and warehouses empty. All over Ivras, merchants and traders are wringing their hands; those dealing in rare and exotic goods are especially affected, but even some common wares are missing.

Has your character noticed this, and if so, what are they doing about it?

  1. Share what they have with others. Your character has earned +1 Power.
  2. Make do with what they have. Your character has earned +1 Discipline.
  3. Get hold of what they need, no matter the cost. Your character has earned +1 Corruption.
  4. Complain about it. Your character has earned -1 Cost. If your character already has 0 Cost, you may choose to take +1 Corruption instead.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.