Unpopular music opinions thread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by FrankensteinLabs

Is country a valid genre?

57 Votes No
154 Votes Yes
121 Votes Sometimes
51 Votes It used to be

so uhhh basically im just VERY tired and have hot takes/want to share some hot takes

rules are easy; you can disagree with ppl but be respectful, this thread isnt the place for debates. its an opinion thread, not a life or death thread. got it? thanks, loves. 

got a music opinion you feel is unpopular? post it here

ill go first; glass animals wouldnt be underrated if yall actually bought their albums instead of pirating that stuff from animation memes

ok have fun im gonna crash now if this thread has been done before rip ill remove this one


InCerebralTerms OKAY THIS I AGREE WITH SO MUCH i live in buttfuck nowhere so the radio is filled with this modern country and most of the time its about 'i have a truck, i like tits, and i cheat on my wife' but older country music, especially country that borders on blues as a genre, is so fucking good. like im just very upset with how modern country has 'tainted' the genre for so many people, because so many older country songs are these beautiful and meaningful songs where newer country just appeals to the same audience over and over with no variation. Billy The Kid is so fucking good . anyways ur right thats all


oh dear i have a lot

-melanie martinez/top/billie eyelash/lana del rey are all overrated

-to all the indie bandcamp ukelele 20somethings you wont be the next cavetown

-tool is plain godawful and is in fact the mumble rap of their genre

-jubyphonic sounds like nails on a chalkboard and english speaking (specifically usamerican) voca producers just arent good most of the time

-pop punk... the name alone is an oxymoron just throw the whole thing away

-metal is more often than not country music for suburban white dads in their 50s and conservative millennials

-tiktok music is good youre just scared of teenagers enjoying music

-letting vaporwave die was proving what message(?) it had(?) right

-liking rock music isnt a personality trait please shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!

-and neither is liking showtunes. liking slave owner apologism the musical is not a personality trait

-old town road is country you just hate cultural fusion outside of asian-american food

-and because i had to: the ristar ost is painfully underrated

im probably forgetting a lot but i think i have to cut it off here. phew


I got so blind-sighted by my enjoyment of Marty Robbins I completely forgot to write about anything else.

It's been said but don't discredit songs/artists just because they get used on Tik Tok, in animation memes, etc! I myself have found some artists I like from that sort of stuff! When Tally Hall/Miricle Musical got an influx of new fans after different The Mind Electric animations kept popping up that was great! It's weird to gatekeep people just because they found something off of something Popular.

Looping back around to the Tally Hall thing: I get a lot of people act like Tally Hall = Miricle Musical but? That's just wrong? They just point at a musical project with Joe Hawley and go "Tally Hall". I've seen similar things happen with Rob Cantor and BRUH just let them exist outside of Tally Hall! Don't get me wrong I adore Tally Hall and Hawaii: Part II is one of my favorite albums of all time but you don't have to comment about it under everything these guys do. ALSO, stop pestering them about a new album. I get the want is real and most people treat it as a joke but don't be out here legit harassing band members over it.

I feel like that's enough garbage from me for now but I'm relistening to Repo! The Genetic Opera and I have some opinions.


First and Foremost, Christian music is not its own genre, but it is a category within several different genres - so Skillet is Christian metal, Kings K is Christian experiemental, Keith and Kristyn getty is Christian Classical, TobyMac is Christian Rock (I think).  But all the categories share a common theme.

Acoustic guitar is a good instrument when properly recorded.

There are a lot of instruments out there that should be used beyond the genres in which they've been traditionally placed.

With a few exceptions, I have no band loyalty and will like a variety of different songs despite the singers. 

Folk songs need more love


100 gecs this 100 gecs that- we need to remember our roots:

  100 Monkeys  


all music is valid. it's just vibrations. so someone likes vibrations that you don't so what.

anyway i'm bee and i love country and pop and bubblegum stuff like ke$ha and katy Perry because 99% of the time i want happy music so yes i love starships by nicki minaj are you kidding me it's so dancey

billie eilish is my dark witch goddess though


P!atd sucks man. I used to like it but..the new songs are now pop instead of alt, Brendon Urie is not a good person, & the older song lyrics aren't good imo. The only song I kinda like is "Mona Lisa".

I like Billie Eilish's music, but not her.

The Fame Monster was Lady Gaga's only good album. I can't stand her music now.

The only good songs Sia wrote are Diamonds & Titanium. Her voice sucks as well. I can only listen to Titanium, any other song makes my ears bleed. (Diamonds is sung by Rihanna if you didn't know)

Kpop stans need to start pretending to like EVERY song their favorite group makes. I'm a passionate ahgase (GOT7 fan) but I don't like every single song by them!! It's okay to only like two songs on the album! It doesn't make you a fake fan!

I fucking hate Lizzo. Her music videos are unappealing, her voice is screechy, & her lyrics sound like she tries too hard to be relatable. It's not even that she's overplayed. I hated her music the first time I heard it.

Sybyr is the only mumble rapper I like. He basically vents in his music and I can feel the emotional pour out of anger. I love that kind of shit.

Eminem is trash bro.


oh i got another one - imagine dragons is great. "thunder is sooOOOOOOO bad it's just the same line over and over" yeah it makes it easy for my ptsd/depression/abused brain to remember and it makes me think of one of my characters - "but there's so many underdogs overcoming shit songs out there" yeah, wonder why, probably 'cause people resonate with that. giving in and doing/writing something popular or even *gasp* dare i say it cliche is not inherently a bad thing.

also thunder and most imagine dragons songs have something somewhat almost... primal? in them? and it's good.

and again i'm going to reiterate: being mad or callous or cruel or making fun of someone for listening to different vibrations than you with their own ears and their own headphones is a shitty way to live.