Unpopular music opinions thread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by FrankensteinLabs

Is country a valid genre?

57 Votes No
154 Votes Yes
121 Votes Sometimes
51 Votes It used to be

so uhhh basically im just VERY tired and have hot takes/want to share some hot takes

rules are easy; you can disagree with ppl but be respectful, this thread isnt the place for debates. its an opinion thread, not a life or death thread. got it? thanks, loves.ย 

got a music opinion you feel is unpopular? post it here

ill go first; glass animals wouldnt be underrated if yall actually bought their albums instead of pirating that stuff from animation memes

ok have fun im gonna crash now if this thread has been done before rip ill remove this one


Country music is amazing <3
Might be biased since I was raised with it though


hi ur enabling to me share my semi niche loud music opinions

  • you cant say ur song is 14400BPM if you just stick it all that bpm in the last 2 seconds to jumpscare me i am going to scream. this is a vaguepost about very specific track
  • edm subgenres for the most part dont matter. whats a terrorcore do you think i know what these words mean im just here because i like the crunch. why are you people arguing in the comments of a song from 2012
  • 'the kick is too muddy/distorted' shut UP what do you think im here for. if the kick doesnt sound like a cheese grater personally going against my ears it sucks
  • long intros are either super super good or they suck there is no inbetween and half the time i like the intro more than the song
  • please dont take these seriously my ears hurt


screamo parts in songs can be rly good and make a track ๐Ÿ‘Œ

probably biased bc my fave band has a lot of that, but songs that aren't by them that also have unclean vocals are honestly great


I love K-pop, thatโ€™s all I gotta say. All these pretty boys are breaking my heart ๐Ÿ˜”โœŠ


Japan does metal the best. If there's those kinds of metalheads here, ahaha they ain't gonna like me. Ah well. I already don't like them. Fuck metal elitism in any form. Listen to what you like.

Tokusatsu music is great outside the shows. I mean that's not even a thing anyone here knows but it's been unpopular elsewhere.

X Japan after Taiji left is so much worse. I don't get how people act like they got better after they really started ditching not only the best bassist ever, but what made them who they were. They still had some magic of course with a few good jams after, but when they disbanded and that cheap attempt to grab money that is them after they reunited, nah. It's just a shame to see a band start so great go so low.

Eurobeat is legit good. Not any of that guilty pleasure bullshit. If you can't be proud to jam, you shouldn't listen.

There's good country out there. Like how there's bad music in all other genres. I mean it's not my jam, but hey if I am playing GTA 5 and Convoy comes on you bet your bottom dollar I'm jamming.

North Korea is better at music than South Korea from all I've heard. Yeah sure the lyrical themes from up north are pretty worrying, but the music itself just sounds great. When you have a gun to your family's head I guess you write some good sounding music.

Dragonforce is good. No that one live video from a tour that was loaded with issues all over does not discredit this. Their first singer was however better. He just fit more. The new dude is still fuckin great, of course.

Rick Astley has a great voice. Yeah I know, he had that whole Rickroll meme, but that doesn't take anything from his skill. He has new music he wrote out there, check it out sometime.

This is about a game series, but music wise so I think it fits. 80s Music fits fallout better. I dunno why it just does. That stretch into Nipton with Back in Time playing sticks with me.

It's okay to listen to only some songs from a band or artist, and not the whole discography. Gatekeeping that is lame.

Lyrics are not that important to me, I can't even make them out most the time from something that's messed up with me, so that's why I see it like that. But yeah, everyone else can make out lyrics so I guess if I was normal I wouldn't have this view.

Nightcore should just be done in your copy of audacity or whatever program you use. It's not cool or funny or whatever, and uploading it is pretty scummy because these people act like they made it in any meaningful context, when it takes a second of work. Same with anything that was done quickly and without effort in Audacity really. It's also not a genre, or anything. It's just wow you upped the speed, big deal. If you like how it sounds, hey that's not what I'm on about and continue to enjoy it, just know what it is.

I probably have more but then again all my tastes are probably shit so that'd be a lot of typing and I'm lazy.


Dropping in before this thread gets too salty to say that I think any music can be good music as long as the song sounds good to you. There's no best or worst, every genre has equal amounts of good and bad songs. And if you're sticking yourself to a particular genre, I suggest branching out and listening to new things, you may like it!ย 

My playlist ranges from like.. death metal, to kpop, to Japanese electro swing, to Celtic folk songs and beyond, sooo... sbfjgkhl


Nickelback is not as bad as everyone pretends it is. They have bunch of great songs.


I saw many of pop punk bands music but a lot of it was criticized because it wasn't "punk" enough and it's just "pop rock or alternative rock".And I say pop punk it's still pop punk for all groups where are categorized there. And just because there's screamo doesn't mean you can say it's real pop punk, it's the rhythm,the emotional power of music, the lyrics, even the voices of the young people that make me recognize this kind of music.


K-pop isn't any better than any boyband that sings in English.

Mumble rap is not good.

Finnish schlager is hella good. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Antinightcore or "daycore" is actually worse than nightcore imo.


Nightcore is really really bad it's just so bad. I'm sorry but it isn't valid(tm)

Country is a valid genre it's just. Most popular/radio "friendly" country is the worst shit put out in any genre I've ever heard... honestly I hope Old Town Road and Lil Nas X take home every grammy he deserves it and every time someone calls it "not a real country song" i gotta laugh and just think about all the crap on the country radio stations that they allow to play

On that note non-english rap is way better than english speaking rap.ย 

Trap music is boring

also my fav take:

"WORLD" music is NOT A GENRE SO STOP USING IT AS A GENRE. If you ask "then what do I put [insert different non-western sounding music here] as a genre?" and I say THE ACTUAL GENRE IT IS stop being lowkey racist


I'm the kind of person to like songs individually and don't rly care about the singer, genre, album, etc. If I like a song then I like it lol

You can catch me listening to an edm rhythm game song one minute and a classical piece the next XD


Opinions by CG5 was a good song before everyone started to use it for their animation memes. I remember buying it when it came out. It was such a great song. Now it's overrated.

Everything on US radio stations today is crap.

Nightcore IS awful. I can't listen to it even if my life depended on it