Unpopular music opinions thread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by FrankensteinLabs

Is country a valid genre?

57 Votes No
154 Votes Yes
121 Votes Sometimes
51 Votes It used to be

so uhhh basically im just VERY tired and have hot takes/want to share some hot takes

rules are easy; you can disagree with ppl but be respectful, this thread isnt the place for debates. its an opinion thread, not a life or death thread. got it? thanks, loves. 

got a music opinion you feel is unpopular? post it here

ill go first; glass animals wouldnt be underrated if yall actually bought their albums instead of pirating that stuff from animation memes

ok have fun im gonna crash now if this thread has been done before rip ill remove this one


Tired of seeing the person who traumatized me be so successful with their music and be so popular on tiktok with cosplays, theyve  been mentioned in this thread too and I’m just :‘D I hate to be a pissbaby but I’m dying inside 

Unrelated but glass animals deserves more hype 😔 I will die on this hill


Woo boy, (even more) unpopular opinions coming!

- Lyrics don’t mean literally everything in a song. I’ve seen these posts where people compare different song’s lyrics to show that one of them is better but like, listen.. a song can have well-written lyrics but still sound awful. And a song can have pretty dumb/silly lyrics but still sound really good. Lyrics ARE an important element of all songs, sure, but they don’t automatically decide if it’s good or not.

- This should be really obvious with everything, but just because a song, album, or artist is overrated, doesn’t mean it’s bad. I’ve seen people hate on stuff like Sgt. Pepper (which I literally saw on a list for the worst albums once. You kidding me??) and Bohemian Rhapsody all the time with their reasons being “ohh it doesn’t deserve all the hype it gets” but like.. they’re not bad?? But go off. (Edit: I just realized I already mentioned this one in my first post on here but oh well. I still feel strongly about this)

- Ok I know I just defended it but people gotta stop acting like anything slightly similar to Bohemian Rhapsody is automatically a rip-off. Once heard someone call Tally Hall’s Fate Of The Stars a rip-off of that song and I’m still so very salty about it.

- This might be very niche and specific, but I don’t really care for the song “Dark Side Of Paradice” (I think it’s called??) I mean, I kinda like the chorus, but the vocals in the verses drive me nuts. I won’t really say it’s a bad song, though. It’s just not for me, I guess.

- And finally, I heard someone say that people who make covers aren’t musicians before on another unpopular music opinion thread on a different website and I’ll have to completely disagree. People who make covers of songs are still musicians, and you cannot convince me otherwise. Like, so what if they don’t write their own songs?? A lot of work goes into writing a song, sure, but tons of work goes into recording a song, too! I just feel like painting anyone who makes a cover as someone who’s vile and just trying to piggyback off of that song’s fame is just really dumb considering most of the time they legitimately enjoy the song and can sometimes even make a better version. But hey, thats just me.

Anyway sorry for making a lot of these so long. I feel strongly about most of them in case it isn’t obvious jjdnenekaijdjws 


Bagpipes slap


Radiohead bad

I don’t like grunge and I think it’s really poorly aging now

The Gilmour-led era of Pink Floyd is ass and idk how people defend it. Imagine having your own album praised only because your girlfriend wrote lyrics because yours on the previous album were so awful

And also I don’t like a good 90% of what people listen to on this site HDNXGXNDBD I dunno if it’s a generational gap but the stuff like Mother Mother and all that isn’t for me at all… Lemon Demon is just Talking Heads for zoomers

ETA I almost forgot… is it unpopular to not like the Beatles besides like one song…… 


NES / Famicom chiptune is overrated imo. Maybe it's because it's the most popular & what a lot of 'fakebit' is based around It's not something I look for. I also just think it sounds flatter & muted compared to other 8-bit consoles & chiptune tracks.

But at the same time other 8bit music scenes like Gameboy & C64 are extremely different. C64 for example came from the Demoscene/pushing the system's hardware to its limits, and Gameboy also does the latter (most GB chiptune is produced on native GB software). NES/Famicom is moreso mimicking music from that Era. Not really a bad thing, I just prefer stuff that pushes what the console could or could've done and/or doesn't only stick to what'd fit in a game

Also 16bit chiptune is underrated af. I get why it's not as common though bc 8bit's what most people associate with chiptune + it's harder to produce iirc (less software, & some consoles require FM synthesis knowledge)


^^ I heavily relate to not being into 90% of what people on this site listen to lol. In general I know sooo many people that listen to Vocaloid, and yet I'm the only one in every friend group I'm in that listens to The Beatles/Klaatu/Hollies. In fact, I haven't met a single person who listens to that stuff who wasn't already in a community related to those groups + two people at school who must've not shared classes with me cause I proceeded to never see them again. It's kinda unfortunate considering how much I love talking about music to be usually talking to a brick wall but oh well.

On that note, I've tried to get into Vocaloid, I really have, but it's not for me. A lot of the people who make those songs have tons of talent but even when it's in English I don't care for the Vocaloid voice sound. It's just hard for me to attach a soul to it, I guess. 

Also I don't like trap beats, specifically the kind with the repeating hi-hat sound. Idk just sets off some weird signal in my brain that makes me want to shut it off. For example I'd probably love this song if it weren't for the trap beat in the chorus... Every other day I hear people at school playing these kinds of beats full blast through their airpods (to the point where you can hear it from across the room) and it's distracting. If you like these, that's great, but make sure you're not like those people thanks.


Wingspan honestly it sounds backwards but i've found the best place for interacting with/just delving into content for music stuff are the circlejerk subreddits LMAO
the PF main sub is all the same 100 posts over and over. lotta people have the gay triangle record and post it. not much for actual content. meanwhile PFCJ has people who clown more because they care, if that makes sense... less surface level and more the freaks that can tell you whichever day in 1975 one of the band members Breathed Air. They exist for pretty much any popular band/music, and the Beatles one kinda bleeds into every CJ subreddit LKJHFDLKF I've never had a friend that shares the boomer music interests so finding them has been a gold mine.

I need an unpopular opinion to add ahhhhhhhh well

Hardstyle is my favorite EDM genre and don't get me wrong I like how it's evolved but. Sometimes I just want the 2013-2017 era back. Even the 00's era. I like rawstyle and frenchcore as much as the next guy. but my god its saturated and I guess I'm also longing for a bygone time. USAO especially has been milking frenchcore recently and I miss when he delved into other stuff more and didn't make the same song 500 times, which I fall for every time,


IIDX It’s funny you say that cause I’m actually pretty active in the Beatles circle jerk Discord server as much as I hate to admit it lol. It’s a fairly… interesting community (I assume what you’d expect for a circle jerk subreddit), but for the most part it’s actually pretty fun interacting with people. There’s a lot of really good artists on there actually and most of the people are pretty chill. Although I’ve never been there from what I’ve heard the main Beatles sub is more snobbish and ban a lot of people for simple jokes so… guess I’m sticking with the CJ lol. 


Honestly I’ve never liked pop songs with those weird choruses of just… a remix of the singer’s noises? Or most pop songs with dubstep choruses. They just don’t feel satisfactory after the buildup and when you repeat it 3 different times (like most pop songs) it gets kinda boring after a while tbh, at least for me.