Unpopular music opinions thread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by FrankensteinLabs

Is country a valid genre?

57 Votes No
154 Votes Yes
121 Votes Sometimes
51 Votes It used to be

so uhhh basically im just VERY tired and have hot takes/want to share some hot takes

rules are easy; you can disagree with ppl but be respectful, this thread isnt the place for debates. its an opinion thread, not a life or death thread. got it? thanks, loves. 

got a music opinion you feel is unpopular? post it here

ill go first; glass animals wouldnt be underrated if yall actually bought their albums instead of pirating that stuff from animation memes

ok have fun im gonna crash now if this thread has been done before rip ill remove this one


Because I was an edgy middle schooler on Soundcloud at one point in my life I used to like trap/dubstep/etc music. But looking back on it, its suuuuuucks. Not all of it of course: I can vibe to Kill Everybody and Sick Bubble Gum (go Skrillex I guess?) but the majority of it sounds like a 3D Minecraft intro. Like I hear it and all I can think of is royalty-free music. It's a very "cheap" sounding genre to me if that makes any sense.

BACK TO 100 GECS: I think I need to listen to more of their songs but as of now I don't really like it. Which sucks because I really wanted to like it! Its music for gay people akin to Lemon Demon and I feel like I'm betraying my people. /j And it's really weird because I like similar stuff? Like music that feels like I snorted pixie sticks behind a 7/11 at 3 am and can now see through time. Nero's Day at Disneyland, Crystal Castles, some of Jack Stauber's stuff, and specifically Leverybody Likes You by Lemon Demon give off the same vibe to me but somehow I'm turned off by 100 gecs. Maybe it's the vocals? It's not the loudness because I LOVE loud music. Especially when it's angry! ((Sober by FIDLAR is a very good angry song))

TLDR - Trap and Dubstep is disappointing for me and I really want to like 100 gecs but I can't vibe for a mysterious reason.


I like listening to popular (in my circle at least) songs in other languages. Helps me appreciate the music more 


100 gecs is good music and if you disagree i can and will eat your kneecaps for dinner.

so is ICP. insane clown posse is legitimately really good. stan ICP.


^^^ thank you!!! big agree with 100gecs

also idc what anyone says, the hand crushed with a mallet remixes were the best on the newest album, i dont accept any hcwam slander ):


Edgy songs slap. Like, I mean songs like "I hate everything about you", "Let's kill tonight", "iNsAnItY" even. 

And as a Romanian I can say, traditional Romanian music can burn in hell. Idk if it's just that I've been in a traditional dance club till 8th grade but I despise it and it's like nails on a chalkboard. 


Yo, Toyhouse, I'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish. But Taylor Swift’s new album is one of the best albums of all time.


If you don't like a single lemon demon song or any of Neil's "mood" mashup albums then I really don't trust you or your opinions on music at all.


LEMON DEMON + NEIL CICIEREGA‘S WORK DESERVES SO MUCH MORE ATTENTION THAN IT GETS !!!!!!!!!! i cannot stress this enough. not just touch tone telephone + cabinet man


People who say, "I listen to anything but UGH not country" are a tiny bit annoying because 9/10 they will listen and enjoy a country song in the next few days. Country music isn't just about tractors and farming, it's a lot more about how it sounds then what it's about.


i like despacito.

edit: unironically. not as a joke. i genuinely think it slaps.



and ska punk, yes