talk about states

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by suta

sorry if something like this exists already exists but i didnt see it within the first 6 pages (and im too lazy to go back furhter) and ive never seen it pop up before and im really desperate for human interaction so here we go

but basically um uh yell about the states you live in! or if you dont wanna reveal where you live or just dont live in the US, then um yell about places youve been to or places you used to live or places you know about or just what you know about the states idk literally anything state related except politics because i dont want this to turn into a place of argument but um yea just rant about random things about states because i am really obssessed with US states for some reason!


I live in Montana!

I am the only person in Montana.

Please send help, I am so lonely.


Massachusetts a.k.a the place where roads take years to get fixed (if at all lmao), people are sports-crazy, and yes we have way too many Dunkin Donuts...

seriously though there's a Dunkins next to a Dunkins at North Station why tf does there need to be two it's the same building


Wyoming is not a real place. It is in fact, a conspiracy


I'm from middle-of-nowhere PA- Though that's probably just my nickname for it because i can't get anywhere cause i can't drive- There are cities that are are kinda nearby, but my family just doesn't really go on trips so... I don't get to see the city much.

I live somewhat close to a ghost town that's got a mine fire beneath it. That's about the most interesting thing near me i can think of. I've only gone by the place though. My aunt said years ago that she'd take me to the highway going through there that's covered with graffiti, but now it's getting covered with dirt, so that ain't happening-

I've only been out of the state like three times, twice to Washington DC and once we got lost and somehow ended up in New Jersey- I don't really know what other states are like, and i don't really know what people from other states think Pennsylvania is like either.


most of PA is 'pennsltucky' the farther you get from philly. the more nothing there is lol. its shocking how empty the state is despite being so close to New York. 

I live in philly, its not a good city by any means... but better than pennsltucky


South Carolina said "our weather is bipolar, now enjoy." I've lived here my entire life and holy fuck it's crazy. Not to mention our history bc oh my god SC is on some crack shit.

I live up near the mountains and people around here are crazy, man. Big trucks, confederate flags, and dont get me started on hunting. I hear gun shots go off every once in a while, and that's when you KNOW it's hunting season. I also have a ton of trucks go down my street like wtf.

Myrtle Beach is a nasty ass place and I recommend not going, honestly. The hotels are mostly disgusting and are like 50 years old or some shit half the time. Also all of the people?? Ugh, can't believe it. Charleston is VERY pretty though, and I recommend going, and if you can, catch a parade at the Citadel! They fire off the canons and it's really cool! Rainbow road is also one of my favorite places to visit, along with the Market. (Apparently, it's where slaves used to be sold, but now it's been turned into such a beautiful market. Every time I go there, I always get two things from the locals, and they're pretty amazing. I still own a little turtle and some sort of praying mouse thing. idk, but both r rlly cute!)

Otherwise the state isn't too interesting, but we have a good number of really cool national parks and stuff. (Cowpens is very pretty, actually. So is King's Mountain! Yes, that's in SC, not just NC.)


i live in kentucky, kentucky gang B-)

We have uhhh fried chicken. that's pretty cool...? I don't even like KFC lmao

mammoth cave is pretty cool too even though I've not been in years because its on the whole other side of the state. I'm not very familiar with Louisville as I never really go there, but Lexington is really pretty, especially the downtown area. Ugh whenever I can go out again I need to explore my state more....

Do not be mistaken. Just because Lexington and Louisville slap and we have a pretty good governor rn do not be fooled the rest of this state is a hellfire


I love the summaries of Pennsylvania here because they're all accurate. That state is three things: historic sites/amrev stuff, the singular hot spot that is philly, and the rest belongs to the cows. Y'all have hershy park though, so that's your redeeming quality for me LOL

I'm from Maryland, and there's three kinds of people here: normal people, rich people, and rednecks. In some places you can tell this definitely used to be a southern state(tm), because the closer you get to Virginia the more wacked people get about tractors. Personally I live near Baltimore, and the only other things I can say is that our daily weather is decided by random draw, and we go absolutely feral for crabs or old bay seasoning. 


NY is pretty. No, not NYC (although walking around at night is gorgeous), I mean Western NY. I personally don't think a lot of people give Western NY a lot of credit despite one of the bigger cities in it (Rochester) having a really amazing music history and great food like Garbage Plates. The art scene is absolutely incredible too. People hate it here but everyone that visits loves it.


California, you're killing me with this L I T HE A T


Illinois... exists, I suppose. I really have no clue what's going on here honestly, but I hate it. 

My city is literally surrounded by fields. You can't go two miles without seeing another field that's either filled with or will be filled with corn and soy. It's to the point where the only thing I actually know about farming is that over here they swap what crop goes where every year to keep the soil healthy or something. Weather is absolutely wild sometimes, like we had 80 degree heat in mid-April. It was awful, and it still is awful. If you come here, you can expect maybe 3 decent days in a month, and the rest of the time you'll be slowly melting into a puddle or turning into an ice sculpture, there is barely any middle ground. This place is super flat too, you'll be hard-pressed to find any cool formations here. I miss Colorado, at least I could look at a mountain there. 

Beyond those things, I don't really know much about the place since I basically live in the middle of nowhere. Chicago is a thing, wish I could go there and get lost. I think I visited once as a kid for a school trip and I was stunned because the place looked really big and sleek and all that. Um... Oh, right. If you live in or near Decatur, you're gonna smell dry dog food every once in a while. Over here we get that smell once a month, and the closer you get, the more you're going to smell it. It's to the point where I'm like "Oh great, it's a Decatur day." every time I catch a whiff of it. Just don't live in Decatur, it's not worth it. I think the people here really like sports and get excited about big games? That might just be the people I know though, I have no clue.


I also live in Michigan but I dig it here. The weather is unpredictable (we had snow two weeks ago, then a week of spring rain , then this past week has been very summer). But in the chunk I live in, we don't have dangerous tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, or volcanoes, so I think we're doing pretty okay weather-wise. It's never too hot or too cold (just borderline unbearable sometimes).

Also as long as I have both of my hands I have a rough map of my state wherever I go, haha. The lower peninsula is obviously the "Mitten" but you can also make an upper peninsula map with your other hand too. Did you know the people in the UP are nicknamed "Yoopers"? 

If you like cities and fun places, downtown Detroit is full of museums and all sorts of big touristy things. I really like the DIA, but there's a bunch of other stuff. Near Detroit, but outside it, is also the Detroit Zoo, the Henry Ford Museum (lots of Detroit-centric history and of course CARS and a cool theatre), and Greenfield Village. The latter is like an old-timey town you can wander around? They'll teach you how old farmers and colonists lived and there's carriage rides and old food and it's a great place to hunt pokemon, too. 

If you like large towns and fun places, Ann Arbor is a college town with a bunch of little museums and all sorts of small touristy things. My favorite restaurants are there (some amazing bars, notably, and quite a few Asian restaurants), a few bubble tea shops, and an awesome comic book store, arcade, and basically my favorite place as a little kid was the Hands-on Museum. There's a new dinosaur museum I kind of want to check out but I'm too embarrassed to ask my friends to go because we're all Adults and I'm not sure if it's a kids' museum or not.  There's also a handful of science museums around the same area, and a couple teeny art museums that're pretty cool too.

Oh shoot, I saw Ohio mentioned. Ahem: "Boo, Ohio sucks. Michigan State rules!! Go Michigan!!".