talk about states

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by suta

sorry if something like this exists already exists but i didnt see it within the first 6 pages (and im too lazy to go back furhter) and ive never seen it pop up before and im really desperate for human interaction so here we go

but basically um uh yell about the states you live in! or if you dont wanna reveal where you live or just dont live in the US, then um yell about places youve been to or places you used to live or places you know about or just what you know about the states idk literally anything state related except politics because i dont want this to turn into a place of argument but um yea just rant about random things about states because i am really obssessed with US states for some reason!


virgina oh yeah 😎

not rlly anything i can say abt it, uhh we have trees..and grass...and a clear sky which is nice ig 

its not the worst state, but its not the best. overall its a nice state to live in but it can b kinda boring sometimes hdfsfFHJKL


bro why ohio got so much gosh darn cORN 


I don't even lIKE CORN

but a p nice place to check out is old man's cave and ash cave in logan county, they're within walking distance of each other. me and my family tend to visit there a couple times a year just to walk around. and please for the love of all things important to you do not walk off the damn trail lMAO people get hurt and killed that way. there's signs and railing there for a rEASON, don't be stupid


the ppl that assume texas isn't a good place to live cuz its hot. it is, but that's not the problem. the problem is when it snows late spring. when fall is wayyy colder than winter, when the rain is like "yo this a nice day...time to rain for 7 days straight" the weather just dose its own thing. also I know where a large cowboy statue is & its just so casual. on your way to i think Austin? he'll be there towering over whatever shop that is.


yo no play i wanna see the field of corn tho


The state I’m in is kinda doodoo donkis honestly ((I won’t reveal my state but i hope it’s still ok to put here since I’m talking abt one?))
Its a super southern state filled with rlly undereducated people and a shitty school system that refuses to teach them :”0
also rlly helps that southern states are the targets of tons of classists to make jokes about!( /s) like yes a lot of the south is racist or just generally shitty, but behind that are years of education systems that have failed them time and time again. most of the south is poor. i wish it wasn’t the case that lack of education caused so much of this, but it really is. and when certain people are educated on topics, they don’t believe it because of what they’ve been told their whole life by people who are wrong. lol I’m tired


Currently in Colorado for at least a year (but I've lived all over the southern us) I'll probably move again who knows

Very pretty, goes from 90 to snowstorm in like 3 minutes flat though 

High elevation harder to breath lots of bloody noses  

People move here for the sole reason of certain things being legal so housing is very expensive

Everyone hikes here and actually likes the outdoors which is wildly different from Florida where if you step outside it feels like a steaming shower but with sunburn and bugs. 


I s2g Ohio's weather is SO bipolar. 80° days in November, dear GOD the humidity, and tornadoes. 

I deliver packages for a living, starting near the middle of northwest of Ohio, to far as the Indiana boarder. Seeing nothing but corn can make you go a little crazy!  


I live in Montana, and honestly it's quite a pretty nice state! It's one that works mainly in agriculture, so there's a lot of farmland and such so most anywhere you go you're bound to come across several farms. My most favorite part though is that most people here are friendly, but man when tourist season comes along does it get hectic and irritating for us having to deal with out of towners.

I've also been to other states such as Arizona (my aunt lives there, super hot though), Ohio (visiting someone), Spokane, and Las Vegas when I was super young and travelling by bus with my grandma.


I have mixed feelings here in Texas, i've lived in like 11 other states but i was born here and its where i currently live so-
like yay cows horses, big big cities woah history and culture, six flags etc i love it all

and then you got politics (which im not gonna get into) but oh GOD is every election year a trip ._.


man if you live out in the woods/swamps in florida all you hear in the moring is these things and they are so loud and go GWYGAG GGWGWAG GWAGG I love Sandhill cranes so much.. they are like my 2nd favorite bird. I just wish they wouldnt wake me up every morning when i go to my grandparent's house

i also heard like in other states you can hunt them?? why?? :(

sandhill crane calls


I won't say if I still live here now or not but as someone born and raised in MI, I think I can speak on this. In Michigan we've got Greenfield Village and Mackinac (Mack-ah-naw) Island. Yes I had to include the pronunciation, it genuinely gets on my nerves to hear it pronounced Mack-ih-nack lol.

Edit: not sure how many of you all have seen this but this made local news a handful of years back

Also yes I know most of our sports teams suck.

Edit 2: Another this is there is a very small place in Michigan named Hell. You can in fact get married there. Plus since it's in Michigan, if someone ever tells you "...when Hell freezes over." you can Google the temperature in Hell, MI and if it's below freezing well...Hell's frozen over lol.