
Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Xen

I'm just curious now, is there anyone else out there who has ocs with pun-names or just interesting/funny names in general?

Some of my notable examples are

Bullsguye (Cause he uses long range combat and has good aim, get it? Bulls-eye? Bulls guye? haha ha)

Sniall (Cause he's a snail, get it, Snail + Niall... Sniall? ha)

Sloug (Cause he's a slug... get it? Slug + Doug? kill me please end my suffering)


I can't be the only one right? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.


This girl here is named after Coco Chanel. ;)

  • Sprinkles is an ice cream cat covered with sprinkles.
  • Gil is a sharkanine (shark + canine hybrid.)
    • Gil's mom, Shelly Mercer was a dog who loved to collect shells when she was younger. In high school, her athlete name was "No Mercy-Mercer" due to her agressive sporting nature.
  • Daffa Dill is an earth pony who loves to collect daffodils (narcissus flower) and is also a narcissist.
  • Honey Bun is a pegasus who manufactures honey.
  • MudPie is an earth pony who loves to play in the mud.

I have a webcomic that's 100% "pun names" in a way. Ish. I think they count. 

They're all based off of their rides (they're personified Epcot rides)

There's Mage/iMAGEworks, Magi/Journey into iMAGInation, SE/Spaceship Earth, Riz/hoRIZons, Tess&Taki/Test Track (not really a pun), Tio/World of moTIOn, Ene/ENErgy adventure, Nove/InNOVEntions, Sora/Soarin (also not a pun, I was gonna call her Rin but then I realized Sora is sky and her ride is Soarin so) CiCi/Club Cool (also not really a pun but close) Ivi/lIVIng with the land, Missy/MISSion Space, and Sia/The living SEAs  

And then there's Doc, who has Body Wars and the Wonders of Life pavilion. But I couldn't find a pun for her so she goes by Doc. 

(But if anyone can think of something hmu)

Kota Marume Swizzle

This guy's family name is "Marume", which when written out in Japanese is 丸目, with 丸 meaning "round, circular" and 目 meaning "eye(s)". So everyone in his family, himself included, has poor vision and wears glasses.

munchiez That is an INCREDIBLY creative approach to naming, omfg...and I am such a sucker for Disney.


Dave over here has a pirate aesthetic going on and his name has just that. His first and last name (David Jonasson) come from Davy Jones and his middle name (Jacques) comes from Jack. As in Jack Sparrow ahahahana (can you tell I'm excited for PotC5 because I'm hella excited).

I also have Lucas who doesn't really have a pun for a name, but he has three biblical names with relatively good meanings while he's, in fact, a demon. Also, I've known a total of 3 Luc's in my life and they were all assholes so it was natural that I'd create an asshole named Luc(as).

Then there are also the Hersenspinsels;
Percival, the personification of Pride (Superbia)
Ava, the personification of Greed (Avaritia)
Ace, the personification of Sloth (Acedia)
Iren, the personification of Wrath (Ira)
Ivy, the personification of Envy (Invidia)
Luxia, the personification of Lust (Luxuria)
Maddy, the personification of Insanity/Madness
Helen, the personification of Sanity/*quotes English-Dutch dictionary* MENTAL HEALTH 8I

I'm both an Edgelord and a Punlord. Both self-proclaimed.


omg i love pun names so much i have several charas with 'em
Daemon Sewllaway Stitcherton- p straight forward but hes a voodoo doll guy and can sew himself up
Seymore Coins- hes a thief... "see-more coins" hehehe....
Kelly Marnius- this ones less obvious but his last name comes from the spanish word for "sea" cause hes a fish
and one more i dont have on toyhou.se yet.... his name is sam ranger but everyone just calls him tai. hes a very flamboyant superhero that enjoys posing and dessing up ine colorful costumes... hes known as Sam "tai" Ranger. ill let you figure it out lol

I love names that are a play on words. For example;
Avexion - Meant to sound similar to 'Evasion'- is an Illusionist mage.
Avroix - Meant to sound similar to 'Ivory' - Which is simply a contrast to his dark palatte.
Erhys - Meant to sound similar to 'Aeris' - The character died ICly within fourty minutes of his creation due to bad rolls. You fill in the blanks.
Niloc - This one happened on accident. He's an assassin under contract from hell- it just so happens that his name sounds similar to the deadly berries Nightlock, as seen in the Hunger Games.

There's a few more I have who's names are taken from either colors or similar instances that relate to the character themselves, such as Ranthine (Amaranthine), or Rubais (Ruby).

i used to have a ghost oc inspired by asthma, and her name was samantha attic. samantha bc it uses all the letters in the word asthma and attic for attack


 I swear I definitely have more pun names than these but suddenly everything is escaping from me (+ I tend to have more name meanings than puns per se)

Claude's surname Lovelace is kind of a pun on "loveless" as I thought it fit his character pretty well 

Vivian's surname Linden is a real surname but I chose it spesifically because of her lindworm tattoo 

Leonhard's name is just simply supposed to resemble "lionheart" because I think it's cool and fits him haha  

Cau's name is actually a typo of my own name, the design creator of Cau sometimes typo's my name as Cau instead of Cai and I thought it'd be cute to name him Cau haha 

Desiree's name is an obvious play on the word "desire"

I also have a character called Viti Valko and it's a pun on a Finnish word "vitivalkoinen" which basically means pure white 


They're not exactly puns as they are not intended to be funny, but : 
- Malédice is a mix of "maléfice" (evil spell) and "malédiction" (curse)
- Hippolyte is based on a sable antelope, what is called "hippotrague" in my language. It sounds like the name "hippolyte", so I named him Hippolyte, because he's an hippotrague.
- Mildred has a red-based design, then she has "red" in her name. Yeah.
- Wes's eevees have been named Amber, Umber and Ember, because these words are almost the same, then they fit nicely for same litter siblings, and they still somewhat fit the Pokemon's element (Amber is kinda sun-coloured then it fits the Day eevee, Umber fits the Night/Dark eevee (it translates into "Shadow soil" in my language, so, to me, it fits xD), and Ember is perfect for the Fire eevee).


I love a good pun but  l surprisingly don't use them for names often,,,,

Ave Marina is an exception :3c an ocean themed robotic music idol


Hes robot and also a crocodile. Not alot else to explain aha