NaNoWriMo 2016 (+ alt challenge: NaProWriMo!)

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 months ago) by Isoprene

It's almost time for National Novel Writing Month, everyone! Prepare yourselves!!

Q. What the heck is a NaNoWriMo?

A. NaNoWriMo is an event that happens every November where throughout the month you write a 50,000+ word novel; about 1,667 words per day!

Q. Whoa! That's way too much!

A. I mean, you don't have to write 50,000+ words! Really, the point is to get people to sit down and write their ideas out and maybe finish something! Don't pressure yourself to win, just embrace this excuse to finally write something! I've never completed anything, myself - I've been doing this for, like, 6 years and the furthest I've gotten is halfway! - but it's always fun to give it a shot and get something out there!

Q. I dunno, I'm not a full-on novel kind of person...

A. That's cool, too! There's a whole group of people who are "rebels" who just write a bunch of short stories or maybe try and write a game instead. Which ties into the challenge referenced in the title...

Q. What's this "alternative challenge"? What the heck is a NaProWriMo???

A. That's what I like to call National Profile Writing Month! For those who aren't interested in writing novels, why not use this event as an excuse to finish your unfinished profiles? If you're anything like me, you've got a lot of OCs who still need to have their profiles created/finished. Making a profile is writing too, you know! So, why not write one profile a day? Or if you don't have that many (or just don't have the time for a full profile per day), split things up! Maybe you just write one section of a profile per day - one day is someone's personality, the next day you work on backstory, etc.

So, even if you don't think you can write a novel, NaNoWriMo is the perfect excuse to develop some of your OCs!

Q. Are there any other alternative challenges?

A. There are! There's one called NaNoMangO, which is dedicated to creating a comic every day! More info here! (Thanks, arbitrarydelight!)

Q. I don't really have the time for this, unfortunately, so I don't think I'll bother.

That's alright! But keep in mind that the NaNoWriMo forums are full of cool idea threads, RPing, places to talk about your characters, and an entire forum dedicated to people who can help you with stuff that requires research... so definitely check it out! You should also totally follow this thread and support/help out your fellow Toyhouse users who are participating!

Q. Whoa, geez! There's only a week until November? Couldn't you have brought this up earlier so I could prepare?

hey buddy pal i'm only human alright

Q. So... what's this thread for?

This thread is to alert everyone to NaNoWriMo, propose NaProWriMo, and to help/support everyone who's in it! In this thread you can ask for help, get writing tips, show off your writing, take polls to see whose profile you should write next, get or give critique (if someone requests critique), brag about how awesome things are going for you, vent about how writing is a horrible vortex of horrors you regret tossing yourself into, etc.!

If you're participating and you'd like to be featured in this directory, fill out the following information and I'll stick you up here!:

Username  //  NaNoWriMo Username (if applicable)
Which Challenge?: (you can do multiple!! intense...)

 ||  -  Participant Directory  -  ||

Aarca  //  Aarca
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo!

araneko  //  AranekoChan
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo and NaProWriMo (but I wont be counting NaPro bc reasons)

astriferouskazz  //  Amy Serket Kazz
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo,but I'll try to get done the character profiles for the novel comic I'm doing this year.

Elissinia // elissinia
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo!

ElithianFox // Elithian
Which Challenge?: NaNoProMo

Galaxycreations // No account
Which Challenge?: NaProWriMo

Hane // Feather Weather
Which Challenge?: Game Designing & Profiles (and maybe short novels idk)

Isoprene  //  GreenSweatshirtGal
Which Challenge?: Unsure, leaning NPWM but have an idea for NNWM...

Kree-Kat  //  Kree-Kat (yep its totally the same, consistency and all that haha)
Which Challenge?: im going to do NaNoWriMo but the profi idea is really interesting and fun!

MathewMii // No Account
Which Challenge?: NaProWriMo to complete my antagonists in Monster Within and develop more of Vengeful Hunt and Cattle Cats.

memeduchess  //  no account
Which Challenge?: NaProWriMo

Minty-Fivestar // LadyLatias
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo, here I come!

pax  //  Templarius
Which Challenge?: NaNo/ProWriMo, but I also intend to do NaNoMangO now that I know that's also a thing.

starpowder // moonusagi
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo

TheLadyAnatola  //  No account
Which Challenge?: NaProWriMo

tori34  //  tori34
Which Challenge?: NaNoWriMo

you-are-butt // internal flailing lord plz save me if you know how to changer your un let me know fam
Which Challenge?: Gonna try(?) both ;; Also trying to catch up in all of my rps in the meantime ;;

 Have fun, everyone! Good luck with all of your writing endeavors!

 Solister Eclipse TheLadyAnatola

Day four, piece of cake. :P I should probably at least try to sketch some references for these dorks darlings.


I had to do the next day early because of work, but I did some refining on Luciano and created Dallas.

Alena Pitvil ElithianFox

Day four went by pretty well again with over 2k words for a single profile! Kinda got stuck on the personality there but I'm sure I can write that one after Nano.

Phoebe Isoprene

Sorry for the delay in adding people to the first post! Haven't been checking into Toyhouse since I've been so swamped with projects. Did Phoebe's profile the other day, and this weekend I'll probably rebel against my list and work on some of the easier ones to catch up! Glad to see things are going well for so many people - keep up the good work, everyone!

Umbris galaxycreations

Finished for today,may draw an extr piece for Umbris since he lacks art.

 Angita TheLadyAnatola


If I keep being more enthusiastic each day I finish a profile, I'm going to be a cataclysmic confetti comet and blow up all my characters by the end of the month. XP

Remco Moore ElithianFox

Really happy with today's profile! I pretty much caught up and built a little reserve on a day where I was too exhausted to write. Had I finished, I might have even reached 2000+ words!

Avala-Ne Hibernis galaxycreations

Finished,I think Avala will probably need more development.As the month goes on I may come back to their profile.

Violet Lavender TheLadyAnatola


A touch late due to a busy day, but no problem. Ought to go through all the characters from that folder and link their associated music to them to make it even more painfully obvious what they're all based on. XD


I could not do any work today.  I am feeling very depressed and it is affecting my will to work on anything right now...


Too nervous about things...may continue maybe tomorrow Wed.,Thurs.


I got sick, so I couldn't work on any characters today.

Nathan ElithianFox

Boy, writing angst sure is fun! I can't believe I actually got anywhere with this guy, 2400 words is gonna set forward my word progress a lot! Too bad this was yesterday's profile so I'm still behind sob