Dumb things you believed as a child?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Wingspan

If this thread is already a thing I'll delete it. I noticed I couldn't find one while trying to search it up so I thought I'd make my own!

The title is pretty self explanatory. What are some dumb things you used to believe when you were a kid? In terms of rules just don't make fun of people for stuff they thought was true in the past. We've all changed since we were children and if it's being posted the person likely doesn't believe it anymore.


I used to believe The Beach Boys only ever made songs about surfing and the beach, or at least nearly always did. I think my dad told me that upon showing me I Get Around and I just rolled with it thinking it was true. Having heard a good few albums now, though… no it’s definitely a little more than that. 

Tbh I think it would be kinda unrealistic for a band to only make songs about one thing, especially back then when it obviously wouldn’t sell that well. I must’ve been pretty young when I believed this I guess lol.


I used to think when I was watching TV (like icarly) all of it was live ._.


Okay I'm back because I have a WHOLE LOT MORE than what I remembered the first time:

- I see a lot of folks who thought Creepypasta was real, so I'll do you one better. When I first heard about Five Nights at Freddy's, I thought Freddy Fazbear's was a real place and wondered what sick frick made a video game based on actual child murder

- I had this pet leaf when I was like seven and when it crumbled I decided it had died and cried for like two hours (RIP Lepus,,, you were a real one,,,)

- I thought if you got married you would automatically get pregantè; suffice it to say my tokophobic self REALLY didn't want to get married. I also thought women gave birth... uhhh let's just say differently from how they actually do.

- Shoutout to that one doll I tried to sew with friggin SCISSORS,,, Doll how did you put up with me

- And then this last one is SUPER embarrassing and was live to see for all of Toyhouse back before I yeeted my old account into the sun where it belongs. It's gonna be under a spoiler. CW for mentions of tokophobia, mental hospital phobia (don't really wanna look up the real word oof) and basically archaic medical malpractice

Alright so when I was like,,, 16? 17? Don't remember the year but it was WAY too recent, I got it in my head that having phobias was stupid and I had to get over them, even if they were phobias of things I would never actually have to deal with. And I decided that the best way to deal with this was by having characters were based on my fears. That's how Samsa came into being; since my biggest fears are pregnancy and mental hospitals, I decided to have a character made who died in childbirth at a mental hospital. As one does. And I think I mishandled the subject matter pretty badly because I was too scared to research it. I love Samsa enough that her origins don't bother me, but I still kinda wince when I remember them. And then of course BIG FUDGIN SHOUTOUT to me thinking this whole "you have to get over your phobias" thing applied to goddamn STRAITJACKETS AND ACTUALLY HAVING THAT IN MY WISHLIST,,, in what situation am I gonna have to get used to straitjackets. In what situation.* If you knew me back then and saw that no you didn't.

*ok to be fair my favorite movie is the 1996 Hamlet and I think that one scene being really hard to watch was the reason but like,,, it's called don't look at the screen sis,,,


i used to think teachers lived at school... i was v stupid back then 0_< 


On more than one occasion, I thought dog treats would be tasty. That ended badly every time.

I thought that if I jumped off the couch while holding a plastic bag as a parachute, i could fly. (Note: i was a tiny, TINY child.)

I use to sleep on the bottom bunk of a bunkbed with my sister on the top, and i always thought the top bunk would fall on me in my sleep. I read way too much Flat Stanley back then-


If I wasn't home, my house couldn't catch on fire (???)


-when i was reeeeaaaallly little (like 3 or 4) I remember thinking that some pills just... manifested out of nowhere bc i saw a PSA saying 'dont touch them, tell an adult' if you found one on the ground SFGGDFHKL

-when i was 9 or 10, i was super into the dragonology series and thought it might've been real, probs didn't help that animal planet came out with that mockumentary about dragons around the same time LMAO i think my assumption was that the existence of dragons was a legitimate scientific debate at the time, kinda like how people argued over whether platypuses were real when the first dead specimens were brought forth


Africa was bigger than Asia. Also that Russia was a part of Europe, not Asia.


I used to think that when an animal was "in heat" it meant they were overheating, so I'd try to keep them out of lit areas.   


When I was super young going through the McDonalds drive through, I thought that they made the Happy Meal toys in the store in some kind of giant Santa's workshop-type factory, like, right before they give it to you. Imagine my disappointment when I found out they just get them imported in

I would say "having a bawl" instead of "having a ball", and "compensation" instead of "conversation"

I saw an anime vid of a character putting on a cowbell necklace and then turning into a cow, and being as stupid as I was back then I commented "There's no way this can happen in real life though, right?" and someone (probably being sarcastic) replied "If you wear a cowbell then you turn into a cow, or if you are male then you turn into a bull. Everyone know that, it's common knowledge." and I actually believed it... I even went on the Wikipedia page for cowbells and everything to see if there has ever been any record of... a human turning into a cow.... Gosh I was stupid..

When I was super, super young (like, toddler age) I didn't know that "drowning" was just losing air while underwater. What did I think it was instead? I thought that somehow, you get shrunk down and get sucked down the drain of the bathtub/pool. I was horrified of swimming and didn't even learn how to until a late age...

Also when I was about the same age as the drowning fear, when going down escalator stairs, towards the end I was horrified of keeping my feet on the moving stairs because I thought that I'd get vacuumed down or something?

I thought that the moon had oceans on it. Because our 3rd grade teacher tried to teach me about how the moon affects the ocean's tides or whatever, and I completely misinterpreted that..

I thought that anything before the year 1900 was prehistoric dinosaur times...

I miscategorised a lot of animals. I thought that raccoons and skunks were rodents. I thought rabbits were rodents (they're not, they're lagomorphs, but I remember being taught in school that they're rodents because SCHOOL LIES), I thought newts and salamanders were reptiles, ughh I got fish and aquatic mammals so confused, like I thought whales were fish and that sharks were mammals.. I thought possums and opossums were the same thing.. I thought ponies were baby horses... and so on..


- i believed that if you threw mud or wet sand into the ocean at the beach that you'd make the ocean so angry that it would make gigantic waves LOL me and both of my siblings believed this so at the beach whenever we wanted to play in the waves and the waves were too calm we'd throw a bunch of mud into the water screaming "MAKE THE OCEAN MAD"

- I thought it was illegal to have the car lights on at night. Nowadays i've learned that this is apparently a universal lie that all parents tell their kids to ignore the headache of having the lights on while driving. guess it worked

- Ok so you know how you're supposed to leave cookies and milk out for "Santa" ? Well I thought that if I left "salad" (literally just lettuce and carrots in a bowl) out for the Easter Bunny the night before Easter, then i'd get extra easter candy or something LMAO

- You know how sometimes if you tilt your head sideways while lying down (especially as a kid) You sometimes hear a rhythmic thumping noise in your ear that's actually just caused by you hearing your heartbeat particularly loud in your ear? Well when i was a little kid i didn't know that, i literally thought it was the fuckin. SEVEN DWARVES. i kid you not. I thought it was the seven dwarves marching up an endless staircase in some random underground mine whistling and swinging their little pickaxes. I had this entire scene plotted out in my head. In vivid detail. Every single fuckin night i would lie down and think "Oh its the seven dwarves marchin around in my head again!" And just picture them walking up their silly little stairs over and over in my head for literal HOURS before falling asleep. i somehow thought this was normal (like i thought that everyone had the seven dwarves living inside their head HELP)