Dumb things you believed as a child?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Wingspan

If this thread is already a thing I'll delete it. I noticed I couldn't find one while trying to search it up so I thought I'd make my own!

The title is pretty self explanatory. What are some dumb things you used to believe when you were a kid? In terms of rules just don't make fun of people for stuff they thought was true in the past. We've all changed since we were children and if it's being posted the person likely doesn't believe it anymore.


i somehow got the idea in my mind that pepperoni was just thinly sliced tomatoes? even tho i ate actual sliced tomatoes all the time? i dont knoW-

also, i dont know if i believed them as well since i was too young to remember, but one time at a family reuinion, my cousin called the lamb they were roasting on a state a "dinosaur" and fully belived that until they were told it was a lamb.


i thought the belly button was a self destruct button and if you pressed it you would die


I used to pump my mom’s car at the gas station for her and I remember that sometimes they ask you your zipcode to confirm that this is in fact your credit card, but for the longest time I thought gas stations just wanted to know how far you traveled to get to their station. Like “Wow! You’re from Michigan and your pumping gas all the way in Nevada?! Good for you! Have good travels!!”


^ Reminds me of the time I’d watch those “how to turn into a dog” video spells on YouTube and wake up sad when I didn’t turn into a Labrador retriever lmao. And of course you had comments saying “omg it worked I can shapeshift into a border collie now!” Or “I love turning into a poodle at will” >:< I was a dumb child.


i was like 7 or so and my """"freind"""" at the time told me if a drank a posion she made (witch was just tons of salt sugar mixed into warm water) i would be able to become a mermaid and get water powers i just needed to drink the hole bottle, spoiler alert i'm not able to become a mermaid and i didn't get water power i threw up on myself 


If you count young teen as a child, I thought I could just put ramen in the microwave dry, then put the water in afterwards. It caught on fire.


when I was too young to know how the body worked I accidentally swallowed a whole fatass lolly & it hurt going down my throat, so later when my hand started hurting I instantly assumed the whole ass thing went into my bloodstream & I was gonna have to have surgery to get it out.


My father told me that babies were made when you got married. Like, if you got married, you became pregnant. I ended up crying because I didn't want to have a baby but I wanted to get married. Poor kid lol

I also believed I was the second coming of Christ. idk about that one