Dumb things you believed as a child?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Wingspan

If this thread is already a thing I'll delete it. I noticed I couldn't find one while trying to search it up so I thought I'd make my own!

The title is pretty self explanatory. What are some dumb things you used to believe when you were a kid? In terms of rules just don't make fun of people for stuff they thought was true in the past. We've all changed since we were children and if it's being posted the person likely doesn't believe it anymore.


I used to think that soap opera meant that old women dressed as a soap bar and sang opera 


my gram had a fake brain in a jar of water & always told me it's her brain. I was too young to realise you can't live without a brain so I hated it so fucking much, I thought it was the most disgusting thing in the world.

words can't express how much I hated the brain.


Eternal, unconditional love.


Tw/ Gore/Blood

I thought that blood ONLY existed in our veins, and that everything else was just muscle and....air? Ngl I still don’t understand how it works, but I think we have blood everywhere. Hey, at least I don’t think I’m made of of air anymore!


I truly believed that potatoes were just eggs buried inside dirt 

Genuinely believed this for probably two solid years on this planet, before I actually got the opportunity to see a real potato, and then it clicked that potatoes and eggs are totally different things   

This was probably about the time I was first learning information, so I'd like to guess I was about 4-5 years old </3

I also believed that the swirled cheese sticks from the grocery store were candied, like how "candied-apples" and the like exist. Terrified of even trying those cheese sticks as a kid, because I thought it was going to taste like a lollipop with the texture of string cheese. candy cheese


As a little kid, I thought people worked in tiny offices underneath each parking meter to collect the money and give you your ticket if you stayed too long! This artwork is pretty old now but a few years ago I did an illustration based on it



you heard of "if i ate watermelon seeds watermelons would grow inside me" but as for me i once believed that if you use hair shampoo on your body, it will start growing a large amount of hair and why i was always afraid of mistaking body soap for a shampoo lol


That my parents were 55 when I was 4


My dad convinced me that the children in the I wish it could be christmas everyday music video were kidnapped by the singer and forced to be there and that's why they all look scared lmao, my dad was just joking around but I wholeheartedly believed him </3


Ok so I thought you were supposed to hold your legs as still as possible during reflex tests at the doctor. Nobody told me otherwise. So until I was basically an adult, and figured it out, doctors were concerned about my "super poor/slow reflexes". 😂😂😩


Not something I believed, but on the topic of doctors appointments and tests, during the hearing test they used a machine that had a little light light up when the sound went off, I assume to let the testers know when the patient is supposed to respond. My reaction time with the light was better than with the sound so I responded to the light instead, treating it like a test in school instead of a diagnostic/screening tool lmao. I don't think they realized that we could see the light from where we were sitting but I sure could, at least :p

Okay, actual beliefs... when I was a kid I would always get upset when I died in a video game, not out of frustration, but because my dumbass child brain didn't register that the games weren't real - I think I must have processed it as a window into another universe or something, because I knew it was just on the tv and all, but still processed it as Real somehow? - and those weren't real beings dying as a result of my actions lmao


Used to think giving out your pronouns online was personal information similar to giving out your name and address, so I told people to refer to me by (Online username) instead, and If they didn't I'd get really upset

Now I don't think it's personal information, but to this day I still don't use any pronouns. Secretly without knowing I was trans and just dysphoric but GG tiny baby me.. thinking it was personal info was kind of stupid, but you knew deep-down there was alternative motives for not using any lmao, still can't get over it though