Dumb things you believed as a child?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Wingspan

If this thread is already a thing I'll delete it. I noticed I couldn't find one while trying to search it up so I thought I'd make my own!

The title is pretty self explanatory. What are some dumb things you used to believe when you were a kid? In terms of rules just don't make fun of people for stuff they thought was true in the past. We've all changed since we were children and if it's being posted the person likely doesn't believe it anymore.


i used to think all famous authors were dead. 

Tolkien? Dead.
C. S. Lewis? Dead.
Shakespeare? Dead.
Homer? Dead.
J. K. Rowling? Dead. 

didn’t occurs to me you could be alive and selling books


Tw: a bunch of self depreciating jokes, if anything need to be deleted let me know pls

edit: deleted the more heavy stuff

Myself :)))

on a more serious note, also that if I eat mango and drink milk at the same time I'd unlive (grandma told me that, and I was really scared so I never drank milk the same day I ate mango). It was hella funny when I discovered it was not true, lol

that it is good luck to have a false dollar note on your pocket and it wold somehow magically make you gain money

I also thought I was an alien or had something wrong w how I was born because I was very not the usual stereotype of my sex as a kid, lol, sometimes kinda wish I was tho


Okay I have a lot

>I thought aliens that looked like foxes but had eyes in their mouths lived on Mars (why so specific, idk. I think some kid told it to me at camp)

>Rainbow Dash and Darth Vader were related

>Dragons were real

>Santa wasn't real, but flying reindeer were

>My sister was half alien (stemmed from a cruel joke she pulled on me when I was 4)

>There was a sky underwater (came from me seeing the reflection of the sky in the bottom of drains)

>Yoshi was a girl

>When I turned 10 I would magically be transported to the Pokémon world (I was v disappointed to find out it wasn’t true)

>I was growing wings


That the entire state of New Jersey was one big city and that’s why everyone hated it 


that i could be whatever i wanted to be, or whatever i set my mind to would happen


that i could fly if i got lots of big feathers in each hand and flapped them rly rly fast


My dad had convinced me if I had over half a can of soda that I'd die, so I'd only drink half and put the other half in the fridge.

I learned after like 2 years that this was false, and he recently told me he'd drink the leftover soda, and that he'd tell me that so he could steal that soda.


There used to be a small forest in my neighborhood, and for some reason I believed that if you went out into that forest after dark, a massive black wolf that was 7 feet tall that had the torso length of a dachshund would snatch you up and take you into it's shadow-den and lick you until you fell asleep and got trapped in an eternal dream. Once I snuck out because I wanted to pet the wolf and show everyone that it was nice, but all I found was a dead bird and two very worried parents. I have no idea why I thought that, my parents never said anything about it and I was the only person in the neighborhood who believed in it.

I also believed this kid in my elementary school class was secretly Sans from Undertale disguised as a human. Once he was sleeping in class so I stole his hat, hit him with it and told him I wouldn't give it back until he stopped sleeping in class. Yeah, uhh... I still have his hat...

And I have no idea where this came from, but I used to believe that virgins were people who have never had an alcoholic beverage.

Neuter is when you make a dog friendly, and if you don't neuter a dog they'll eat you up, and spay is when you wave your finger at them and say "no, bad dog". Right? Right???

Jesus liked monkey bread and didn't hang out with people who didn't like monkey bread, and he made monkey bread rain from the sky, and it was made from his magic powers. XD

The first French fry was a cinnamon potato chip.

If you tap the middle word on your mobile device's word suggestions over and over again and then text it to someone, only the receiver will find an elaborate story that will summon a demon if they read it out loud. (Sorry grandpa-)

Dandelion tea could cure cancer and the white sap in dandelion stems were deadly poisonous.

If you looked at two screens at the same time you'd get a migraine and your head will pop like a balloon?? Uh- *guilty multi-monitor streamer noises*

If you steal enough food a mouse will come and if you offer it a crouton, and ONLY a crouton, the mouse will become your best friend and live forever. Yeah, that started some bad habits...

And last but not least (and probably one of the dumbest)...

Lesbians are straight until they eat pinto beans!


They made us recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school every day. I don't think we were old enough to really understand what it meant, and the teachers never explained it. Part of it goes, "And to the republic for WHICH it stands, one nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE..."

So, for years I thought we were reciting something about an invisible witch.    Nobody ever told me otherwise!


the posts on this thread are absolutely HILARIOUS

when i was 9 i thought i had discovered the cure to memory loss and i was ECSTATIC. thing is, that “cure” was to write down all of your thoughts so you’d never forget them. i remember being so excited, i told my parents and all my friends and they just accepted it and got super excited too, as if they couldn’t see that obvious flaw in my plan,,, especially my parents, they 100% saw through it and just played along


I thought by eating bananas while playing Monkey Quest I could do something impressive, turns out that cool thing was the Monkey Quest shutdown </3

I also thought I was cool by going into Animal Jam, hiding behind a vase, and yelling "I'M THE MAGIC VASE"

Also thought creepypastas were real, specifically Smile Dog lmao


- I thought there was some sort of pocket dimesion full of clones of me with almost the same memories that would take turns replacing me, because every time I looked in the mirror I swore I had a different face. I also used it to explain my impaired short-term memory.

- After watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit I was convinced cartoon characters existed irl