Dumb things you believed as a child?

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 years, 5 months ago) by Wingspan

If this thread is already a thing I'll delete it. I noticed I couldn't find one while trying to search it up so I thought I'd make my own!

The title is pretty self explanatory. What are some dumb things you used to believe when you were a kid? In terms of rules just don't make fun of people for stuff they thought was true in the past. We've all changed since we were children and if it's being posted the person likely doesn't believe it anymore.


When I was a kid I was convinced that if I turned the knob on a gumball machine in just the right way, like a combination lock, I could get free candy. 


when i was a little kid (like toddler to idk 6?) i was afraid i would get sucked into the toilet when it flushed so i would like hit the handle and run before it could get me LOL


I got confused by people saying 'did it go down the wrong pipe?' when I'd choke and stuff, and instead of thinking ohh, air pipe and food pipe! I just assumed there was a stomach for liquid and a stomach for food. I spent so long trying to work out where jelly, ice cream, ice cubes, soup etc went :') mash especially


Bringing this back cause I just recently remembered it and it's funny to me

When I was younger my dad who likes country music would always play Johnny Cash. Specifically the one I liked was "Ring of Fire". I thought this "Ring of Fire" Johnny Cash was singing about was really cool. Y'know, as a kid you're believing in weird shit like the Bermuda Triangle or Bigfoot, thinking they're the most important thing in the world.. so when I heard about a ring of fire in Texas..?? I was super intrigued.. I loved the song and loved the idea of a ring of fire in Texas that's just burning.. so I got obsessed with the idea of a Ring of Fire. Then in 2008, a band called Kings of Leon made a song called "Sex on Fire". I heard the song somehow, possibly through the radio or my mom, and I was a dumbass kid, so I was like "Holy shit, it's saying Texas on Fire.. it's talking about the ring of fire in Texas" and I fell in love with the song as well, I'd love listening to it.. I'd even sing it... It was my jam... Then years later I found out it was a song about hot, passionate sex... what the fuck 

(Edit cause I'm really bad at remembering dates so I'm editing to say that my mom loved the song once it released and continued to play it, so years later when I was about 6 she played it on the radio & my dad would always play ring of fire by johnny cash at the time.. I didn't like the song when I was 3, I was a bit older, I'm just bad at dates)


When I was younger about 10 on our Windows 98 OS I used to be fascinated by this one screensaver of a spacestation. Idk why but Zenon:Girl of the 21st century made me think we'd all or at least half of us would live on a spacestation. I just really liked the movie :D Then by the time the ISS was being built I was 13 and was disappointed that we wouldn't get a zoom,zoom,zoom situation and the ISS just looked like a big ol' satellite.


When I was 9 I really wanted to become an animal so I thought that if I began to eat grass I would become a deer.

So yes, as a child I ate grass and acted as if I was a deer in hopes that I would soon become one.

Now im a furry.


From when I was pretty young:

My little kid brain somehow decided that there were two types of bruising on your skin. "Dirty" bruises and regular bruises. So if they left a dark mark on my skin I would call them dirty. I never stopped to think what a "regular" bruise would look like. (dw! the bruises I got were just normal kid bruising from playing and stuff)

I also knew swallowing gum was bad for you but sometimes i wanted 2 swallow the gum because silly kid
So i had convinced myself that if i simply said "safety gum" out loud before swallowing it it would be fine.
Never got sick from doing this and didn't do it often, but just lMAO please young me

My family also managed to keep me believing in santa until I was about 12 or 13 because when I was very young, my mom had me sneak out of bed to "catch" santa. And lo and behold he was there in my house and i saw him delivering my gifts and filling my stocking. She recorded this and it was more than enough to convince me. I didn't learn until about the above ages that it was actually one of my brothers (who lived on his own but came over to do this for me) who had just dressed up as santa. It was still magical though and I'm very glad they got together to do that for me! I remember arguing with the kids at school that santa IS real and I have video evidence of him. Very good times.


I think the dumbest thing I believed as a kid 100% has to be the idea that my sister was born in "Ketchup land" I bought that hook line and sinker


oh i forgot to mention i thought California was the ENTIRE WORLD. i thought china was at the little top bit of cali, LA was ten hours away, and san diego was half an hour away. (spoiler alert: i grew up in the bay area, so NOPE ahaha)

apparently California is Not the Entire World :(