✒️ Writers' thread ✒️

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by castra

I didn't see a thread like this and figured it'd be nice to have some sort of chillout chat for writers! ; v ; 

Talk about your current writing projects, your stories, planning, plotting, whatever as long as it's even vaguely writing related!
Anyone who identifies as a writer is more than welcomed; there is no strict definition for the word or anything!

Here are also some questions to start things off:
✒️ Who are you?
✒️ How long have you been writing?
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
✒️ Any current writing projects?

And some rules, just to make sure this thread will stay nice for everyone! 

✒️ Make sure to be polite and nice to each other
✒️ No vagueposting about other users or people in general; let's keep the negativity in vent threads!
✒️ Don't attack / insult other people's interest / favourite genres etc. Discussion is good and disagreements happen, but attacking and insulting are hardly a respectful way of communication.  
✒️ Preferably keep things SFW and black out sensitive / upsetting / NSFW-ish content like this

* In problem situations you can contact my main account Caine

Related forum threads:
  Writing Threads Masterpost

  Respond to the line above you (prompt forum game)

  Positive vibes (writing sharing thread)

 Post your written line you really like 


I have been buried under commissions and own drawing projects, so it's been stalled for me for a few days now. I'm still almost a week ahead of my schedule though so I'm not too worried, especially since I know I can easily pull over 5k words in one sitting if I just find the time to sit down & decide to do it. Balancing between drawing and writing is surprisingly hard at times, especially since I have been drawing much, much longer and feel uneasy if I don't draw every day 

"What is a typical writing session like for you? What's the hardest part about writing for you?"

Hardest part is definitely sitting down and deciding I'm going to write now and NO drawing is allowed until I'm done with what I have to. My sessions usually happen in one go then, I usually listen ambient music / nature noises depending on what I'm writing and that's pretty much it! Sometimes if I'm feeling functional enough I might even make tea but my functionality isn't usually high enough for that kind of Complicated set of actions. 


✒️ Who are you? 
I personally don't like my real name very much. Call me whatever you want. Kitten, since it's the beginning of my username, is the most common.
I'm 16, but I've been told I'm really mature for my age. Had to grow up fast, according to my dad.

✒️ How long have you been writing? 
For about 5 years now. Technically, I started when I was 9, but I wasn't really interested in it until I was about 11, which is because of my English teacher at the time. She got me very interested in writing, and often complimented me on how I was doing. I was really embarrassed when she pulled me back from going to my next class to question me on why I terribly failed a Writing test from a few years prior.

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 
English, since it's the only language that I can fully understand. I can read bits of a few other languages, but I definitely can't fully read or write in them.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 
I just do little drabbles of how life is going for characters in my little worlds that I've created. I try to write a main story line for my worlds, but I can never manage to get farther than a few pages before I blank. Someday I'll probably manage to finish something.. Hopefully.

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 
Depends on the character. For example, a character like Dollie, it's mainly horror of some kind. For Lee, a happy little slice-of-life, or some fun time running around with Domino.

✒️ Any current writing projects? 
Three! Two mainly, a third just sits on the side.
One has to do with robots. The stereotypical "Robots want to kill the humans", with the special little robots who are like "lmao nah man lets be friends with them". 
The other is basically fantasy barf. No species is uncommon.. Aside from humans. My only human in the story so far is a drunk tattoo artist who doesn't really want to be there, and hardly has any effect on the main story line so far, and I doubt she ever will. She's just there because I like her on the side, writing about her is fun, even if I know she won't fit into the big picture. Same goes for her vampire friend, most likely, who I haven't even gotten around to posting yet.


I don't believe myself to be good at writing. Not yet, at least. But maybe someday, I'll be able to get up there somewhere, and there'll be at least a few people who enjoy my writing. I'd really love that.


Casually bumps~

Halfway through the month already o.o'' does anyone have a line they wrote recently that they'd like to share? (one they're proud of)


My nano speed has decreased a lot, I'm just feeling really [vague hand gestures] but I'm at 21k out of 30k so it's not like I'm in trouble yet, haha. 

It's not just one line but it's some silly banter between two servants: 

“Now that’s more like it! I’m sure if you show that smile to your new lord he’ll be head-over-heels for you! A life on the lap of not only luxury but also a lord is waiting for you!”

“Kumar!” Aabel gasped, cheeks turning slightly red in embarrassment. 


Caine you're almost there actually! You most certainly can do it! *cheers for you*

And it just occurred to me I never shared a line. Oops. Well here's one. Not really one, but oh well.

As he gripped the hilt of the training sword tightly, he thought about how surreal this was. Learning swordplay from a princess. Seeing that the youth was momentarily distracted, a grin appeared on Renne's face and she took the opportunity to elbow him in the gut.

"Hey, ow! What was that for?" He asked while rubbing his stomach with a frown. The noble laughed playfully and held her training sword up in response.



Who are you? I don't like my name much, you can call me Z if you like, it's in my name at least

 How long have you been writing? Since I was 12

 Your preferred languages in writing? English, it's all I can read, well, and a bit of Spanish, 

 What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? I like adventures and strong characters, i like romance to stay a sub plot, love triangles piss me off and a good 70% of my characters aren't straight. 

 Favorite genres for your own stories? Fantasy, Sci Fi, Apocalyptic and Dysotopian

 Any current writing projects? Hero Parade, Izora's Origin, Mindless Souls and Waywyrd. 

HP is basically about people stuck in a video game and technically has spinoffs but I'm skipping that for now. It's mostly about Elaine and her journey to hopefully save them all and prevent a war. 

Izora's Origin is about a girl named Izora trying to gather pieces of her mother's memory and learn to control her expansive magical abilities with the help of a sexist/racist asshole who starts to be come a better person as he learns, a lesbian queen who doesn't want her throne and a 8 year old orphan with a magic mask.

Mindless Souls is about an alien species trying to subjugate other species by pulling out core parts of their being, mostly emotions, Heart is the main character, a die hard romantic who becomes a super hero in name of the emotionlove called Cupid. His world hopping friends, Shade, Nim and their son help him gather people to represent other major emotions to fight off the invaders.

Waywyrd is about a bird shifter nicknamed Crow who ends up at a house for misfit magical creatures and ultimately ends up having to help save an eleven princess with her new friends. 

Holy hell that was long


HeroofEnelios Thank you!! And same for you, I admire your high word goal for this month ; o ; 

Also hello to new people too! It's nice to see others coming to the thread too hehe 

Oh and I might as well shoot another question while I'm at it: Any original fiction recommendations? Do you currently follow someone's work? Do you have a favourite work?

I'm really bad at finding anything new to read honestly and my patience to scroll through tons of stuff I don't want to read is bad. One of the few original fictions I have ever read & followed online aside from friend things are Ronove's Ephemeral Prince, but it's a sequel to an RPGmaker game called Star Stealing Prince so you should play that first! 


Who are you?

You guys can call me Starfast :)  

How long have you been writing? 

I've always had ideas, but I never actually started writing any of them down until like 2012 or 2013. Most of my writing before that point were short stories that I had to write for school. 

Your preferred languages in writing? 


What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

I really like writing about superpowers, tbh. Also, tragic backstory character. Characters who are sort of the opposite of me; I'm really shy, but I find it fun to write characters who are really bold and outspoken, and just say and do things without really thinking about it. 

Favourite genres for your own stories? 

Anything where I can get away with making characters with some kind of superpower or magical ability. So fantasy mostly, but sci-fi as well. 

Any current writing projects? 

Uh, yeah sort of. I've started writing 2 but got stuck on one and just kinda lost motivation on the other. I have an additional 3rd one that I haven't started, but would like to at some point. 

  • The first one takes place in a world where some people develop powers, but it's kind of frowned upon. The story focuses on 4 characters who were forced to leave their homes after people found out about their powers. The first part of the story focusses on the characters trying to make their way to a safe haven. Once they get there, the story focuses on the characters trying to find a way to I guess take down the enemy for lack of a better phrase. 
  • The second one takes place in modern day Vancouver. The story focuses on 3 characters with mind reading abilities. The story so far is that they're trying to figure out how they got their powers when suddenly a person is murdered. They're able to figure out that there's a connection between their powers and the murder, but as they start to look into it they find themselves in dangerous situations. This is the one where I got stuck. I kinda came up with a concept, but not really a story. I'm trying to make it work though because I love the characters. 
  • The third one is one that I came up with a long time ago. I'd actually scrapped it, but I've recently started to revise it. It takes place in a fantasy world that's divided up into 5 nations. Each nation has 2 magic users (Magic Keepers as they're called in universe) to represent it. One of the nations is ruled by a Magic Keeper who wants a monopoly on all the other magic keepers to strengthen his nation. The story is about a girl who becomes a Magic Keeper and basically bands up with the other magic keepers (and some other people that she meets along the way) to put an end to this King's nonsense. 


Welcome, welcome to all new members of the thread~! :D

Almost through the month of July already! *looks at calendar* how did the time go so fast? ono
So then, share! If you've got a line you were proud to write this month, let everyone know! (only if you feel comfortable sharing). Or, share an achievement your proud of this month. What did you get done that wasn't so at the beginning of the month? 

For me, it's getting so much closer to the end of this draft of Trinity of Worlds. I feel like I've made so much more progress and I'm starting to feel really content with what I'm writing. We'll see if that lasts :'D


✒️ Who are you?

I am Widowmaker, Eikki, Goat, etc!

✒️ How long have you been writing?

A long time! My elementary English class was exciting enough!

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?


✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?

I write whatever comes to mind that I'm motivated about! I love worldbuilding a lot, though!  

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?

Check above, I love fiction mostly, but as for other things, they're not a top favorite but if I get an idea for them, then write away!

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

Yes! I'm heavily into in this Chickensmoothie closed species called Viscets at the moment, so I'm constantly building the world, and the characters I get, just about everything with my 'cet family! I have multiple other projects, but they're kind of on hold because no motivation lol-


Hello to new faces!! 

July's Camp Nano officially finished with 30 000 words! I could have totally gone for the 50k tbh but I had such a busy July it's good I settled with 30k. 

I was writing multiple stories, so here are some of my own personal favourite lines from some of them!

Temple Priest:

Jason whistled a little at this. “Aren’t you far away from your home then? How on earth did you end up here?”

Aabel fell silent, and at that very second Jason realized he had made a mistake when asking this. However, there was no way to take that back, and he had the growing suspicion Aabel would answer it out of obligation, regardless of whether he felt comfortable with that or not. And before Jason had the time to tell him he didn’t need to answer, Aabel had already spoken:

Slave trade. My village was attacked and everyone they could capture was taken in and exported abroad. I have heard people with blond hair and blue eyes are a luxury item elsewhere.” Although Aabel clearly tried to keep his voice neutral, it was easy to spot the venomous and bitter tone from between those words.  “They also make good blood sacrifices because their veins are very visible.” 

The last words were spoken with so much barely hidden hostility Jason felt a chill run down his spine, and at that moment he knew he had to change the subject entirely.

Revenge Story:

Due the events of the past two days at school, the presence of police cars didn’t strike me as odd at first. It was only when I dragged myself to Angus and Rudolf out of habit that I realized there was no reason for there to be cars. 

“Another victim,” Angus said nonchalantly, as if this turn of events didn’t bother him the least bit. 

I looked around. Kathy was not there, and although I wanted to believe it was because she had finally came into her senses and ditched us scums for good, I couldn’t help the cold sweat falling down my back.

“Was it K--” I started, but Rudolf interrupted me: 

“No, it wasn’t Kathy, although I wouldn’t give a sh*t if it was h--”

This time the one interrupting was Angus, who had moved his hand in front of Rudolf in an imposing manner: Enough of that.” Then he turned to me. “And yes, Kathy is alive. The victim was some girl who had sneaked outside for a smoke in secret to her parents.”


Albert tried again, this time with more courage: “Is there someone, anyone, here with me?” 

Still no answer. Albert could feel the uncomfortable cold sweat starting to fall down on his back. But after having gone through all the trouble to start this, he was not the one to give up just yet. For the third time, Albert called out: “Is there anyone here with me?” 

It was an odd sensation Albert couldn’t quite put in words: it was almost like the planchette itself had started to move, but simultaneously it felt like his hand was moving on its own and leading the small piece of wood on, all the way to the left side with the text “NO” written on it. 

“Very funny,” Albert said with a frown, but after the initial mix of amusement and annoyance, Albert started to realize there indeed was someone with him - and that someone had immediately started messing with his head.

And yeye please share your own lines too! Even if they aren't from nanowrimo stuff it'd be super neat to see what others are working on! And with the privilege of the thread maker I can say I wouldn't even mind if people came here to post their short-ish excerpts they have written recently or something like that! It's not like this thread is super active anyway 


Caine congrats on hitting your word goal for the month! I'm inching ever closer to my own goal, about 12k away at this point (goal: 70k words). Since I was working on two WIPs this month, this did give me some wiggle room. If I ever felt stuck on one, I could go to work on the other. Thankfully, both WIPs have had significant progress. Here are some lines from both that I'm rather pleased with! :D

An [Untitled] Story

Mana watched with a small bit of envy as Layle and Nina bickered, the latter of the two furiously tugging at the former's ear as she ranted to him. Even though it seemed like they were fighting, it was nothing more than friendly banter between siblings. Something that Mana knew nothing of, other than what she had seen growing up. Her only immediate family was her father, but their relationship was far from ideal right now. After all he thought she was betraying the kingdom, and to be fair, she was. 

It wasn't because she hated her own people. On the contrary, she loved everyone in the kingdom of Lu Aulam. It was because of that love that she left the knight's corps, so she could help the rebels. She as a knight had learned that it was not rebels, but Minister Orwen who was the threat to Lu Aulam. A man plagued by his bigotry had driven a civilization out, and it was her duty as a knight to bring them home.

Trinity of Worlds: Insignia

"What's this? Perhaps, are you trying to court me now?" The noble's coy grin as she said this drove Riy backwards as he held his hands up defensively, his face reddening at the proposal.

"W-what?! No! Where did you get that idea?" The boy replied while backing away. The noble leaned towards him with an alluring smile, but it was all a ploy. Within a moment, she stepped away and crossed her arms with a soft laugh.

"I'm just teasing you." She said as a soft breeze swept through, gently blowing her hair out to the side. Though Riy wanted to make a remark, the sight of the princess in the sun's light like that was unexpectedly beautiful, and he just turned away with a huff.

"Let's just get going. We don't want to get caught right?" He said in a low voice while awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. Watching his sheepish behavior, a warm smile formed on Renne's face and she put a hand on her sword hilt with a nod.

"Yes. Let's be off."

I swear those two only become more fun to write as this story goes on. This month has been a blast as far as writing is concerned. :D



Your writing style in both is elegant as always * ^ * 9 And good luck, I'm sure you can reach your goal in time!!

On unrelated news I made this forum game thread for line sharing, since I figured this sort of thing would be more fun in that place rather than in general! Feel free to get wild there, I personally really like to read things others write so it'd be a shame to see the thread end before it even gets to live, haha! 


Well I was much closer to the finish line than I thought when I started writing today! Ended up passing my word goal by about 2,000 words! My total for the month when I checked in was 72564 words. Though I know that count will still go up a little more by the end up the day, I am satisfied to have hit my goal. Wasn't easy either. So many distractions FireEmblemHeroes not withstanding and I'm proud! :D

Here's hoping we get more members to this thread, and more activity. So in the meantime.... more lines I'm proud of! 

Trinity of Worlds: Insignia (HUGE Spoilers ahead)

Not seconds after the creature had left the scene, Renne burst forth from the snow, expelling small clumps everywhere with a loud shout. She shook her head several times and began to wring her hair out, as snow had collected along strands of it. Celeste poked her head out shortly afterwards, spitting out a mouthful of snow and snorted.

"What creature was that? Did you get a good look at it?" She said while brushing off her armor. Renne shook her head as she felt around her waist for her sword, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found it was still there.

"I didn't. It was so large but hard to see. It was cloaked by a fog, but it almost looked like-" Before the noble was able to finish, she heard something spring out of the snow nearby and froze. The Akedime soldiers? In a panic, she reached for the hilt of her sword at her side. Just as she had-

"Paah! Well that was really exhilarating. I just wished Fenris hadn't dropped me off like that and ran off." Renne felt her breath hitch in her throat and her heart beat quicken. The noble brought a hand to her chest, feeling it ache and slowly turned her head to look behind her, and saw the figure of a young boy with striking snow white hair. He brushed some snow off his black shirt, adjusted his scarf and sighed. 

"...iy?" Renne whispered so softly that it was inaudible, though Celeste heard her say something and looked her way in concern. The sky haired noble turned her body towards the boy and took a step forwards, her heart now pounding against her chest. "Riy?" The youth looked over his shoulder at her, and widened his eyes.


"You... y-you're alive?" The noble took several tentative steps towards the boy, her eyes full of disbelief. The white haired youth seemed to be in equal disbelief, as he had thought she was a prisoner of the soldiers up until a moment ago. He only got to take a few steps towards the noble before something flew past his face at a dangerous speed, narrowly missing his nose and causing him to freeze. Renne stopped as well, having noticed it and snapped her gaze back to see Celeste, standing her bow drawn and an arrow nocked.

The young woman was sending a warning glare, presumably to the boy she saw come out of the snow, and this prompted Renne to clench her jaw and turn to her sister in anger.

“Celeste don’t!” Her sharp tone caused the woman to freeze in shock, giving her sibling enough time to draw close to Riy and grasp him by the shoulders. “It’s really you, isn’t it? You aren’t-” Riy gently placed his hands onto hers to remove them from his shoulders and nodded.

“I’m fine. Are you-” Just as he’d nudged her away, Renne sprung forth and wrapped him in a tight hug, nearly knocking him over in the process. 

“Oh thank goodness.” She breathed in a low voice. Riy was taken by surprise by the sudden tenderness, and the noble proceeded to bury her face in his shoulder. That's when he noticed something else. Was she, shaking?"

Hoo boy. I feel like a few moments like this were fine early on. Then this scene happened. Oops.

Anyways, here's to August! Hoping it's as productive.


✒️ Who are you? 

Hellooo I am Bee

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

Only like 3 years

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

English is all I can read and write. (+ Just a lil Spanish)

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

I just like to write things about my crazy characters

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

Short stories filled with mysteries and suspense

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

Writing about my little town of Solitude