As we all know, life doesn't stop after your 20s. But it's not too common to see characters who are 30+ Show me your characters who are a little older then the norm.

- Are they content with how they're living now? - What do they think of who they were in the past compared to now?


-No immortals. I mean characters living a lifespan.

Sachihiro "Rōzeki" Yamamoto Ayeaka

Sachi’s 45!

 He’s an elf, so he doesn’t super show his age, and magic effects the lifespan more of elves than humans, so he... genuinely has no idea what his lifespan will actually be. It’s still enough to make him self conscious about being so much older than his boyfriend.

He’s ... not really satisfied with himself, but he’s come a long way from his rather traumatic roots, and his younger sibling is doing well enough, so he must be doing something right. He’s a shadowrunner, meaning he’s effectively a professional thief that gets hired by corporations as part of a team through a proxy to steal from other corporations / engage in corporate espionage on their behalf.

 He definitely longs for a life where he doesn’t have to worry about where his next meal comes from or where one betrayal could end everything. 
he wanted to be an art history teacher. That uh... didn’t work out for him. He’s reasonably proud in his craft and his work as a tattoo artist, however. 

 Owen Dallas jukeboxes

Owen is probably the oldest primary character (that lives a normal human lifespan). He's the father of one of the main characters, Benjamin, and is important because he was the living host for the main villain for years of his life. Despite his age, he's always been a pretty youthful guy, and is still "hip with the kids". His age changes through the story, but I usually refer to him in his fifties.

He's pretty happy with his life now, but when your current situation is being compared to the past 20 years where you were controlled and tormented by an evil being, that's not such a hard comparison to make. He has his family back now, and that's what matters most. He's still retained a good chunk of knowledge from when he was being controlled, so he occasionally helps the main cast in their otherworldly escapades.

Marius Schaarwächter Jules

From my human OCs, that is Viktor! I technically also have Ridley who is 33, but he is somewhat nsfw, so I wont talk about it.

- Are they content with how they're living now? They are! He absolutely enjoys his current lifestyle and loves both of his kids. Sure, it isn't easy (esp considering his sons are disabled) but you know, it's  great to see that the kids resemble you more than their shitty moms :')

- What do they think of who they were in the past compared to now? Nothing. He knows he was in a very, awfully, shitty place back then. There was nothing he could have done to prevent it, except to live through it and adapt and change.

Nobutaka Deguichi PicklePantry

Taka is 31! He's doing well, taking after the family business and all that and managing to uphold it. He definitely thinks about the past a lot and compares his past and current selves, and it typically motivates him.


Shino is 45 himself! He's a teacher at UA High in the BNHA Universe, being an old friend friend of one of my other fan babes parents (who eventually became parents) and was this characters godfather.

 Hajime erubeculas

bez is in his mid forties! he's a dad and ex yakuza. while he's still got plenty of tricks up his sleeves and questionable personality traits from his life of crime (gambling tendencies are one), he's definitely mellowed out over the years and is more of a nuisance these days as opposed to an active threat. often worries that he reached his peak long ago and questions whether a life of mundanity truly suits him, though said doubts are quickly quelled when it occurs to him how much better he has it as is. definitely thinks his past self was a reckless embarrassment... is much more content being his daughter's biggest fan as opposed to someone's biggest enemy. she's a figure skater and he wants nothing but the best for her own success and happiness in ways he was deprived of when he was her age

 Richard Ray Garawai

Richard is in his late thirties! He’s doing well, he is a nice detective and also a good father.  


Most of my Warrior Cats honestly, they are the cat equivalent of their 30's, Ta'tor is in her 40's, and Chiva is probably in her early 30's but she doesn't know because some TimeShenanagins happens in that story.

Cyrielle endiria

A majority of my charas from the first part of my story is actually 30+, I have even some bearded grandpas there

but as I'm currently working on the sequel part...I have Cyrielle here, she's in her late 20s/early 30s in the plot; she definitely doesn't want to live a calm life and put herself in a lot of risky situations, but at least has a loving girlfriend :^)

of course I have a lot of older charas in this story too but they don't have their profiles on toyhouse.

Wyatt Keyes VioletVulpini

I have a LOT of 30+ characters, but let's go with Wyatt, as he's one of my most fleshed-out. He's 37!

-Right now Wyatt's holding down two (and a half) jobs. He feels a little stuck in his career as a bartender, which he initially took on as a starter job but could never get anything better. He earns a little extra as an information broker at the bar, brushing elbows with organized crime and corrupt cops all the while. At the same time, he accidentally befriended a local private investigator and has been working with him ever since. He doesn't necessarily like his working situation, and is pretty badly sleep-deprived because of it, but feels like he has to keep it up in order to support his daughter, who's off to college now. Despite this, he has a lot of very close friends and they make him happy. He's still struggling to balance everything, but as long as he can make time to spend with his friends, he'll get through it. He'd say he's happy with where he's at, even if his health is suffering.

-Oh MAN Wyatt used to be a brat back in the day. He was always angry and took it out on others, which made him isolated and alone, too. He used to get into fights all the time, too. Now that he's an adult, he's is very mellow in comparison. He's  an excellent actor and it takes a lot to get his temper to flare up. He's pretty embarrassed of how he used to act back in the day.