As we all know, life doesn't stop after your 20s. But it's not too common to see characters who are 30+ Show me your characters who are a little older then the norm.

- Are they content with how they're living now? - What do they think of who they were in the past compared to now?


-No immortals. I mean characters living a lifespan.

 Misha Volkova sixofswords

Mishaaaaaaa she's either 31 or 32 i can never remember. She's a mom and a war veteran. Her profile has a CW on it for abuse but i love her sm.


clifton is probably somewhere in his early 40s


Most of my characters are 30+! But the story follows the protagonist through a decade of his life, which is why I draw him and others in scenes where they're in their 20s .
He's come a long way and improved a lot -- he's content with his life, even if it isn't always perfect. He dislikes who he was, but he learnt to understand himself and be more compassionate, especially in regards to his... inner child, I guess? He's now 32.

Montrose Romano FvvKing

Here's Roe! He is just 31, and he loves how he lives now. Depsite having a rough past and present, he looks optimistically into the future!

 Paloma Seurat sixofswords

Paloma here is 33. She's very genuine and lovely, and very busy, generally speaking. She's an adventurer and quite religious.


I...think Finnegan counts?
Therye 32. They work as the legal guardian of a little god named Mira, and are seriously fed up with everyone. They rather be inside reading their books, not babysitting an immortal who keeps dragging them through the different realms.

He’s relatively happy, but doesn’t enjoy his job much as a babysitter. 

01. Jax Sadismancer

Thirty-five and just got into his first relationship.

 Hostifer Hogg nubifera

52 years old, proud dad of two adult sons, military man, he's very energetic and proactive

Dr. Nicolai Ivanovich Kozlov RaikaiRan

45 years old grumpy cyborg  :D  He is a doctor and one of my main oc's. I love older oc's because you can add so much more backstory to them.

 Isoptera VioletVulpini

I've posted here before, but I'm gonna do it again because 30+ characters are great, I love them, and they deserve more recognition. We'll go with my "fantasy hero past his prime" guy this time!

Roxanne ClydeHomicide

He's 52, even if he acts like he's only 12.

Asmo (Silvester) v1nsinclair

he's 31 but technically since he's a demon he's basically a young whippersnapper rn lmao - even though he ages in human years now after coming to the human world, he'd still technically think of himself as being quite young.