How do your character panic?

Posted 2 years, 3 days ago by Feufeu

Okay, let's imagine your character get on a pretty oofy situation and they start to panicking. What do they look like? Are they just standing here, sweating intensely, while having a internal mental breakdown? Or they gonna yell at everyone without any sense, or, in another way, will just act perfectly normal? 

It's kinda a weird question but I'm curious lol

Taika BlueTomoshibi

This happens a couple times in the novel she stars in. 

The first time she's really hit with it, she absolutely just panics and is scared, but the usual response is anger. 

She gets mad at the situation and will run headfirst into danger without any concern for the people trying to help her. She's also a lot more colorful with her language, busting out all kinds of rude Italian sayings. 

Finally she can be incredibly cruel to even her friends. 

It scares her how mad she can get and she tries to keep a lid on it, but when her partner is taken away from her, that pillar of stability in her life crumbles 

Daichi Takahiro Sp00kE

So Daichi is a BNHA OC and as such he's pretty used to getting into panic-inducing situations. In the heat of the moment it doesn't hit him, but the aftereffects are pretty harsh.

He gets sick to his stomach and finds it hard to breathe. The room usually feels small and as if it's spinning, and while he's generally good at suppressing tears, he cries pretty hard during his panic attacks. Sometimes he gets ghost-sensations of what he went through during the experience, which only makes him feel more sick to his stomach.

Zog (Daerius Schneider) SkystormV

In a panic, he can get kind of irrational.
In short, he’d freak out and probably throw up lmao

 Jamie (kid) TheSeaweed

His panic attacks are aggressive. If he is approached by anyone he doesn't trust enough, which is almost everyone, he will proceed to hiss and scratch at them with his sharp, cone-like fingers.

James Zhang rizzoto

In his heart he was panicking immensely, but he would try to appear calm, he should not appear panicked in front of his subordinates

Sometimes he sweats and crumples his uniform

✉ Gustav its_olsomm

He wouldn't want anyone to see him show emotions, which for him means showing weakness. In the heat of the moment he's very frantic in his decision-making and irritated at every stimulus, he lets his feelings through anger. But the moment he feels safe and alone, he'll probably cry about it. He also writes amateur poetry and expresses himself that way

 Doodi thisiskindofold

she would run in a circle and flap her wings continuously while squawking (and screaming) lmao