Papes' OC Question Of The Day! 2.0

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Papes

EDIT 7/31: I'M BACK EARLY I was supposed to be taking a break for longer but, mmmmm I'm afraid of letting this fun thread die

EDIT 7/23: HERE'S THE GOOGLE DOCS I MADE FOR ALL THE QUESTIONS! Including tomorto's by me because that was a question that's been stuck in my mind for ages now....

Hello! I got Isoprene's blessing to revive the question of the day forum game since the original has been closed for quite a while now! I'm still trying to form questions for the future, so feel free to suggest anything to me via PM! I'll try my best to update early enough in the day to give people time, you're allowed to answer in-character, answer for multiple characters, basically whatever fits the prompt best for that day! If yoy suggest a question and end up using it, I will most definitely credit and ping you!

To start it off, I'll recycle a question from the last thread! I'm so sorry aaaa

Q1. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Thaaaaat would have to be Antheia. Her blog is like, 95% memes and shitposting, with the occasional aesthetic reblogging.


Q14. If your OCs were to play videogames, who would be the super casual one that plays for fun, and who would play competitively?
Hmm...Ezra and Enu would both play super casually amongst friends, but end up being extremely competitive against each other. Roman would pretend to be casual, but he'd get fed up with not being on top. Shion and Nagi would play for fun! They're more into music than games.


Is there a list of the current questions so we don't have to go through all the pages to find them?


@Fehnryr Gah! Sorry for the late reply, no there isn't one right now but you just reminded me that's a really important thing i should do!

No question for today because I'm gonna try to get that done first. Hopefully before noon PST tomorrow! Gaaah how did I forget OTL

Timaeus mareepish

Hey! ;3ccc feel free to keep it that way or select all & move to another place!

Q9. Which OCs are scatterbrained to all heck, or at least forget stuff often enough for it to be a problem?

hoo boy, Timaeus is your problem child. He's only teen age, but yet having his soul forcibly snatched made him age all to the hell. It also made him forget normal daily things, like walking, names, etc. Currently, there's a kind tribe that's taking care of him, giving him physical and mental therapy. It's a very slow progress, because Timaeus always forgets everything the next day, or only remembers one tiny, pointless thing like how pretty a butterfly was.


Hey!! With permission from Papes, I'll be asking questions in their place for a little bit! c:

Here's one for you guys today! Since I'm having this food today;

Q15. Which OCs are a foodie or just likes pizza? What kind of toppings do they prefer on their pizza?

Keaton LOVES food, he eats everything! As for pizza, he prefers to have his favorite food on it, chicken! Although he likes to wrap regular cheese pizza around a big chicken leg and eat it that way instead, oddly enough.


^ can definitely confirm this! things got pretty bad for me lately and i had little to no warning on it, my energy just dropped off the face of the earth for now asdfffdds

also pineapple on pizza is a Cursed thing. Bonus prompt for shits and giggles, which OC would be grossed out by pineapple pizza???

Edit: Since Widowmaker will be taking over for me for now, I'm gonna be editing the main post so it says that! A new thread won't be made since I do want to be able to get back to posting questions eventually!


Here's another one for you guys!

Q16. How do your OCs deal with their personal issues, if any?


Widowmaker: aaa, I already put in a Q16 on the google docs compilation because i had a question that was itching in the back of my mind for ages tbh i can def move my question to 17 though to keep it consistent, just don't forget to copypaste it here for tomorrow    

Julius Arayes Caine

Q15. Which OCs are a foodie or just likes pizza? What kind of toppings do they prefer on their pizza?

Teru is not a foodie per se but he sure as heck loves pizza. He will eat ANY kind of pizza like people thought he just doesn't have a preference with any food because he is a shapeshifter and it's their Thing to be flexible and have little to no personal preferences (Teru is an exception though because he wants to be an individual first and foremost) but then they just realized Teru just Loves pizza. He wants to try everything from really traditional pizza to absolute abominations. 

Q16. How do your OCs deal with their personal issues, if any?

I picked Julius for this once since I have tons of OCs! Julius is kind of confusing because depending on the type of the problem he might want to tackle it immediately OR he will bottle it up and try to ignore it altogether, usually just resulting in more trouble. If the personal issues are small and easily solved he will try to fix them as fast as possible, since he knows things bother him easily and he has a tendency to get angry and upset even over the smallest things. But with some things he is really passive and if he knows it'll be a LOT of trouble he might not even bother with it, resulting in anxiety and usually the bottled up feelings burst out eventually. 


Q15. Which OCs are a foodie or just likes pizza? What kind of toppings do they prefer on their pizza?
The Elswire twins for sure. They typically like as much meat and cheese on their pizza as humanly possible. Not a lot of my characters are big on food, since they eat...other things.

Q16. How do your OCs deal with their personal issues, if any?
Roman has had issues with dealing with his trauma; mostly he relies on a dangerous lifestyle and putting himself first over all others. He's still learning how to recover and function in a more healthy manner without harming the people he loves. Christian is in a similar boat, but he tends to flowers and gardens to help ease the pain. A lot of my characters engage in rather dangerous situations, so it's sometimes unavoidable to have some fucked up views of life.


guess i gotta copypaste so people see it... vgfufhgckgcgc

Q17. When asked the question “What is love”, would your OC attempt to give a decent answer, a complex one (read as: pretentious possibly), or respond with “BABY DON’T HURT MEEE”

Cyrus Bell Caine

Q17. When asked the question “What is love”, would your OC attempt to give a decent answer, a complex one (read as: pretentious possibly), or respond with “BABY DON’T HURT MEEE”

I can make this into a "tag your squad" thing B^) Even if this isn't like canon in their setting but if it WAS this is what would happen

Jonathan is the one giving a decent answer, Claude is the one with a super pretentious one and Cyrus is the one yelling "BABY DON'T HURT MEEEE" from the top of his lungs  


rolls up sleeves

Lemme see, I'll try to do all of these that I have an answer to. I'll be mostly talking about my turret heads but a few actual tanks in between too.

Q1. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?

Definitely Roswell. What else can be expected from someone who wrote "get rekt" on his cannon?

Q3. Which OC of yours is the most innocent?

Hmm… I don't think any of my OCs are innocent angels. Kai is really close to being one, though.

Q4. Which OC of yours loves summer? On the flipside, who hates it?

Basically all my turret head people don't like summer because the sun is a deadly lazer heats up their turrets really bad. It's like sitting in a hot car for hours, except the car is your skull.

Q6. Which of your OCs is more resistant to cold/freezing weather? Who would be bundled up in several layers of clothing in colder weather than they're used to?

Of my tank OCs, Alac and the Russian tanks are most resistant to the cold since they were built for these conditions. They can endure temperatures that would make other tanks break down already.

Q7. Who loves going to fancy events? Who doesn't, whether it's because it makes them anxious, they find it boring, etc.

Roswell enjoys going to such events, although he thinks of everyone there as pretentious. Heiko was paraded around at fancy events sometimes when he was still with his association, but he absolutely hated every second of it because he felt completely out of place.

Q8. Which of your OCs like the aesthetic of formalwear? This doesn't necessarily mean they'd be comfortable wearing it themselves!

Roswell's wardrobe contains a lot of formal wear. He likes looking sleek. Lisa kind of has a thing for uniforms and formal clothes but her own clothing style isn't formal at all.

Q10. Which OC has depression, or might have it? They can be aware of it or not even realize it might be a thing for them.

Heiko… I have a couple of depressed characters, but he's their king. He doesn't realize it's depression (or doesn't want to) and hasn't gotten any treatment whatsoever for it yet (he couldn't afford it anyway).

Q12. Do any of your OCs have names based on various mythologies?

Argos. He's named after the mythical giant with lots of eyes. I figured it fits because artillery sees all (in theory, anyway).

Q13. Any of your OCs watch bad movies for fun, whether it's alone or with the squad? If movies don't exist in their world, which ones would if they existed?

Sounds like something Taylor and Jayden would do.

Q14. If your OCs were to play video games, who would be the super casual one that plays for fun, and who would play competitively?

Jeremy is really laid-back in that regard. He doesn't play video games often, but if he does, he only plays for fun.

Q16. How do your OCs deal with their personal issues, if any?

Usually not in very healthy or constructive ways. Lisa tries to ignore them completely, Heiko is constantly in self-destruction mode. Roswell is a very special case there … his only problem is his thirst for revenge on a certain someone and his idea of solving that problem is to kill the guy. Masha and Sigi are much more well-adjusted.

Q17. When asked the question “What is love”, would your OC attempt to give a decent answer, a complex one, or respond with “BABY DON’T HURT MEEE”

Heiko doesn't know how to explain feelings but he'll try anyway and it's going to be cheesy as hell. If the song existed in the tank world, Siren would scream the lyrics and then laugh much longer than anyone is comfortable with.