Your Daily OC Question! (Updated 10/29)

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by Isoprene

Not to be confused with my OC question of the day or Papes' OC question of the day! Or my other Shindan thread!

Running an OC question of the day thread is rough because you always want to answer your own questions, but by the time you have the time it's been a week and you have a bunch of other questions! Not to mention that your questions always have to be pretty general: "what's your OCs' favorite colors" is easy enough for someone with 10 OCs, but there are loads of people who have OCs in the triple digits and beyond!

But y'know what's awesome? Shindan is awesome. I spent last night working on a bunch of options and whipped up a Shindan that will ask you a question to a specific OC every day!

> > >  < < <

Here's how it works! You plug in your username, and you'll be given an OC and a question! Here's an example of what the results look like:

Hey there, Toyhouse! This question is for your OC with the biggest family.
Q: How easily are they embarrassed?

You can answer your questions privately, on an OC blog, wherever you'd like! It'd be rad if you posted your results here, though, so we can all learn about your OCs! Some other notes:

  • Please let me know if you find any typos or other errors! There are over 500 items in [LIST1] and over 200 in [LIST2] as of posting and I finished this at 3:30 in the morning, so... needless to say, I didn't do much proofreading.

  • Don't like your question, aren't comfortable with it, just want to answer more questions, or can't answer it because one or both items don't apply to any of your OCs? Tweak the name you enter to get a new one! Change the capitalization, use some nicknames, add some numbers... Shindan will consider them all new names that you can use daily!

  • Many questions suggest a modern Earth setting, asking about things like the Internet, video games, cars, etc. Just answer them as thought your character existed in such a setting, like what kind of TV shows WOULD they watch if TV existed in their universe? Likewise, if you get a question like "what was your youngest OC like as a kid?," you can reverse it and answer what they'd be like as an adult and vice versa.

  • The questions vary a lot. Some are comedic, some are serious, some are kind of bummers, some can be answered in one word, and some require a bit of thought. If you got a really short/easy question and you're not satisfied, you're always welcome to try out a different name and go again! The initial batch of items allows for 115,486 different combinations, so you probably won't run out too fast.

  • If either item seems ambiguous, feel free to answer it in multiple ways or however you first interpreted it. Likewise, if LIST1 applies to multiple OCs of yours, you can answer for every OC that applies to or just pick one of them.

  • There are no questions involving sexual content, but there are some questions that involve alcohol and violence.

  • If any of your answers involve detailed violence/gore, abuse, sexual content, etc., put it under a spoiler tag! Basically just spoiler tag anything you'd spoiler tag in other threads.

  • I'll try to add more items to each list as time goes on! I like to make them relatively unique/interesting and make them things you wouldn't think about (c'mon, did you know which OC was most broken up about the Pluto debacle before this? or what their favorite kind of noodle was?), but I'm open to suggestions! Just note that unlike the OC question of the day thread, I can't really credit you for your additions!

Latest Additions (10/29/20):


the OC you most associate with the sin of lust.
the OC you most associate with the sin of gluttony.
the OC you most associate with the sin of greed.
the OC you most associate with the sin of sloth.
the OC you most associate with the sin of wrath.
the OC you most associate with the sin of envy.
the OC you most associate with the sin of pride.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of chastity.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of temperance.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of charity.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of diligence.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of patience.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of kindness.
the OC you most associate with the virtue of humility.
the OC you find the most difficult to write/RP with.
the OC you find the hardest to draw.
your OC with the least eventful backstory.
an OC you haven't thought about in a while.
your OC with the most varied facial expressions.
your most popular OC (in OOC terms).
your most popular OC (in-universe).
your OC that deserved better.
your OC that loves cats the most.
your OC that loves dogs the most.
your OC that loves birds the most.
your OC that loves fish the most.
your OC that loves reptiles the most.
your OC that loves amphibians the most.
your OC that animals hate the most.
your most competitive OC.
your OC that enjoys fishing the most.
your OC that's been on the most boats.
your OC that's been on the most planes.
your OC that's been on the most trains.
your OC that's the most afraid of heights.
your OC who copes the most poorly with change.
your OC who's the most afraid of ghosts.
your OC that smells the nicest (in your opinion, at least).
your OC who cares the most about routines.
your most charismatic OC.
the OC you most closely associate with spring.
the OC you most closely associate with summer.
the OC you most closely associate with autumn.
the OC you most closely associate with winter.
your most easily frightened OC.
your OC with the greatest disparity between appearance and personality.
your OC who's the deepest in love.
an OC you associate with fire.
an OC you associate with electricity.
an OC you associate with light.
an OC you associate with the element of earth.
an OC you associate with water.
an OC you associate with ice.
an OC you associate with darkness.
an OC you associate with air.
the OC that would be the most entertaining to bring to a family reunion.
the last OC you'd ever want to meet in a dark alley.
your OC who has the least amount of empathy for others.
your most jaded OC.
the OC you think would get the most misinterpreted if your OCs had a huge fandom.


If they got locked in a mall overnight, what would they do?
How do they feel about public speaking? Are they good at it, or could the thought alone kill them?
In games like Mafia, Among Us, etc., would they rather be the "bad guy" or one of the normal players?
They get stranded on a deserted island for a week. How would they fare?
Do they enjoy holidays or loathe them? Do they have any notable feelings about specific holidays?
Are they afraid of things like monsters or ghosts, or would they think those things were cool if they met them?
They learn that they're going to die in a week. What do they do now?
They're offered the ability to see into the future. Would they want to?
Do they prefer urban environments or rural ones?
If they had to adopt a pet but it could be absolutely any sort of creature, what would they pick?
If  they could choose something to reincarnate into when they die - a  rich  person, a cool animal, someone normal, etc. - what would they pick?  Or  would they rather not pick at all?
If they had the chance to rid the world of someone they hated and no one would ever be able to find out, would they take it?
If they won the lottery or otherwise suddenly came into wealth, what would they do?
They overhear a random squirrel talking like a human being. How do they react?
When they're at a restaurant do they prefer to try something new or do they stick to what they know they like?
What's their deepest, darkest secret?
How did you come to create this character?
If  they're a recent OC, what do you think they would've been like if you   made them years ago? If they're an older OC, what do you think they   would be like if you made them today?
How often do they get sick? What do they tend to get sick with the most frequently?
When they're in a dark place mentally, what's the best way to help them?
A  stranger (think on public transportation, a waiting room, etc.) tries   to make small talk with them. How do they feel about this?
When  playing games with others, do they take opportunities to ruthlessly   dominate others or do they try to play nice even if it means passing up   easy opportunities to win?
How do they feel about revenge? Is it something they would seek if wronged, or do they feel like vengeance itself is wrong?
What is their relationship with religion?
How do they or would they feel about pirating media (TV shows, video games, etc.)?
If they could choose their manner of death, how would they choose to die?
Do they find the idea of immortality appealing or frightening?
What's  the best way to teach them something? Are they more of a visual   learner, a hands-on learner, etc.? Does it matter who teaches them and   if they're strict vs relaxed?
Do you have any songs you associate with them?
If  they were (or are) a YouTuber/streamer/podcaster, what kind of  content  would they make? Ex. would they talk about conspiracies, have a  cute  baking channel, speedrun, make video essays, etc.?
Do they feel like people are defined more by nature or nurture?

bottom text so wysiwyg doesn't trap me in spoiler boxes forever

 Igor Svyatoslavich Ledokol

Hey there, Ледокол! This question is for your unluckiest OC.

Q: Do they treat friends/allies differently when they're sick? Do they help take care of them?

          "Do I have friend? In this 21st century? Nah... no one I like enough to count as friend. Allies... I guess great-great-great grand fathers Yaroslav and Mstislav. If they're unwell, of course I'll take care of them! I maybe a dumbass but I cherish my family members, okay? They have always been some of the ancestors I look up to, so they're always my priority over any other people in the ...err, origanizesion? (meant to say organization but mess up)"

          "Hmmm... I guess if they're sick, I will just move in to stay over in their rooms to take care of them (and brings loads of bad lucks) 24/7!!!"

Arielle Blythe Rainbow000Pegasus

Hey there, Rainbow! This question is for your OC who hates vegetables the most.
Guess it's going to be Arielle then-

Q: How do they feel about their future?

"Honestly, I'm not sure either..."
Due to their condition that shares a soul with another entity, they don't know how to feel about it. They have a bad feeling about the future, so they try not to think about the future too much.

Venus Swissy

Hey there, Swissy! This question is for your OC who likes classical music the most.

Q: What's their favorite ice cream flavor out of the three Neapolitan flavors?

"I... can't eat ice cream...they melt too fast before i can take a lick"  //cue ugly sobbing

"-But i do have tasted vanilla in the past. Perhaps that would be my favourite"

Quilaxle Wavecrest corncob

Hey there, corncob! This question is for your OC who's been injured the most.

Q: How would they react to being insulted by a stranger?

statistically? this is proooobably a question for Quil, then - it's a tight race, though; given his profession, Mirilyien could probably easily take that title, too, if we're going on severity of injuries alone (he fights monsters/aberrations. took permanent brain damage from an illithid... that alone is kinda heavy lmao) but given Quil's history and family situation, he's just probably been injured more on the whole - more in frequency and in quantity, with varying degrees of severity all around. thank the gods for magical healing, huh? (he probably has more scars than i've drawn him with, though; i just don't know where they'd be yet)

"The fuck did you just say to me, pal? You got a fuckin' problem? Why don't ya come say it to my face, then?" etc etc etc We Got A Wise Guy etc etc etc. don't get me wrong, he'd get his little ass kicked because he has a strength score of 9, but he's got an attitude score of a solid 20 and them's fightin' words, buddy. he'd go down swingin. (if he had anyone with him, depending who it was, he might at least have a lil backup though.)

Viviani Dawnsong corncob

Hey there, corn cob! This question is for your OC with the softest skin.

Q: Are they annoyed by things like slang or do they dig the fluidity of language?

kind of a weird qualifier i have to say!!!!! but that's almost certainly Viv, he's just blessed with great skin to start with and then, being clergy at a kind of opulent temple, he'd have access to things that would keep it soft after a long day working the fields.

oh no, he's not annoyed by slang at all, and i think he'd find the differences in the way people speak really interesting to listen to, if anything! he just wouldn't know how to use it if his life depended on it and might be left a little confused on the meanings sometimes (though usually he's not afraid to go ahead and ask). if he did try, he'd probably be like one of those really awkward parents who like, is clearly trying to "be cool" and "fit in" with their kid/their kid's friends and it's kind of painful to witness. (he is well aware of this outcome, and would not willfully do anything to make himself seem more out-of-touch and sheltered than he already is.)

the only thing he has any particulars about, in terms of language use, are that he really tries to avoid using profanity (it's just so improper and reflects poorly on his church, in his opinion) and that he typically tries to avoid phrasings that could invoke superstition, that imply he's asking for something from a god if he's not actually asking for it, or that imply blasphemy. (like the sort of "gods above just kill me now" type thing you might say if you were really exasperated, especially. you don't really mean it, but he'd be far to afraid to invoke anyone's ire or anger, or invite bad luck, or anything of the sort.)

 Rachel Lù sixofswords

Hey there, sparrow! This question is for the last OC you drew.

Q: How are they at cooking and baking?

Hmm... So it's this girl. I think she's pretty okay at cooking, probably even good at it for a fifteen-year-old, but she's not really into baking not because she's not good at it, but because she's not really a big fan of baked things. She likes cookies, but she doesn't really eat cake or many pastries. So baking just isn't a relevant skill for her.

Cælinus Rainbow000Pegasus

Hey there, Rainbow! This question is for your OC who's the hardest worker.
I pick Cælinus because he has a lot of things on his plate, which makes his determination all the more meaningful.

Q: Do they prefer a soup or a salad?

It depends what is in it? If he had the option, he is very likely to go for soup, because it's eaten warm, but he does eat salad on a day-to-day basis.

Blackrose Unholyleaf

Hey there, PhoenixoftheParadise! This question is for your most surreal OC.

Q: Where do they like to go when they get out of the house?

Bold to assume Blackrose has a house. Anyways they probably go between various worlds. that's kinda their job

 543 Marshal Shaposhnikov Ledokol

Hey there,  Ледокол ! This question is for your OC who hates anime the most.

Q: What does their bedroom look like?

          "I hate anime... but moreover I hate the assumption that I'm supposed to have something to do with anime just because Japan is across the sea from my fleet's main HQ."

          "As for the answer, it's your typical dorm room because that's what the fleet provides for android personnel. 5 x 6 meters without bathroom, two single beds, a desk, a couple of chairs, wardrobe for each android for convenience sake... not like we have lots of clothes to store anyway and a number of shelves. What's special about it is how I don't like messy room. So excluding my Boss' room, I'm quite certain my room is the tidiest... unlike a disaster of room where that darn Vovka stays with Bystryy. Wait... and I forget to mention the windows are made of bulletproof glass while the wall is about 80 centimeters thick. All the furnitures are made from reinforced materials because none of us is lighter than 350 kgs. Decoration is minimal to keep with the military standard. Still need more detail?"

Whisper Ivorsson corncob

Hey there, CornCob! This question is for your OC who drinks the most.

Q: How do they feel at parties? How do they act?

Whisper drinks........... a lot. i thought this was gonna be a hard one since so many of them drink, and several of them drink a lot, but really i think he almost has to drink the most. Sorrel probably gives him a run for his money but, as much as he loves to drink, he can't hold his alcohol half as well as Whisper.

Whisper probably feels roughly the same at a party as he would feel anywhere else, doing anything else -- equally comfortable, or uncomfortable as it may be; perhaps, though, he'd be slightly more comfortable in a large group such as a party, where it feels like he can blend in and drown out all the chaos in a more preferrable, controlled kind of chaos. and he'd probably act roughly how he normally does, just... perhaps a bit more loose? he'd move a little less nervously, might be slightly more talkative, a little less defensively-postured. and he'd drink. and he'd drink. and he'd drink. and he'd drink. you know those videos of people chugging whole bottles of alcohol, completely stone-faced? that'd be him. people might assume he was doing it to be the "life of the party," and occasionally as a result he might be de-facto deemed as such, but he'd just be... doing it lmao, and it wouldn't really matter to him if people watched or cheered or if they completely ignored him. 

Juven Mezzaluna

Hey there, MezzaWolf! This question is for your OC who's always up for a friendly fight.

Q: What kind of flooring do they prefer? Like carpeting, hardwood, good ol' natural dirt, etc.

Juven is always up for a fight whether it's friendly or not.  Being a wolf, he definitely prfers good ol' natural dirt.  He has never been on carpet, or hardwood yet, but if he did, he would most likely still prefer dirt.  Juven likes to get down and dirty in his fights and it's just not the same without it.  He enjoys feeling the earth on his fur/paws.

Augustus von Langenstein Guardy

Hey there, Guardy! This question is for your OC who's been injured the most.

Q: Are they annoyed by things like slang or do they dig the fluidity of language?

A bit of both, actually.

Gus is almost 270 years old, if he had serious issues with linguistic change he'd be just a little screwed. He does actually like understanding what's being said, so really dense and almost-incomprehensible-without-belonging-to-a-niche-group slang does kind of bother him - though he usually acknowledges that it's none o' his business anyway. 

Not too extreme day-to-day young-people-talk, though? Totally fine by him, and sometimes he very occasionally does himself. 

 Branimir Božanović Ledokol

Hey there,  Лeдокол ! This question is for your OC who makes the most promises they can't keep.

Q: How do they feel about dragons?

          "Dragons... Zmaj? Cool as an inspiration for tattoos, but I don't have one. I don't pay it much attention I guess... they're just myth after all. Never saw a dragon in my entire 2000-something life except being cultural or social motifs of several people... one in particular is it reminds me of Ljubljana. And the Bosnian football fans call themselves Bosnian Dragons or something? Hah-- I miss the good old days when we were togather as Yugoslavia."

neon htespagheti

Hey there, wings ! This question is for your OC with the most aqua color scheme.

Q: What do they smell like?

yknow like that unicorn birthday cake scented stuff like from claires or justice?? ya like that 

Quilaxle Wavecrest corncob

Hey there, Corncob! This question is for your OC who is the least trusting of authority.

Q: How do they feel about sharing?

this is hard to narrow down.... i have a solid handful who are really, really distrustful of authority figures. at the end of the day, though, i think i have to go with Quil - even though he's at a neutral alignment currently, it's only because he tries to lay low most of the time, and doesn't usually do things to actively disrupt unless he really has to - he obeys laws when it suits him, and disobeys them when it suits him as well. however, i think he's the one who's the most outspoken in terms of his distrust, and has the least willingness to give an authority figure the benefit of the doubt, or even just to be polite to them. Peregrine and Foxglove both actively disrupt law (Foxglove out of a sense of goodness and justice; Peregrine because he likes doing illegal shit too much), but they are also both more likely to be polite, and Foxglove would like to at least give them a chance to prove him wrong first - Peregrine doesn't care as much as long as he can get away with what he's trying to do, and will actively work with authority if they can be, well, persuaded somehow to look the other way.

Quil might act otherwise, but he really mind sharing, and with a lot of things i think he's probably quite happy to give you a piece of something he has or something like that, even if he puts up a big front about it (frankly, he's often going "UhhIHGHHGhhGH ffiIIiinnNNEee" and doing something nice before anyone has even asked for anything; he just picks up on the fact that it would be helpful to do and does it, but. yknow. hes got a reputation to uphold, cant have people thinkin he's gone soft). With kids, he sees no reason to act like the big attitude tough guy, and will just gladly share if they ask for something.

there are a few things he doesn't like to let people borrow, touch, or otherwise share with him, of course -- unless he gives you explicit permission right then and there, don't mess with his violin. he doesn't let people touch his earrings very often, and don't even think about touching his little sister's necklace - not that you'll ever even see it, necessarily; he usually tucks it under his shirt and out of sight. i don't think this is really that unreasonable, though; everybody's got something that's just too special to really want others interacting with.