Show Me Your Scientists~!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by octotrooper

can be mad scientists, bioligists, chemists, ANYTHING!! i just adore scientists so much!

heres my mad scientist girlie Rosie. shes a few crumpets short of a tea party oops 

sorry if somebody has done this before ;u; lmk!

Sophie the dragon Tarnish

After she was used and tossed aside, she got PISSED and began to take up science among other research areas to plot revenge. She's constantly experimenting within the areas of chemistry and biology

Oslac "Oz" Everheart RabbitJaguar

I have

A whole team of them

But this guy is the boss, so you can read about the other five through the links within his profile   


He is a geologist 

Feux selenite

This guy's a scientist on the technological side, somewhat of a mad scientist. His ex partner is a scientist too but left him after he went a bit too far :)

Lieselotte Lunalis StarButterfly

She's a scientist of sorts! Well.. More like someone who loves everything there is to know about bones! She thinks they're the most amazing thing the human body (or elf body or... whatever have you body) can create! I'm still working on her to get her personality a bit more to how I envision her but yea! 

She exchanges medical care or whatever for bones

Shomur + Origin OrcinusKapros

Shomur likes fusing different animals/people (and occasionally other things) together and seeing what happens. Usually not anything good but thats alright : )

Shomur looks like that because thats what happens when you start out extremely underfunded but you still want to see what happens if you stick some animal genes into a human. And then you fuck up your experimentation in the process but manage to not do anything so bad you die


I have my boy Keaton!! He's actually a part of an Innovation Inc AU (innovation inc is a roblox game) I'm working on!

 Mercade Bianchi AstroVampire

Dr Bianchi is an astronomer and astrophisists. Hes also an alien born on Earth his parents from galaxies. Works with NASA, ESO and other space stations. He studies Planets, asteroids and other galaxies

Myrane Dinlos

Amaia is a biochemist, Myrane is a xenologist and Zan is a doctor.

z nebulynn

my baby!!! she started out as me wanting a stereotypical 'mad scientist' character but i've gradually fleshed her out more and more and here we are! <3