In one sentence..

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Neon-Grid

...Describe your character!

This usually helps me as a guideline on what I want people to see of my character. You can of course do more than one character if you have! I'm curious to know how everyone explain their character in a nutshell c:


.Also I'm new so I've no idea what Im doing... Just exploring while my own character is still in development.

 False Sense Of Security FoxSoup

A cheerful, optimistic Eevee cyborg of sorts who loves to make new friends.

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Ochotnik Isoprene

A sinister, flirtatious magician who's having an unironically great time hanging out on a prison planet!

Valencia zeeziez

A sassy fox who has a judging mouth that won't shut up, and is a neat-freak prone to mild kleptomania.

Agatha Thales Isoprene

A kind-hearted woman with a love of reading whose life just won't stop spinning out of control!


The token blonde rich bitch mean girl cliche.


An elegant, stubborn guardian angel who believes solely on fate.

 Bonita Howell primskorv

An angry, acne-riddled horse-faced piece of shit fueled by rage and an insatiable hunger for cheese fries

Jing Hong Isoprene

A former professor in Heaven who dropped everything to get a job in Hell after it became apparent to him that his former employers were irredeemable.

Smiles Conjunx

basically a perfectionist that can't keep his mouth shut about what he thinks is wrong 

Kenzie Naxos Necronomeow

An easily angered hellhound that has no remorse or shows mercy to anyone.

Beck royal_jelly

The most un-bek-like bek you will ever see, don't let him in or he'll eat all your chips. 

Kotoro TeddyChuu

A socially withdrawn healer dealing with PTSD and depression

Riley Raiju cosmonautiks

A tired young adult who's just trying to get by, and is happy with a simple life.

 Irado GhostlyArtz

I died then woke up being able to see dead people and now I have stalkers.