In one sentence..

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Neon-Grid

...Describe your character!

This usually helps me as a guideline on what I want people to see of my character. You can of course do more than one character if you have! I'm curious to know how everyone explain their character in a nutshell c:


.Also I'm new so I've no idea what Im doing... Just exploring while my own character is still in development.

Lapas Akira_Misaki

A wandering boy who has a fascination with the unexplored!

Kasai Swizzle

A wandering kirin spirit who judges the souls of the departed to determine their place in the afterlife.

Lilu Rumby

Lilu is the messiest artist and designer

Valence Polix Isoprene

The cyborg grandma you've always wanted, or maybe not because she's not exactly the most fun person ever...

Haimon SuperStar2361

an undead teenage boy who lives on his own in a forest, sleeps all day and has no memories of when he was alive.

Delilah Blümberg afroscorpio

Jewish inventor who's extremely smart, extremely dorky, and likes weaponry a little too much.

Kanila Swizzle

An honest, motherly nurse shark hybrid who is (what else?) a nurse and second-in-command aboard a pirate ship of other similar fish hybrids.

Larya Tayl Isoprene

An inter-dimensional catgirl thief who loves time paradoxes and sweet, sweet cash.

Shakuru Shank TheLadyAnatola

Moody marine biologist who has varying success with meditating his anger issues away.

Bunny Isoprene

A mysterious, almighty rabbit who likes to be pals with both heroes and villains alike!

Auro & Callisto Akira_Misaki

Shy, nervous vampire boy, accompanied by a snarky crow demon, who hates drinking from live humans.

Apollon Unresponsive

a unicorn that only allows terrible to people to come near it, and is thus eternally in unfortunate situations. 

Wormwood baliset

A nervous angel who was terrible at guarding humans, and ended up being reassigned as the Antichrist's parole officer.

Charity SuperStar2361

some sort of deity that lives in the same realm as all the angels in my characters' universe and has the ability to give humans magical powers, which is actually a pretty useless power at the moment because nobody knows how to get from the 'angel realm' to the realm where all the humans live in yet.

Narcisse Akira_Misaki

Shit for brains demon who likes to seduce people with his exotic languages and appearance and is a horrible drunk.