Any form of long-term body-sharing is welcome here! Haunted/possessed characters, characters with DID, symbiotes/hosts, characters who just happen to be in the same brain... anything else you can think of. 

I'm especially interested in characters in the same body who look after and care about each other, or who otherwise have learned to work together. :o


Willow and her twin sister Wendy are connected in the brain somehow and often think the same, act the same and are the same. They can even fuse into one. Willow + Wendy are demigods of the elements fire and ice. =>

Also, Robert and Shadow used to be the same person but split in half. Robert forgets everything about his past, Shadow remembers but keeps that a secret. Sometimes Shadow will possess Robert and it makes him feel more whole, Robert really doesn’t like it though and tries to keep Shadow away.

Sakura Oni polkadot

Saku fits the criteria! She has been created by the wrath of a deceased young girl, and the current host body materialized and holds both their souls! Saku's soul is created out of pure rage and vengeance, so most of the time she's the dominant soul, but the young girl named Inoue sometimes takes over!

 Yami entipikal

I don't have him on Toyhouse but Yami shares a body (most of the time) with an unfortunate human named Yan. Possession happened, and whoops they were accidentally bound together, and even though Yami can leave his body sometimes he can't go very far. Their dynamic is fun because despite the situation they're really good friends 

Robi Tribal CaptainRobi

Robi and Renien, two entirely different souls, one body. The former has greater control over the over while the latter strives for control. As a result, he experiences terrible headaches.

NV PicklePantry

I mentioned earlier on this thread that my Sin characters share their bodies with the Sins' souls, especially NV. NV wasn't meant to house a Sin's soul, so that made them easily manipulated by Envy's influence. Most of the time anything NV does is goaded on by Envy, who's constantly talking in their mind and influencing their thoughts.

N/A SketchBookWonders

This character of mine shares a second head, although I sadly don't have a name for them yet.

Myra Dreadmire Lord_Karoshi

Myra is a cyborg who canonically shares her body with repurposed AIs to assist her in combat. The only one that I have is Devill who is actually an adopt bought with Gaia gold. Will create some but need to flesh out her character and create a crew first.

🐍 alkinis 🐍 loitering

Not sure if this counts, but Alkinis here has two heads! The green head is more grumpy than the white one though!

 Zeve GoodKnight

Zeve was possessed by an “angel” who tries to convince him to be a better person. He finds it more annoying than helpful though. It can’t completely take him over but it sometimes causes him to act weird. They’re stuck together and he’s slowly getting more angel-ish features