Pros and Cons of dating your OC

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 months, 6 days ago) by Hag

just saw this on tumblr and thought it'd be hilarious to consider for anyone/everyone!!!


so instead of getting asked, just go ahead and post who you're talking about and their pros and cons!

bonus points if your character answers this IC. (cause we all know some of these OCs are huge liars and boasters lol)

Alyka scoutsfire


- will buy you coffee @ starbucks 

- makes you playlists

- sends u heart emojis

- c u d d l e s

- loves and cherishes u

- a big sweetheart


- really loud lmao

- doesn’t sleep

- worries a shit ton

- kinda dumb lol 

 Kalayo superdeadaccount



-funny and wants you to have fun with him

-will (metaphorically since he's technically immortal) die for you


- probably won't be physically attracted to you unless you're fat because he's 100% a chubby chaser

-gotta be careful while snuggling because his feathers and wings are made of 1000+ degree fire

-refuses to admit he's biromantic for some reason which is weird considering he's openly trans

Michelle Jamz_CreativeCorner


  • Very Loyal
  • Pretty Sexy
  • Loves taking risks
  • romantic
  • Open and Honest
  • Loves trying new things in bed
  • Loves Cuddles


  • Very clingy 
  • Overthinks everything you say
  • Other people will flirt with her (This may be a problem for jealous people)
  • She has a denial problem
  • She loves taking risks, so I wonder who she taking with her  (YOU)
(Even though she has a lot of cons if you talk it out with her she will probably change slowly depending on how you talk to her. Just don't take to long, once you see warning signs do something about it)

IC: Wait wait why do you like me? And I'm not clingy or have any denial problems. Do you think I'm clingy? Do you think I'm denial? Then why do you want to be with me then Just be romantic or a least try and ill be happy. just tell me what I'm doing wrong and NEVER lie to me.  

Luca sivanhe


-Big strong arms, good for huggin/cuddlin

-Will protecc u with his life

-Loves to joke around

-Will carry you if you're too tired to walk



-Can be lazy

-Is a little oblivious

-Can get pretty emotional, esp after an argument

-Hella heavy due to his musculature, so if he lies on top of you (it's a playful thing) you're probably gonna be crushed

Gingko muwi


  • will make sure you're always fed
  • is a good big spoon and little spoon
  • hella romantic
  • is super into that soft shit like drying your hair for you and loving you a whole bunch
  • smart gorl who will have deep philosophical discussions with u
  • dumbass at heart
  • your Pokemon will probably love her more than you
  • she may or may not kick your ass in a Pokemon battle
  • only several tiers above a doormat but still quite passive
  • doesn't say how she feels so you gotta figure it out yourself sometimes
  • when she angery u gotta get out of there
  • dumbass at heart
“Say” Yossei Catharsi sweetchocoprince

♥ blunt (funnily so), tough, bossy and snooty. if you need someone to take charge, he's usually obstinate.
♥ demonic bones. his bones can't break, so he's pretty reliable.

♥ good at making money and finding resources. he's a good scout and tactical hand.
♥ emotionally crazy most of the time, which is fun if you enjoy high energy and loud/outgoing personalities.
♥ dominant willpower, he doesn't know how to contain himself which can be exciting.

♥ hardheaded, in a cute but troublesome way. he's not smart when it comes to feelings and can get you hurt.

♥ reckless, because he's a tad headstrong, hyper and macho acting. tiresome to worry about at times (unless you like that).
♥ psychotic, he's irrational when super angry or pumped up and can be frightening.
♥ emotional and rigid, he's sometimes too hard on himself and others

“Say” Yossei Catharsi sweetchocoprince

♥ blunt (funnily so), tough, bossy and snooty. if you need someone to take charge, he's usually obstinate.
♥ demonic bones. his bones can't break, so he's pretty reliable.

♥ good at making money and finding resources. he's a good scout and tactical hand.
♥ emotionally crazy most of the time, which is fun if you enjoy high energy and loud/outgoing personalities.
♥ dominant willpower, he doesn't know how to contain himself which can be exciting.

♥ hardheaded, in a cute but troublesome way. he's not smart when it comes to feelings and can get you hurt.

♥ reckless, because he's a tad headstrong, hyper and macho acting. tiresome to worry about at times (unless you like that).
♥ psychotic, he's irrational when super angry or pumped up and can be frightening.
♥ emotional and rigid, he's sometimes too hard on himself and others


oops i think i posted that twice, what happened? :x should i delete one??;;

 Kite Avallone 2334242xiao_

I wanted to do one for Nilo specifically but considering how Nilo is a blank canvas unless of course you are looking to start a relationship with the hunger/lust facet of the Phoebean - Deimo demon God, Mars. (which I would wonder why unless you think interspecies relationship - especially with intersex creatures is congenial in any sense then its all on you!) 


-> Modest, kind-hearted and sincere. He will never usually lie to you and if he does, he will cave in a few days to months depending on the severity of the lie. 

-> Superficially desirable. As the leader and the main face of his former band, his body is conditioned to be cat nip especially for young teenage girls. His features may be odd but a lot of precious ONS partners mentioned that she liked his eyes on her. 

-> Prioritizes you over everything. Yes, this man would be willing to jump in front of a speeding train for you without hesitation. 

-> Family oriented. Enough said about that, he is very family knitted and committed to serious growing relationship. 

-> Musically inclined. He is a great singer and a guitar player. 

-> Experienced top. He has never done it with guys and did it a lot with girls during his younger years. Despite being Bisexual it is assumed he prefers women over guys. This can easily be changed when someone of the same sex piques his interest more than the usual. 


-> Inability to get a permanent job becauss of his trauma. You'd have to be the one providing stable income to support him or help him through his problems and get him working again. 

-> Drug addict. He had marks all over his body from consistent drugs injections. Your house will be smelling like a drug den if he comes around often. (he won't do drugs in front of his friends or his S. O but he has this lingering scent of narcotics to him.) 

-> Naive and easy to persuade. He is quite easy to control especially when you are friends. Its because of this he gets wrapped up in bad shit. 

-> Cultist bg. (this is actually connected to several other characters. Just pm me I you'd like the info on this. It's mind fuck.) 

 Sir se1f-ish


-Will buy you literally anything you want(he’s rich and likes to flex)

-Gives the best hugs and is a pretty good kisser

-Has a really good singing voice and WILL sing you to sleep

-Will do anything to protect you at all costs

-Willing to live for you, but also willing to die for you

-Can and will kill anyone who you hate/isn’t nice to you

-Very big on going on dates and will do whatever you’d like

-Always willing to cuddle with you

-Cute pet names


-Has LOTS of mental issues

-Will get sad and distance himself from you

-Feels inadequate and constantly needs reassurance, which can come across as clingy

-Will either tell you everything that’s going on with him or nothing at all, no in between

-Gets very depressed when drunk

-Smokes a lot, constantly smells of it too

-Doesn’t allow pills/tablets in his house, if you get sick, it’s liquid or you’re not taking it home

-Doesn’t like listening to any music but his own, you have to steal the aux from him or you’re not getting him to listen to it

-Super stubborn

-It’s hard for him to be comfortable around his partners, and he might fall out of feelings with you quickly if that doesn’t change

Lavender lolgalileo


1. I love her shes my precious reptilian gorl

2. we like all the same stuff

3. pretty eyes uwu


1. those arms take up hella space

2. shes canonically balding

3. i'd probably be judged for dating a lizard??