Pros and Cons of dating your OC

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 months, 6 days ago) by Hag

just saw this on tumblr and thought it'd be hilarious to consider for anyone/everyone!!!


so instead of getting asked, just go ahead and post who you're talking about and their pros and cons!

bonus points if your character answers this IC. (cause we all know some of these OCs are huge liars and boasters lol)

Persimmon Aarix


  • he's your dream spouse


  • he looks Like That
  • people will throw things at him when youre out on a date
  • if you touch him you'll die :^(
Nick mastertypodyas


  • Will be very straightforward with you
  • Will actually show you how to have a fun night out
  • Will help you with practical things like maintaining your car
  • Will try to woo you with grand gestures
  • Will protect you at all costs
  • Will be an adventurous and loving daddy
  • Will show you literally every skill he learned as an Eagle Scout
  • Will have no reservations in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Will do weird things to avoid boredom
  • Will be awkward in emotionally-charged situations
  • Will gradually become hysterical without Dunkin' Donuts and cigarettes
  • Will get lots of speeding tickets and likes to honk his horn
  • Will get bored of talking or debating for hours
 Pei Jian Yadian Gipsy_Danger


  • He will love you to the point that you wish him to leave you alone.
  • Buy you everything you want without considered! You want a Lamborghini?? No big deal! You want that Gucci dress?? One second! You want something illegal AF that promised to send you in jail for years?? Just name it and he will get it for you!
  • Saber knows how to cook but only Asian dishes in general, good enough tho!
  • Overprotective boyfriend. Will never betray you!
  • Despite of losing an eye and have scars all over, Saber still a handsome U30 man with quite muscular body.
  • Extremely good in bed (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) Since he a Jaeger, ya know, he can go for quite a long time till you tired and satisfied. 
  • Saber is a love-sick psychopath, he love you too much that if you are run away from him....better just kill yourself first. Because you can't run or even hide, Saber is a Jaeger, he knows exactly where are you! His obsession over you is pretty dangerous cause it turned him into a predator.
  • He have a taste for a toxic relationship so heavy violence, argument and even an actual fight is right down his alley. Saber will abuse you if he want to, you do not order him what to do, he owned you.
  • Saber addicted to cigarette, he can smoke up to ten packs PER day! You cannot tell him to quit it, cause he won't. His stress level always on the highest level and he needs cigarette to calm himself down.
  • Because he is overprotective, Saber easily getting jealous over any other people who 'too close' to you and might end up murder them. But do not mistake Saber as a Yandere, he wasn't one. He only reclaims what belong to him. To the point that he will kill you if he cannot control himself anymore.
  • Selfish, arrogant, stubborn and annoying is the correct words to describe this man.
  • About things happened on bed, don't even think about anything gentle or sweet. Saber is violent, impatient and will bring a lot of pain to you to show his domination. He wouldn't mind making you bleed while making love with you, a serious injury is what I'm talking about. Also, Saber is a sex-addicted as well but it getting better nowadays!
  • Unless you are Dragon Lord, he won't care for you.
Vesta Ellsworth Architeuthid


my wlw friends assure me she is very attractive

will fight anyone who messes with you, physically and verbally

very interesting to hang around! she has lots of ideas, both to rant about and to do. 

s t r o n k. could probably carry you around. could be a con but it's up to you.

indecisive about where or what to eat? don't worry! Vesta can make that choice for you. or any choice, really. but especially where to eat. (that really good restaurant in Portland; Duckfat. the lines are long but she's really good at convincing people to let her skip them.)


very bad at talking about her feelings or taking the initiative on romantic matters, a change from her norm.

ethically sketchy: she won't drug you but that still could be a concern

incredibly stubborn. good luck changing her mind on anything.

has weird mind control eyes so there goes the "staring longingly into each other's eyes" trope unless you want to zone out in two seconds

does not sleep. this is bad. if you can get her to sleep then I am very proud.

Mimic Zeyphr


-Store stuff in her!

-Garbage disposal

-Will stay close to you

-Chest puns!

-Easy to impress

-Big uwu's

-Don't have to feed her often




-Sometimes cares too much

-it hurts when she bites!

-Cries blood when she cries too hard and you have to clean up the mess

-Is a force to be reckoned with

-Sometimes doesn't like herself

-Needs to perform yearly sacrifice in October

chit rosecoloredgutz


Very chill. Not the jealous type at all and will never be uptight about anything

Positive. Will try his best to cheer you up whenever you're down

Fun. Loves to party and loves hosting them (although this could be a con for introverts)

Affectionate. Will want to touch you all the time. Loves doing sappy romantic stuff.

...two gross words. service. top.  👀

Strong. Will be able to protect you!


Maybe a bit too chill at times. Doesn't take many things seriously. Probably in serious debt and doesn't give a shit.

Has commitment problems. Surrounded by hot people a lot and is used to sleeping with whoever he wants whenever he wants. May end up breaking up with you because he's "bored".

Extremely extroverted. Will be around friends and at parties pretty much CONSTANTLY and never seems to slow down. May not be around you that much

Mischievous at times. Likes to prank people, graffiti sometimes. Harmless stuff most of the time but he can do some things for fun that aren't the most "legal".

One of these illegal activities is underground fighting. He participates in these fights often and although he barely gets seriously injured, there's always a chance it'll happen. Especially since he participates in fights with barely any rules. You'll probably never find out either unless you're around enough for him to tell you.

Christine Evelyn Anderson Cliodna


-Hot af.

-A good conversationalist, on various topics though mostly lights up when speaking of the esoteric.

-If you encounter a ghost she'll shoo it away, though first she'll make sure to take photos of it.

-Will give you good fashion and life advice

-Her son is very polite


- Expensive to maintain.

-Picky and hard to please.

-Speaks her mind, always, even if she has to cover it up with politeness. This can be a pro but becomes a con when it gets her in trouble.

-(will secretly ogle some cockney lad with big muscles)

-Has a son

Eddie Hag

-Can be attentive if you interest him
-Definitely will protect you if he's attached
-Depending on one's attitude, he'd go to the ends of the earth to make you happy/feel loved. ...maybe.

-Don't make him mad. just... just saying.... not many people can tolerate flame abuse (neither can most people's living accommodations)
-Not A Good Guy
-Super self-conscious and it's freaking annoying to deal with his "bubububu no i'm not!!!!!!! i think i'm the best AcTuALLy" attitude about it

Aero Ofthyena


- When in werewolf form, he’s the ultimate body pillow

- When he says “I love you” he really means it.


- Transforming back & forth makes him very hungry. You’re gonna have a high grocery bill.

- He doesn’t have great social skills & is very awkward.

banana shoes NAVIGO


"am banana shose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


there are no cons