What does your character think of the character a-

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by  Muika Hayashi/Kita meltylandnightmare

-bove them? (title got cut off)

 NOTICE: I've been hearing that some people have been giving extremely low effort responses to people in the thread. I want to say that this is not okay, and if you're going to make a post, at least put some effort into it.
From now on, you'll have to have at two sentences in your response. I do not tolerate having low-effort responses in an attempt to just get a reply. Would you like it if somebody gave you a low-effort, two word response? No. 
If you repeatedly break this rule, punishment will be put in place. This is NOT acceptable.

UPDATE: A little thing to know! If 24 hours without a response have passed, then you may respond to your own character with another character of yours. Just a heads up.

UPDATE 2: I saw somebody do it and that inspired me! You can reply to the character above you by editing your post, if you want! 


Pretty self explanatory. You post IC, and your OC says what they think about the character above them. Then the character below them says what they think of the other character. For example...

P1 starts off with, for example, Yume. And then it basically goes like this.

P2 (Posting IC as Isamu): A bit too energetic for my tastes...

P3 (Posting IC as Marina): Just another self-righteous, smart alec prick!

You get the idea, right?

I hope this hasn't been done before. This is my first time making a forum game...

Anyway, let's begin, shall we?

Edit probably nobody would see: Wow... When I made this a year ago, I never expected it to blow up like it did. This is just insane... I made one of the most popular forum games (I think), and I didn't even realize how big it would grow when I made it. It was my first one, too! Thanks, all!

 Stormy fangmeat

[There's no better way to absolutely break an imaginary friend's heart than to meet a child who has had a rough upbringing. The kid doesn't even have to say anything, it's just an imaginary's instinct.]
[Stormy's lethargic eyes squint and glance to the side as her heart sinks into her stomach. She's not Adriel's imaginary, but she isn't deprived of acts of kindness! So, the doll's hand fishes around in the back of her coil scarf and pulls out a semi-cool root beer in a glass bottle, capped with some branded smiley face from the world she's from. She gives the cap a good twist or two and pops it off, and hands Adriel the cool drink wordlessly.]

If you don't want it, you can just toss it. Getting stuff from strangers is weird, I know.. You just look like you could use it more than me, kiddo.

[After that short interaction, her eyes turn towards the knight in plushie armor held tight in Adriel's arms and she gives it a gentle pat on the head.]

Take care of him, sir knight. 

RAW reinapepiada

Oh, at first glance I thought you'd be closed off and cold but... You seem very caring. I-I mean, n-nothing wrong with being closed off, or cold. I know cold myself, it doesn't need to be bad. Actually, you remind me of a friend I hav- No, a friend I used to have. He had a scarf just like you... Ha ha, that's interesting... I've never felt such melancholy in a while. But something tells me you're plagued with that around you... I'm sorry... I don't want to add up to that. It's not useful, and it's not something you need in your life...


 "I didn't think angels truly existed in this world, although, you look different from what I'd imagine. You also apologize too much, but that's fine... I'm sure you're a good being, despite whatever you may have been through."

 Leo Greymalkin BlankStorefront

Leo stares on, looking terrified. He has a pretty negative gut reaction to the cat ears and tail, which he notices might be real. He can't imagine even saying anything right now. All that slips out his mouth is a very quiet, high-pitched groan.

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Doritos reinapepiada

Hey! Um... [This is awkward. How can he try to be encouraging when he's almost in the same place as Shade?] You look cool! I like the unkempt look! Never seen an imp before, but I guess I'm familiar with being all pointy, heh.

 Lyrette Bellerose Papes

"Holy heck you look like you got yourself into some really deep shit, kiddo."

Lockett jellolas

The bunny stared at the ghostgirl with a critical eye, feeling his leg begin to detach itself once more (the third time that day!) from the rest of his body. Rubbing his hand against his chin as he feigned some sort of intellectual epiphany, and with a snap of his fingers spoke: "You're short." 

Hattie Cecile Isoprene

Please be more careful with your limbs. If I trip over one, I'm going to be annoyed...

 Royale jetsetspy

 Royale gestured excitedly as her claws, horns, and spikes began to glow a bright blue, "Ya look so bored! Lighten up a bit!"

Krauss Dianxia

"AH! Very bright and shiny, so shiny...! Give me a strand of your hair! It'd be perfect for experiments, ah so shiny!!"

Sonya tori34

*pokes Krauss*

"Hehe, what a cute birdie!"

Michael Roseriddle reinapepiada

hey, you look like a cool one! what's up with those... thingies you got on top of your head? are they horns? that's sick! and you're a raptor rider? haha i don't know what that means, but it sounds sick too!

 Leon shikyoriipaa

"Ah.. You look friendly since you seem to smile quite a bit and you're talkative... Your clothing looks pretty comfortable too.." Leon mumbled on. "..You could possibly be a friend to me." 




(( Would someone be able to ping me if they replied? ;;;; I just wanna see what their character says/thinks of him))

Leon Summers bulgariansumo


"What a coinky-dink! We have the same name! And we're about the same age! A model? That sounds cool! I don't think I'd make a very good one; I'm not the most stylish guy alive. Hey! You seem to be kind of alone, would you like a friend?"