Rate the Character Design Above You (GAME)

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by NoLongerInUse

A simple and sweet concept for those who are second-guessing their Character designs. Simialir to a Character Rating thread, this will more focus on the Design rather than the backstory or any information of the character. That way you can secure a great design before you set them up in a story or even an RP. (I do realize many people prefer to get their story done before locking down on a design, but this is for those who don't or are just looking to get advice on their designs.)


❀This is a friendly thread where others look for advice. Unless they want harsh critiques, please be respectful.

❀Try to avoid rating the same character multiple times.

❀The Character you post to be rated must have a Full-Body piece of art.

❀NSFW Characters are allowed to be shown here, just give a warning in your comment.

❀Rate the Character, not the art.

❀Ratings are given out of ten with an explanation. If you don't do so, you will get a warning.

❀Only post one character at a time by using the IC option.

❀Do not post Characters that do not belong to you.

❀Please put effort when it comes to rating a character. Don't just slap in "I like their colors!" as the only reason. Go into depth and try to find both the pros and cons of each design. If you want people to explain their ratings with good reasoning, do the same. A minimum of 3 sentences would be a good rule to go by when it comes to rating a character.

❀Have fun~!


Basic Form to Use when Posting (Red = For Them, Green = For You)






(Posted as 'Dainty' IC)

RATING(1-10): 8/10

EXPLAIN RATING: I do love the colors, though the face design looks a little plain compared to the rest of the character. I would suggest adding some accessories or maybe even spicing up the face with a unique mark? Maybe a cute black mole in the shape of a heart under her right eye?


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Not eaxactly in the MLP world, but I added him to Ponies just cause he's similair.


Pantaleon Satyrical

RATING(1-10): 9

EXPLAIN RATING: I love her design! The kind of cold colors are very pleasing to look at and i really like the way you incorporated the draconic elements into her design. The only thing bothering me is her eye color - in my opinion it clashes a bit with the rest of the colors.


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: He´s a satyr and possible son of Dionysus that spends his time drinking wine and partying it up. He has a softer side to himself though - he´s very self conscious and clumsy.

(EO/$700 BUNDLE) Karri MindKiller

RATING(1-10): 8

EXPLAIN RATING: I really love the colors. I think they work really well together. Plus he’s a satyr, I love uncommon humanoids! He looks so soft, I love it! ❤️


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: He is a cat boy. :) Japanese inspired attire.

Carmen kowarii

RATING(1-10): 9/10

EXPLAIN RATING: Gorgeous colour scheme, memorable design, strong personality through the design, and he's just so dang cute! The only reason he lost a point is because I have a little bit of an issue with the practicality of the clothing (it looks phenominal and very unique, it's just the gravity-defying sleeves ;; ). That being said he is so aesthetically pleasing and seems like he'd be a dream to work on x


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Carmen is a succubus character who is drawn to all things elegant and opulent. I wanted her to have a simple design~

Erika MotherRat

RATING(1-10): 8/10

EXPLAIN RATING: I'm quite a fan of the outfit, it's giving me old greek fawn in the modern age? vibe if you can catch my drift. The flowers on her horn are also a nice touch and give her a great silhouette. The only reason i have an 8 was due to the fact that theres no information about her, so i don't know her backstory/likes/personality which can affect the design. 


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: A character from the Nightvale universe, please check this wikipedia page over before review


RATING(1-10): 1/10

EXPLAIN RATING: There is nothing inherently wrong with the basis of the design, it's fine. However nothing stands out to me or makes the character memorable enough :<


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: They're a Minecraft based OC, the original idea I had for them was that they'd help aid the player as a sort of NPC, and follow the player around. They have immunity to cats and you can trade with them : ). As far as their personality goes they're just pretty stupid and quirky

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Joanne Nakano Akeya

RATING(1-10): 8/10

EXPLAIN RATING: I think Artemis is a greatly written character and along with that, a great design as well. From the shade of his choice of purple to even the constant scowl he has on his face really do give off the “evil villain grrrr,” moniker. The only reason he isn’t a 10 is personal taste. I really like his design, but I’m still driven towards more anime-looking characters. Anyways, yeah. Artemis is great. Love him, just not my cup of tea in terms of design. 


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: I think she was the first character I wrote first then designed. I really just wanted to make her super hot so that her actions could actually happen if she wanted it to. 

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Xylo heftylesbian

RATING(1-10): 9

EXPLAIN RATING: She’s very pretty and her color palette stands out! I love her outfit as well as how she’s artistic. I think that maybe she could have a bit more of her hat’s color put throughout her outfit? Maybe as jewelry or something so it’s not just there, but honestly it’s a great design as is. She stands out to me in terms of human designs in general, and I love how her outfit is astrology inspired.


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: She is a vampire Frankenstein sort of character who is a bounty hunter. She thinks she’s funny, but she really isn’t. She doesn’t take herself very seriously and her girlfriend likes her because of that.

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Sirius JadeWizard

RATING(1-10): 8/9

EXPLAIN RATING: Her design is gorgeous! The creams and dark browns go together so well and nothing clashes, perfect in the color department. The design itself is a little simple and seems easy to redraw over and over again, it's a good thing in my opinion. But...maybe you could add some more accessories? I dunno maybe a gold and ruby necklaces? Maybe give her some high-heels or stilettos? They look nice and she can stab people with the shoes. I was thinking you could add some blood stains on her but that's seems little ooc for her. Gotta keep her fur clean ya know?


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Chaotic Good Warlock caught in a war against crazy zealots. I don't hate his design but I'm not satisfied though.

🦋 Mori RatKingUmi

rating: 6/10

Ok I wanted to start with some positives. Firstly I just wanted to appreciate that hella spiky hair, it is really unique and not a style I see very often in characters, I like the black and white look of his hair too, and in his Cape there is that lovely minimal red which stands out nicely against his desaturated clothing.

However, I was contemplating the idea of him being a warlock and I dont really think his aesthetic fits this role. I think your base is good and it is certainly a good character start, but you could add more little fragments of that red to really pop out on his design, or even pick one or two more colours to give him an expressive colour palette. You could add some different accessories; I find accessories are truly a great way to read who a character is: gloves, belts, jewelry, does he hold any potions or warlocky things? Or even add patterns and buckles along his boots or the sleeves along his arm? Idk haha

This boy is really lovely though, 10/10 would hug him >.<

 my character: Angelus

Angelus is an alien a little inspired by an beta fish... but fluffier.

Marik von Sanguin Satyrical

RATING: 8/10
WHY: I LOVE his design SO MUCH, but it feels like the prosthetic arm is a bit out of place?

ANYTHING YOUD LIKE TO SAY: A bitchyy vampire prince.

 *Ira 🍇 Aelarys

RATING(1-10): 7

EXPLAIN RATING: I'm a fan of light colors and I absolutely love the white hair, brows and lashes, they also look really good with his eyes!

The white clothes are also really fitting, I love characters with similar colors and having no contrast makes him look really soft.

The crown is also really pretty, silver stuff looks perfect with that palette.

The thing I do not like that much are the turquoise pattern on his ears, since I prefer natural colors specially when it comes to humanoids. The cyan picked for his nails on the other artworks is super bright, and it doesn't look bad, but I believe a softer hue could work better.


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Noodle on feathers and teef, that's it

Wiley Messer aidenopossum

RATING(1-10): 9

EXPLAIN RATING: Now, personally, I tend to not use or really like feral characters all that much, but Ira is an exception! i really love her plumage; the purplish-to-teal-to-white transition in its colors is really pleasing to the eye imo!! I also think her horns are cute... And I tend to like dragons more on the noodly side. The one thing I'm not so sure about is pink being the color for the legs. I think I would've gone with orange, personally. She's got a great design overally, though!!


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: He's soft country boy uwu He's got a tab for his wolf form; you don't have to include that form in your rating process, but you can if you want!