Ask a question to the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Amvira varkarrus

So it'll go like this: A person posts a question to the above user's OC. Then, after a new person posts a question, the first person edits their post to have an answer.


Something like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

then Person A edits their post so it's like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?
No, I absolutely could not take Goku on in a fight, have you seen that guy?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


EDIT: Try and ask questions that lead to the development of characters!

EDIT2: Cant believe this needs to be said, but make your posts legible!!!!

EDIT3: Also. Read the person's profile before you ask a question!
Follow these rules or I'll implement a banlist!


I'll edit this post to include a response to the next person's question, once somebody posts!

(re: "Do you enjoy sitting in a garden to relax?")
"A garden? Pfeh! What kind of pansy-ass garbage is that? Lemme tell you how I relax! A warm, musty couch, some snacks, and video games! Hah!" ((But to be honest, she might enjoy just lounging around under a tree on a hot day))

Samoa Doughnut Wye

"Have ya ever accidentally bit your tongue before?"

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This user is not visible to guests.
Wiz Bluesulfur

"Gee, bein a kid stuck all on his own must get lonely :-( what do you do for fun without anybody to play with?" 

This user is not visible to guests.
Balthazar dandikix

"What's wrong with your face my guy? Is that supposed to be a visual effect or what? How can you see? I almost feel bad for you."


"I really like... The heart shaped ones... I think they're cute, shut up."

Zyta IronyMobile

Are there any particular sea shells that Balthazar has an interest in?


“I would plan more family gatherings if I could, but that seems unlikely.”

 ★ bones soupmugs

Is there anything she would change about her life on the countryside?


" Though there aren't many I miss, those I miss in particular are the Elder Mages, who treated me as if I was their own daughter. "

This user is not visible to guests.
This user is not visible to guests.
April Mehta HAIRSPRAY72

" is your face just like that always? What even happened to get that to occur??"


April is just there for job reasons, all the balls are too tiny for ick to play much anyway

✟ Abraxos RayEnigma

Since April works as a bowling alley attendant, what does she think about this sport? Would she like to play it someday herself, or is she just there for the sake of having a job?


All he can do is twist his head and neck unnaturally, while not a lot it looks fun, wheeze

Ilay dandikix

"Yoooo your neck is so epic, can you do any tricks with it?"

"Yes i do! Well, i never tried to make a robot before, but i did built a motorcycle from scratch!" 

Alexander billiam

"You work at a tech shop? Does that mean you know how to make things like robots?"

"It's practice mostly, practice and concentration. They're fairly simple to deal with provided I'm not too anxious...But I have pricked myself a few times when I haven't been paying attention."

Vaxas Cyprus Tavrinth xiabrine

"how do you tame the quills in your hair? sounds like a bit of a nuisance."