Ask a question to the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Amvira varkarrus

So it'll go like this: A person posts a question to the above user's OC. Then, after a new person posts a question, the first person edits their post to have an answer.


Something like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

then Person A edits their post so it's like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?
No, I absolutely could not take Goku on in a fight, have you seen that guy?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


EDIT: Try and ask questions that lead to the development of characters!

EDIT2: Cant believe this needs to be said, but make your posts legible!!!!

EDIT3: Also. Read the person's profile before you ask a question!
Follow these rules or I'll implement a banlist!


I'll edit this post to include a response to the next person's question, once somebody posts!

(re: "Do you enjoy sitting in a garden to relax?")
"A garden? Pfeh! What kind of pansy-ass garbage is that? Lemme tell you how I relax! A warm, musty couch, some snacks, and video games! Hah!" ((But to be honest, she might enjoy just lounging around under a tree on a hot day))


what is her favorite genre of music?

Sling LimeDiamond

What's your favorite thing about the rainforest?


“Oh, me? I’m nothing more than your worst nightmare.

But if you REALLY want to know, I’m simply a spider, but better. Not one of those poor tiny ones you smash with a newspaper, no, I’m humanoid.”

Valnier Reikslot ProfessionalDumbass

"What in the name of the god king ARE YOU????"

Salamander Void_Lizard

I absolutely need to know more about the ant thing. The only image with one mentions that ant would be his only friend later, how long do they live? Do his people tame them regularly, or is he odd for his ability? Does he treat them like tools, pets, or friends?

"It's non-stop. We like to have fun with it though, helps make it more of a fun little joke instead of a constant annoyance." Salamander smirks, then shakes his head a bit. "Someone almost shot him once, thinking he was me. It's generally a bit more like a, how you say, prank - people become rather alarmed after meeting one of us, only to leave the room and immediately bump into the other."

Lilium IronyMobile

(How often do people confuse your brother and yourself?)

They sign the answer to make it less complicated.

(I do not believe I have pupils. Everything is in focus, but I have to move often to visually see beyond what is apparent. Being aware of other individuals within a certain range helps with that, but in terms of communication there can be limitations.)

Digitize Pikuseru

Does lillium have any sort of white pupils that just cant be seen? if they dont  do they see everything in focus or out of focus? (Like out of the corner of your eye sort of out of focus)


“the ones i find the most interesting are pieces of things i found in broken cars or stuff Console calls tablets!”

Eduarado aatrox

what is, or are, the most interesting object(s) digitize has collected?

the flowing scarf around his body is a keepsake from his mother, but aside from that his only real 'keepsakes' are... maybe pencils that keine gives to him or small gifts from children.

he also doesnt have a specific tailor; his dress was created by a youkai before he settled in the human village, and he just goes to anyone who can fix dresses if he needs to.

Celeste IronyMobile

Does Eduardo have any keepsakes? Alternatively as a question, does he have a specific tailor?

Rainy and otherwise sunny most likely!

❤︎Celsius❤︎ SputnikSplash

What is Celeste's favorite kind of weather? (sunny, rainy, etc.)

"Huh-? Oh, I get it hahaha! Well ironically, where I live temperature is measured in Fahrenheit it's pretty good I gotta say 👍 love being able to know what temperature stuff is- especially food of course! Wanna get that sweet delicious dinner just right, mm!"

supa drone 3000 nba

What’s Celsius’ opinion on Fahrenheit?

Dola Denisova atacalepsy

what is supa drone 3000's biggest ambition ?

- - - 

yep, and it has a lot to do with some childhood trauma. she doesn't remember any of it, however, due to her situation, so she doesn't quite have the full story herself on her selective mutism.

Devi FourEyedNerd

Is there a specific reason Dola is selectively mute?


"I noticed her abilities weren't filled in! Do you have ideas for them?"

No, not really. The most I have is a name idea - 'Divine ---' but oherwise, I have no ideas for them. I'm always open to suggestions though!

This user's account has been closed.
 remiru ayuyu

^ Can't stop imagining a furry in a courtroom. Tysm lmao

Does Alexander enjoy debating, or reading debates? If both, what's his preference?

v God i wrote a giant paragraph but the basic andwer is; there's an unrevealed someone's spirit nearby moros apartment that made remiru want to stick by her. Moro doesn't really have to take much care of remiru as she doesn't have many needs, but you can imagine she was pretty intimidated into doing what a random ass spirit floating into her house says, even if it is a dumb ribbon kid

 Hemlock VimCurio

How did she and Moro meet? What made Moro want to take it upon herself to care for her?


Great question! The valley he lives in is filled with a strange power that makes flora and fauna far stronger, which means the dye from any plants he uses is extremely potent and lasts much longer than normal. So not more than a select few times a year, with some minor touch-ups in between. However, he believes the best color comes from dirt and water rich in red iron oxide. This is because he was once a Bearded Vulture, an animal know for bathing in these mineral deposits regularly.